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The room was quiet, and all eyes were on me.

"That's not mine!" I said, almost yelling at him "I've never carried a knife!"

Kang smirked "That's what they all say, and then they end up confessing. Take her to my office. I will deal with you later...scum"

A pair of guards grabbed my arms and I tried to throw them off.

"That knife isn't mine!" I screamed and started to push them away "Do you think I'm that fucking stupid!"

"That isn't hers!" Hana said, trying to help me "Harley isn't that type of person"

"Miss Sohn, if you don't take your hands off that piece of shit you are going to be in trouble as well" Kang snapped "Get over there with the other students!"

"Hana" I said, "It's fine"

"It isn't!" She exclaimed "Someone put that knife there"

Kang stormed forward and grabbed hold of Hana "Do as you are told"

"Hey!" I yelled as he threw her to the floor "Get the fuck off her"

Yoongi and his friends rushed to Hana, and he helped her to her feet, holding her in his arms. He was scowling at Kang. I sent a small smile to Hana. I'd be fine because once this punishment was over, I was going to ruin Kang. I didn't even care if I gave him an overdose of medication because this bastard was going down.

"Kang" Hoebag said "I was with her all day. That knife isn't hers"

"Mr Jung" Kang said putting his hands behind his back "I suggest you stay out of this. You have no power in-"

"I may not, but my parents do"

Kang chuckled "This piece of shit has nothing to do with you. Your parents are there to protect you, not her. Hurry up and take this girl to my office. I won't tell you again"

"Don't fucking touch her!" Hoebag yelled but he was held back by his friends as he tried to rush forward "Kang, you are making a big mistake"

"It's fine" I said, and my friends looked over at me "Don't look so depressed. It's not like I'm a big party animal anyway"

"HQ, you know what will-"

"I'll see you later" I muttered and one of the guards grabbed the top of my arm, a little too tight for my liking "If you don't let go of me, I am going to break every bone in that fucking hand of yours. I can fucking walk without being touched up by a creep like you"

I snatched my arm back and they pushed me into walking. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. Whoever put that knife in my bag was going to suffer. If it was Kang, which it probably was, I was going to destroy him. He was going to wish he never messed with me. I was done playing games.

Kang had locked his office door when he came in. I was sitting on the seat waiting for him to attack. I had to brace myself for whatever he threw at me. I couldn't cry in front of him because I wouldn't give that wanker the satisfaction of seeing me cry. It wouldn't be the first beating and I knew it wouldn't be the last.

"Did you really think that you could bring a knife into my school?" He said, standing behind me.

"I told you, that wasn't my knife" I said, through gritted teeth "Someone planted it"

Kang chuckled "How sweet. You think you can convince me otherwise. Do you know what happens to scum like you that break the rules?"

"We get a smack on the wrist and sent on our way?" I said. Kang grabbed my hair and yanked hard, bringing a scream out of me "Get off!"

Kang yanked me to my feet gripping my hair tightly and he slammed me against the wall. I cried out in pain and he chuckled again.

"Scum like you get punished" He hissed in my ear "I hope you realise that you are going to suffer for what you have done, Miss Chae"

"Fuck you" I spat but he thumped my head against the wall, blurring my vision slightly.

"Miss Chae" He whispered in my ear "You don't know who you are messing with. For a scumbag like you, you deserve the worst kind of punishment. A murderer like you shouldn't have been given a chance in my school. You should have been sent straight to prison for murdering your brother"

Tears pricked my eyes and I struggled in his grip "I didn't kill my brother"

"Your hands are still covered in his blood" Kang yanked on my hair, exposing my neck "I should ruin your precious body, so others will be scared to go near you"

"Get off me" I hissed, and he wrapped his arm around my neck, cutting my breathing short for a few seconds.

"But I don't want to dirty my body with yours" He chuckled "For now, I will only beat you. After all, you are damaged goods. A few more bruises won't make a difference for scum like you"

It was hard to describe the pain in my body because it was nothing like I had ever had before. Even moving my eyelids hurt. I tried to open my eyes and whimpered in pain. I then began to panic when I could only see through one eye. My right eye could only see darkness.

I struggled to sit up and I cried out in pain when my body felt like it had been set alight. Warm tears fell from my open eye and I looked around the room I was in. Machines beeped next to me and IV stands stood either side of my bed. I slowly looked at my arms and I cried out for help.

The door crashed open and a nurse rushed in as I tried to rip the needles from my arms.

"Miss Chae!" She said, "You need to take a deep breath for me. You can't rip these from your arms. You have-"

"Get me out of here!" I croaked "Let me go home"

"Miss Chae, you have-"


I looked up and saw my friends run into the room. Taehyung gently moved the nurse out the way and wrapped his arms around me, holding me softly. Jimin and Jungkook joined in with the hug, Jungkook having to kneel on the bed.

"Shit HQ" Taehyung said, "We were so scared"

I cried and held them tightly, not wanting to speak. I could hear them crying and it made me want to cry even more.

"When we saw the ambulance, we knew what had happened" Jungkook said, "That bastard beat you unconscious"

"He told the paramedics that he found you like that in your office" Jimin said, "He said that you had made some enemies and they ended up jumping you. They believed him"

They slowly let me go when someone told them too. A doctor stood at the end of the bed, a grim expression on his face.

"Miss Chae" He said, "Do you remember what happened?"

I swallowed painfully and shook my head. My friends just stared at me with wide eyes. If I told them, then he would tell the police and Kang would be under investigation. That bastard wasn't going to jail until I was through with him. He was going to suffer.

"Why...why am I here?" I asked, "And why can I only see through one eye?"

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