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I was thankful that there was a chill to the air, because it gave me a good excuse to wear a scarf.

"So, do you have anything to wear this weekend?" Hana asked, poking her breakfast "Maybe we could go shopping tomorrow and get something"

"Are we allowed out?" I asked, poking at the porridge "Jimin, is it my eyes or is this grey?"

"That is definitely grey" He said, "The food has gotten worse and we haven't even been here long"

"How old is this fried egg?" Taehyung asked "If I threw it on the floor, I'm sure it would bounce"

Jungkook snorted slightly, and bit into his toast. It looked like he struggled to swallow it and I turned my attention back to Hana. She smiled softly at me and pushed her food away.

"We don't have lessons tomorrow" She said, "We are allowed out, but we have a curfew and if we don't make it, then we aren't allowed out Saturday. So, shall we go shopping?"

"I hate shopping" I said, biting into my lip "But...I guess for you, I will go with you"

Hana practically beamed at me and she jumped to her feet "I can't wait! We can go and look for dresses and makeup and...you don't wear dresses or wear makeup...do you?"

I grinned at her "Nope! I am a makeup virgin and the only time I wore a dress was at my brothers...no. I don't wear dresses"

Hana pouted "Would you wear a dress if I asked you to?"

I sighed "Alright. But it can't be too short or revealing"


"Would you strip naked for me if I pouted?" Taehyung asked.

"Pout and I'll let you know" I said looking at him. He sent me a pout "No. I won't strip naked"

"Ah man" He sighed "I bet you'd look hotter naked"

"Most girls are hotter naked" Jimin laughed "By the way, what did J-Hope have to say to you?"

My breath caught in my throat and I shrugged "Not much. We argued, and I told him to fuck himself. I don't follow rules. Hence the reason to why I am here"

"Sweetheart" Jimin said, "Did Kang hit you this morning?"

"Huh?" I said, looking at him "Why do you ask?"

"That bruise" He said and pointed at my neck "You should have called for help"

Taehyung and Jungkook gasped...loudly.

"That's not a bruise!" Taehyung yelled and jumped to his feet. I could feel everyone turn to stare and I looked at him with wide eyes.

Jimin scoffed "You can clearly see that it's a bruise. Did..." He paused and jumped to his feet as well, pointing at me "That's not a bruise!"

"I'll see you later!" I said quickly gathering my things. I shot out the canteen as fast as I could, but when I looked over my shoulder, my friends were running after me "Stop chasing me!"

"No!" Taehyung said, "You get back here Harley Quinn!"

Shit. There was no way I could outrun them, but I could avoid them. I ran into the building and up the stairs, but I could hear them gaining on me. I ran to the top of the stairs and down the empty hallways. I yanked open a door and jumped inside the small room. I crouched down and held my breath as I heard their footsteps outside.

"Harley" Taehyung called "If you think you can hide...you're wrong"

"Yeah!" Jimin laughed "I'm good at hide and seek. I always find people"

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now