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Poppy sat in front of me with a big smile on her face and Heejun sat next to her. They hadn't said anything for a while they just watched me waiting for me to say something.

"I'm not sure I understand" I said "All my charges have been dropped?"

"Yes" Heejun said "Your lawyer was very good and-"

"But I don't have a lawyer. Can you tell me what is going on?"

Poppy sighed "Honey, you can leave the school and since you have a safe place to go back to, you can leave by the end of the week"

I could feel my hands start to shake and I jumped to my feet "I have to go now"

I quickly turned and ran. My heart felt like it was about to explode and I was happy. But at the same time I was heartbroken because I was leaving my friends behind. Friends that I never thought I would have. Friends that turned into family.

It was strange because this school caused me nothing but problems. I got beaten up every day, I got into fights and I became even more of a hoe than I was back at home. I never thought that I'd even remotely enjoy being at this fucking school but I did. Sort of. I think it was more the friends I made who turned into family. A family I never had.

I walked by groups of boys and for once they didn't say what they wanted to do with me. It was so fucking weird. I frowned and carried on walking until I saw my group of friends messing around with each other outside. It wasn't cold so a lot of guys in the school were playing football.

Hana was dancing to the music she was plugged into and Yoongi watched her with so much love I wanted to poke my eyes out. Namjoon and Jin were playing cards and I'm sure Jin was winning from how frustrated Namjoon looked, his tongue poking out. Shit. I fucked him. I could still remember how his tongue felt. Shit. This wasn't the time to think about getting some dick.

I sighed and Jimin looked up from watching them play cards.

"Where have you been sweetheart?" He asked and I sat down next to him "Harley, is everything ok?"

"Yeah. I mean everything is actually ok for once" I said quietly and I cleared my throat "What are you playing?"

"Don't know, don't care" Namjoon said "Jin is winning"

"Wanna play poker?"

"I'll play strip poker with you" Namjoon said "Cause it would be good to see you naked again"

"Oh how cute" I said "Give me the cards"

"You are playing strip poker?" Jin smirked "That is a game I'll play with you but you aren't single and I'm not getting into a fight with Hoseok"

"No, we are playing strip poker" I said shuffling the cards and Hoseok glared at me "What's wrong Hoebag?"

"You aren't playing strip poker. You aren't getting naked in front of anyone but me" He said trying to take the cards from me "Babe, give me the cards"

"Nope!" I grinned "Let's have a bet. If I lose then you have to get your kit off instead of me"

"I agree" Jimin said "I need to see that and don't give me that look. I'm sure you'd look good naked"

"Again, no one will see my naked self unless you're called Chae Harley"

"I see no Chae Harley here" Taehyung said "I only see a HQ"

I laughed "Come on or do you not trust me?"

Hoseok sighed "Fine but we can't be doing it out here. It's cold"

"Pussy" I said getting to my feet "Alright. You can all come to my room but I need to talk to Hana first"

We all turned to look at Hana who was twerking. She was so cute in her own little world and Yoongi was loving every minute of her dancing but he was writing something at the same.


My heart dropped into my stomach when Jooheon called my name and I turned to face my old group of friends.

"What the fuck do you want?" Taehyung said getting to his feet "You aren't wanted here so piss off"

"No" Shownu said "Harley we need to talk to you. Alone"

I shook my head and felt my body begin to shake. I could remember them just watching as Hyungwon beat me and then watching him as Jaeho cut the guys throat.

"Harley" Jungkook said stepping in front of me "Breathe. It's ok. Don't panic. We are here. That's it. Deep breaths"

"What are they doing here?" Hana said "Are you here to get your ass handed to you?"

"No" Wonho said "We're here to apologise. For everything. For not helping you or for letting Hyungwon almost stab you"

"No accepted" Hoseok said "You can leave or you'll end up like that dick head"

"No wait" I said "I accept your apology"

"What? Why the fuck would-"

"Because even if they helped Hyungwon I can't keep holding a grudge. I'm so fucking tired of all these games now" I said "I'm so tired of it"

I walked around Jungkook and into the arms of Wonho. He hugged me back tightly and the others joined in. I stepped away and smiled at them.

"Just so you know" I began "That if you ever try and pull that shit with me again, I'll fucking kill you"

They all smiled "Wouldn't expect any less"

"Jooheon" I said grabbing him before he walked away "Thank you"

"For what?" He frowned.

"For being the only one who tried to stop him and I'm sorry for the scar you'll have" I said "But I'm sure a battle scar is shit hot for some girls and you've still got dimples"

Jooheon smiled slightly "Look after yourself Harls. See you around"

I stood watching them walk away and Hana stood beside me.

"You know" She said quietly "If I didn't have Yoongi I would definitely go for Wonho. That ass, those thighs and that smile. Damn. He's a hottie alright"

"Ok" Yoongi said "Guess I'll have to kill him anyway"

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