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I sat with my knees tight against my chest, letting the hot water cascade over my still clothed body. The water helped hide my tears but I couldn't help but watch the water run red as it tried to wash the blood from my body and clothes.

I caught a glance at the blood that had dried on my hands, and a whimper escaped my mouth followed by a sob. I squeezed my eyes shut and cried out, remembering what Jaeho had done to save me from death. I cried loudly and swung my fist sideways, hitting the tiles hard. I ignored the pain that was shooting up my hand and into my wrist as I punched it again.

Screaming was all I could do to release the pain I was feeling and I didn't care who heard me. I gripped my hair tightly as my tears mixed in with the water, and I sobbed loud and ugly cries. I didn't expect something like this to happen to me and I didn't think that Jaeho was capable of killing someone...but it was my fault that it turned out that way. 

I didn't even notice the bathroom door opening until a pair of hands were put on my. I screamed and tried to hit them away, fearing that it was all a bad dream and Hyungwon was still alive, but when I heard my name, I knew it wasn't a dream.

"Harley!" Hoebag said "What the hell is going on?"

"Get off me!"

"Calm down! Stop fighting me!" Hoebag said and pulled me into his arms, obviously not bothered that he was now soaked "Harley. Tell me what happened. There are police everywhere"

I cried louder "It's all my fault. It's my fault that he is dead"

"Who is dead?" He said softly "Talk to me. Please"

I held the back of his shirt tightly "He was going to kill me. He was going to stab me"

"Harley, who was going to kill you?"

"Hyungwon" I cried "He was going to stab me but he didn't. He was killed before even-"

"Who killed him?" He asked, lifting my face with his hands "Harley, who saved you?"

"Jaeho" I said quietly "H-he killed him to save me"

"Shit" He said pulling me into his arms "I should have followed you. It isn't your fault Harley. It's my fault"

"W-where is Jaeho?"

"He's being questioned right now. Along with everyone else in the school"

"Then why are you here?" I whispered.

"Because I couldn't see you" He said "We need to get to the school before they come looking for us. Can you get up?"

I nodded but when I stood, my knees gave way but he caught me with ease. He lifted me into his arms and carried me to my bed and I started shivering. He threw a towel around me and searched through the room for dry clothes.

The door was almost kicked open and a few teachers came in. They glared at us both.

"Did you not hear the announcement?" One snapped "Get to the classroom. Right now"

"But she-"


Hoebag cursed and pulled me to my feet "Let's go Harley"

I let him pull me from the bedroom and the teacher slammed the door behind me, telling us to hurry up. As we stepped out the dorm, I started to shiver even more but they pushed us making us walk faster.

Everyone looked up at us when we walked into the classroom and my friends ran over to me.

"HQ, what the hell happened?" Taehyung said grabbing hold of me "You look like shit"

"Give her some room" Hoebag said moving him away from me "Harley, come and sit down"

I fell onto my seat, holding myself and my teeth chattered loudly. Hoebag took off his jacket and hung it around my shoulders. I nodded a quick thanks and he put his arms around me, trying to warm me up. I knew I looked like hell from the looks I was getting. I was sure that my face was still bleeding and I knew I had a busted lip and nose. Plus, I was still covered in blood. Not even the water wanted to wash that away.

The door opened and Kang stepped in followed by a few coppers. I recognised one of them because he was always the one to arrest me. I could never remember his name because at the time I didn't care. But now? I wanted to know everything about him. I wanted to know what he was going to do about Jaeho.

"Class" Kang said, "This is officer Heejun and he will be asking questions about an incident that happened earlier today"

"What happened?"

"You won't be asking the questions around here" Kang said glaring at the boy "Officer, if you need me, I will be in my office"

He glared at us, his eyes lingering on me for longer than I wanted and then I saw him smirk before he left the room. I held Hoebag's jacket tighter to me and Heejun looked around the room wearing a grim expression.

"There are rumours going around as to what happened today but I am here to explain what went down" He said and he caught eyes with me. I saw him frown slightly before talking again "I know that this will come as a shock to a few but a student at this school was killed this morning"

The class started to talk amongst themselves and he clapped his hands, getting the attention of everyone once more.

"I want to talk to everyone individually to ask a few routine questions" He said "You don't need to worry or feel uncomfortable talking to me, I only want some answers"

"Who was killed?" Helena asked and Heejun sighed "What? I'm sure we all want to know"

Heejun nodded "It was Chae Hyungwon"

Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook turned to look at me with wide eyes and I felt myself start to cry again. I lowered my head and bit into my lip.

"I want you all to remain in the classroom until I say otherwise" Heejun said "I want to make sure that I get the answers I need to carry out this investigation"

I gulped and Hoebag rubbed my arm once more.

"Harley" Heejun said and I looked up. Everyone turned their heads to look at me and I could see them trying to figure out how he knew my name "Can you follow me please?"

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now