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Poppy had disinfected the cut across the bridge of my nose and slapped a plaster on it...literally. I narrowed my eyes at her and she smacked another plaster on my cheek.

"Aren't you supposed to be the good guy here?" I asked her and she sighed "What's got your knickers in a twist?"

"You," Poppy said "You are so careless, Harley. Is everything a joke to you?"

I shrugged "When your life sucks as much as mine then you have to make it seem like a joke or you'll end up like...you'll just be..."

"Harley" Poppy said holding my hand "You need to speak about what happened. Things can get worse if you bottle it up"

"I know," I said not looking at her "But I don't want to talk about it"

"Are you angry that Hyungwon is dead?" She said and I didn't say anything "Or are you angry that you weren't the one to kill him"

I scoffed "You don't know what you're talking about"

"I understand that you are in a bad place and it's my job to make sure that you stay away from your harmful thoughts," She said, "I just want you to-"

"Thanks for patching me up," I said getting to my feet and she stood up with me "Poppy, why do you care?"

She smiled at me "Because even annoying kids like you deserve the best in life. I became a nurse to save lives and it doesn't matter if they are physically or emotionally or mentally hurt, I want to help them all"

"Is that why you're here?"

"Yes, in a way" Poppy sighed and put her hands on my cheeks "I have a long list as to why I'm here but for now, I want to focus on making sure that you are ok and bringing down Mr. Kang. Just get on with your business and stay out of trouble"

"Trouble is what got me here Poppy," I said with a smirk "Not sure trouble can avoid me"

"Then you avoid the trouble" Poppy rolled her eyes "Go and join your friends. I'm sure they are worried about you"

"Probably" I muttered and I walked towards the door "Hey Poppy?"

"Yes, Harley?"

"What does love feel like?"

Poppy frowned at me "Being loved or being in love?"

"Doesn't matter. Thanks, Poppy" I quickly closed the door behind me and sighed "Are you some kind of idiot?"

I shook my head and made my way to the games room, where everyone was. I stepped into the room and the talking stopped and everyone turned to look at me. I tutted and carries on walking in.

"That's the girl who killed Hyungwon" I heard a girl say. I stopped in my tracks "That bitch should be sent to prison"

"What a shame he didn't kill her. I heard she murdered her brother and made it look like suicide"

"Don't do it, Harley!" Hoebag said as I turned to face the group of girls "Shit"

I grabbed hold of the first thing I saw and I swung it at her head. She screamed out in pain as the broken glass was embedded into the side of her head. As her friends jumped up to fight me, I quickly elbowed one in the face breaking her nose and I grabbed the other girl by the throat and slammed her against the wall.

"If you wanna chat shit about me, then say it to my fucking face" I shouted "You don't know me and you don't know shit about my brother or what he did. So why don't you shut the fuck up before I fucking beat the shit out of you, you ugly little bitch!"

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now