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A week later and I was proud of myself for not killing Hyungwon and avoiding that dick head Hoebag. Actually, I hadn't seen him for a week and I didn't bother asking his friends where he was. I didn't give a shit.

My body was still sore but the painkillers that the hospital mostly numbed my pain, so I didn't cry out in pain every time I moved. It was the same with my friends. Jimin was high as a kite most of the time and I caught him dribbling in class, but that just set Jungkook and me off. We almost popped the veins in our head trying to stop ourselves from laughing.

"If you two don't stop laughing, I will send you to Mr Kang" The teacher hissed at us.

Jimin turned to look at us and we laughed louder at the sight of dribble hanging from the corner of his mouth. I was in pain but I didn't care. It was funny and these painkillers were great.

"D-dribble!" Jungkook laughed and pointed at Jimin.

Jimin quickly wiped the corner of his mouth "Fuck you guys"

"Yes please" I cried and hugged my stomach "Oh shit! This hurts so much"

"That's it" The teacher yelled "Get out of my class right now!"

Jungkook dragged me to my feet as we carried on giggling, and we stumbled out the classroom together. By the time we reached the end of the corridor, we had practically calmed down, but I tripped over my bag and landed face first on the floor.

I yelped in pain and Jungkook fell to the floor laughing so hard that tears were streaming down his face. I bit into my lip and cursed silently.

"Help me up you bastard" I muttered and he giggled "Seriously, don't just laugh at me"

"S-sorry" He said wiping his eyes "Shit. I love these painkillers"

Jungkook helped me to my feet and dusted me off with a big grin on his face. The stupid bunny.

Taehyung waved at us as we limped over to him at lunch. He slid a tray of food in front of us and smiled.

"How's it going?"

"Hey, Tae" I said "Have you noticed anything different about Kang"

"Why do you ask?"

I frowned at him "Have you been giving him more pills?"

Taehyung just giggled "I may have slipped him an extra one recently. So, what was he like when you were sent to him. I was caught bunking and I was sent to him"

Jungkook looked at him "He almost cried when he punched me"

"Same with me" I said, "Kang yanked on my hair and then said sorry. I want to give him the whole pot at once!"

"That will kill him sweetheart" Jimin said.

"Don't care" I shrugged and bit into the sandwich in front of me "Is the food getting worse?"

"I have news that's even worse" Taehyung said, his smile dropping from his face "Do you remember what Kang mentioned, about the parents coming in to see how you are doing?"

"Shit" I said, "It's tomorrow...isn't it?"

Taehyung nodded "Yeah but don't worry. If anything bad happens, come and find me. I'll look after you"

"They won't do anything stupid here" I said, knowing that wasn't true. They didn't even care that Kang beat me unconscious. I wouldn't be surprised if they paid him money to do it again.

"HQ" Taehyung said "Another thing. About Hoseok"

"Ugh" I said "Don't mention his name. I'm done with him"

"We can tell you like him" Jimin said "You don't have to hide that"

"I do not" I muttered "Ok...maybe a little bit but look what happened last week. He sat there and watched us get beaten after promising me he'd look after me. I find it hard to trust people and he just showed me why I can't just trust anyone"

"You trust us" Jungkook said.

"Because you are trustworthy. You've done nothing but be my friend and look out for me. You even got beaten because of me" I said.

"You know he has a girlfriend" Taehyung said and my heart dropped into my stomach "I only found out from Hana, but she's supposed to be showing up with his parents tomorrow. I just thought you'd wanna know"

I shrugged "Now I know...Jimin, pass me that drink please"

"Sweetheart, you're allowed to get angry" He said.

"What's the point?" I said quietly "He's not worth my anger. Not anymore"

"I thought he liked you" Jungkook said "It's not every day you see him standing up for a girl"

"I feel sorry for his girlfriend" I said "He kissed me knowing he had a girlfriend. I just hope she dumps his ass so he's alone"

"HQ" Taehyung said patting my head "Are you sure you don't wanna marry me? My mum is going to love you"

I smiled "It's alright. I'm better off alone. Guys, I'm gunna go to my room. I don't feel so good. I think I took too many painkillers"

"Shit" Jimin said "Don't go until I see you dribble, since you fuckers found it so funny when I did"

"I still don't fucking get how you didn't feel it" Jungkook said laughing again "How do you not feel drool!"

Taehyung stuck his tongue out and played with his lip piercings before getting to his feet at the same time as me.

"I'll walk you back to your room" He said "I left my phone in my room and I have to call my mum anyway. See you losers later"

I grabbed my bag and followed Taehyung from the canteen. He threw his arm around me and stuck his other hand in his jacket pocket. As we walked through the school, people moved out the way and a few girls started to mumble about me.

"Do you fucking mind?" I snapped and grabbed hold of one of them "If you got something to say about me, you say it to my fucking face"

The girls eyes went wide and I shoved her into the locker as hard as I could.

"Well?" I shouted "Got anything to say?"

The girl shook her head and rushed off with her friend close on her tail. I clenched my fists and walked away, with Taehyung following closely.

"I think you need to relieve some stress" Taehyung said.

"I'm not stressed"

"That's bullshit" Taehyung said pulling me to a stop. He looked around and pulled me into an empty classroom "I don't want a girlfriend cause I don't need one. But, I have a suggestion...only if you are up for it"

I sighed "Fuck buddies?"

"You got it" Taehyung grinned "What do you say? It helps you relieve stress and it also helps me. I think it will be beneficial for both of us. I'm a hoe and so are you"

I couldn't help but laugh "I am a hoe...I'll think about it"

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