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Jimin slammed his hands down on my desk, scaring the shit out of me. I yelped out in surprise and ended up tipping my chair over backwards. I grunted in pain as I landed on my back and I groaned as my whole body started to throb in pain. I glanced up at Jimin who was leaning over the table with his stupid big grin. He sent me a quick wink before coming around to lift me to my feet. I saw him wince as he helped me to my feet, but our ribs had only just healed from that beating we took.

"Did you have to do that?" I asked, pushing him slightly "Why didn't you just call my name?"

"Sweetheart" Jimin said "I've been calling you for ages. You were in your own world"

"Oops" I said "Still! You should have poked me or something"

Jimin rolled his eyes "You still need to do your dares"

I sighed "Do I have to? I don't know if I want to anymore"

"Then you have to have sex with Jungkook"

Jungkook choked on air on the next table and he glared up at Jimin once he caught his breath. I shook my head and sighed once again.

"I won't be having sex with anyone" I mumbled.

"What's changed?" Taehyung asked frowning at me "I already said that I'm fine with it"

"Even if you weren't, it wouldn't make a difference" I shrugged.

"Where is Hoe Harley gone?" Jimin asked "Are you feeling ok?"

"I'm fine"

"Shit" Jimin and Taehyung said in unison.


"You know a girl is never fine when they say they are fine" Taehyung shook his head "I've been with plenty of girls to know that"

"Yeah, have you banged your head or something?" Jimin asked "Tae going too hard on you?"

"What do you-no!" I said "Look, I just don't want to have sex with the walking sex god because... well, just because"

"Sweetheart" Jimin said putting his hand on my forehead "You don't have a temperature...but a deal is a deal"

I opened my mouth to say something, but the classroom door opened and Jaeho walked into the room, followed by Namjoon and Jin. The two gods winked at me, making my face burn and Jaeho just stared at me. We looked at each other for a few more beats before I turned away, making eye contact with Jimin.

"How about I just kiss them both?" I said, "I'll save my vagina for Taehyung"

"Harley!" Taehyung yelped and slapped his hands over my mouth "You need to-"

"I see you have broken the rules, Miss Chae"

My whole body tensed at Kang's voice and I looked over my shoulder to see him smirking down at me. I swallowed hard as he stepped closer and I wanted the ground to swallow me up. I couldn't handle another beating right now.

"Follow me scum" Kang chuckled "Taehyung, you as well. I don't allow relationships in my school and I certainly don't allow a sexual relationship"

"Don't be jealous cause no one puts out for you" I scoffed and I quickly slapped my hands over my mouth, cursing at myself for not having a filter when I needed one.

Kang's face hardened but I frowned slightly when I saw his eyes fill with tears "How dare you talk to me like that. Do you think I don't have feelings?"

"What?" I said, alongside Taehyung and Jimin.

"Do you think I don't know about how my girlfriend doesn't put out?" He hissed "Get to my office right now!"

My eyes went wide slightly as he spun on his foot and stomped out the classroom, one hand over his mouth like he was trying to stop himself from crying. I turned, mouth slightly open, to face my friends who had similar expressions.

"Do...do you think the pills are working?" Jimin said quietly.

"Has he grown tits?" Namjoon said loudly and the class laughed loudly, and he looked over at me and my friends. He got to his feet and rushed over to us, but he targeted me and backed me into the wall, hands either side of my head.

I quickly turned my face, so I didn't look at him and Jimin was holding back a smile. Taehyung scowled and sat back down and I frowned. But I didn't have time to think what his problem was because Namjoon grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

"Baby" Namjoon said, huskily and my mouth went dry "Are you forgetting to tell me something important?"

"Nope" I forced out as my eyes zeroed in on his beautiful lips. Shit. Harley. Behave. We had company.

"I thought you didn't give him any pills" He said, his mouth getting closer to mine.

Don't give in.

"Baby" Namjoon hummed and I almost dropped my trousers then and there for him "Do I have to make you talk? Because I can be very persuasive"

"We replaced his steroids with the pills!" I said "Oh my god. Take me now!"

I heard my friends sigh and the class sniggered. Apart from Helena who was just scowling at me like she had a piece of shit under her nose.

Namjoon chuckled "You're too easy"

"I'll be anything for you" I said "Fuck. Are you busy, because I will let you take me back to your room to-"

"Harls" Jaeho said "Can you not be such a hoe in front of me?"

"Can you shut the fuck up and keep your nose out where it doesn't belong?" I snapped and turned to look back at Namjoon "I'll have you know I'm very flexible and not shy for a bit of spanking"

"Don't I know it" Taehyung mumbled and I kicked my table into the back of his chair "Ow!"

Namjoon smirked and ran his tongue over his bottom lip "That's always good to know because I can get a little...rough"

Well fuck me sideways.

"Harley" Taehyung said getting to his feet "We should probably go to Kang's office before he comes back and has a meltdown in front of everyone"

"Oh shit" I said "I completely forgot about that"

Namjoon pressed himself against me, and lowered his mouth to my ear, speaking so quietly I barely heard what he said.

"Tonight. My room" He whispered "Jin isn't there, so we can have some fun. What do you say?"

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now