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Hoseok was running his fingers through my hair as I rested on his bare chest. The thumping of his heart made me relax and I let out a happy sigh, then cuddled into him some more. I just hoped that Yoongi didn't argue with Hana cause we weren't exactly dressed. I mean, I had his top on and knickers, but that was it.

"What are you thinking?" He said quietly.

"Not much," I said, "It was good to see them in a panic. Jinyoung and Joon"

"Yeah, well the deserved more than what they got. Don't you think?"

I rolled my eyes "Yeah, but they aren't part of my life anymore. I have a new family"

"So, does that mean you are moving in with them?"

"I am...why?"

"No reason baby," Hoseok said, and I rested my chin on his chest to look at him "What?"

"There has to be a reason why you asked," I frowned.

He grinned "There's no reason. I was just curious"

"Curiosity killed the cat,"

"Yeah, but curiosity also get into your knickers,"

"Wow. Just wow," I said, and shuffled up his body so I was looking down at his face. I leant on my elbow and flicked his forehead "You really are a smooth talker"

"That's how I got you," He grinned, "What do you want to do tomorrow? Since we can leave the school for a bit"

"Don't know. I think my friends have come down again, so I wanna see them. Why?"

"No reason," Hoseok said, closing his eyes "I'm so fucking tired"

"Hmm," I said, laying back down in the crook of his arm "What are you going to do when you leave? Are you going back to your parent's house?"

"No. I have my own house," Hoseok sighed "I made them buy it for me when my sister died. I've been living there since then"

"No shit," I said, "Even though you were 14?"

Hoseok nodded "Yeah. I went back to theirs for dinner every now and then, but I cut ties with their business. Wasn't what I wanted"

"That must have been so lonely"

"Yes and no. I had the boys and they stayed with me most of the time. We kept each other company when our families didn't want us"

I ran my fingers over his stomach and I felt him tense, making me smirk. I dipped my hands lower and he grabbed hold of my wrist as I reached the waistband of his boxers.

"Dangerous game you're playing there babe," He whispered and brought my wrist to his mouth. He kissed it quickly "I'm not sure you're ready for the next round"

"And what if I was?" I asked, "Men aren't the only ones who are horny"

Hoebag smirked "Alright. Just warning you, I won't hold back this time"

"I wouldn't expect you to," I sighed and he rolled me onto my back, settling between my legs and looked down at me. I smiled up at him and he leant down to kiss me. Once again, it felt like fireworks had been set off in my stomach and he kissed me harder, making me moan into his mouth.

His hips rolled forward and my arms snaked around his shoulders, running my fingers through his hair and pulling me closer. He pulled my bottom lip with his teeth slightly and started to move his lips across my jaw and slowly made it down my throat. I gulped at the slight pain of the bruises he kissed but he quickly moved away and pulled my top down to kiss along my collar bones.

"Fuck," He muttered against my skin "Why do you have to be so beautiful?"

I bit into my lip as he nibbled and sucked at my skin, leaving marks and he moved across leaving similar marks. I closed my eyes and his free hand worked its way under my top and squeezed my breast, making me gasp slightly at how rough his hand was.

"H-hurry up," I said.

"Patience baby" He whispered against my skin "I'm going to savour you this time"

"Oh come on!"

He chuckled "Do you want me to carry on?"

I groaned "Stop teasing me!"

"This is all part of the pleasure, baby," He said, moving my top up to expose my breasts, "I told you, I won't rush it. I want to taste every inch of your skin, so you're just gonna have to be fucking patient"

"I hate you so much," I said, pulling him back up for a kiss "I'm not patient"

"Don't I fucking know it," He muttered before kissing me again. The kiss was hot and heavy, and his tongue flicked against mine and I gripped his hair tightly, pulling him as close as he possibly could go.

Hoebag ran his hand down the side of my body and lifted my leg up so he could drag his fingers down my thigh, sending shivers up my spine. There was a quiet noise of the cover falling onto the floor and the coolness of the air hit my bare skin, giving me more goosebumps.

"What the fuck is this!"

We flew apart and Hoseok fell off the bed with a loud thud. I stared wide-eyed at the girl standing at the door. Her hands were on her hips and her eyes were full of anger. Who the fuck was she?

Hoseok stared at the girl, his eyes just as wide "Ami. What the hell are you doing here?"

"Ami came to see you," She said "But Ami walked in on this! Did you want to tell her what is going on?"

"Who is she?" I asked, and he looked up at me "Well?"

"Fuck," He said and my heart dropped into my stomach "Babe, it's not-"

"You lied to me," I said quietly.

"No!" He said jumping to his feet "Babe, I didn't lie to you. I swear I broke up with her"

The girl giggled "No one breaks up with Ami and Ami didn't get the memo of being dumped. Now, who is this skank in bed with Ami's boyfriend?"

"Skank? Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" I snapped, getting to my feet.

Ami smiled and giggled "Does Ami need to remind you who you are talking too?"

"I don't give a fuck who I'm talking to," I said and Hoseok grabbed hold of my arm "You're just going to let her talk to me like that?"

"Maybe...maybe you should go to your room," He said quietly "I'm sorry, Harley"

"Ami will walk you there if you want," Ami said, "Hands off her boyfriend, bitch"

I yanked my arm away from Hoseok and pulled my trousers back on "Yeah. I'm sure you're really sorry for lying to me"

"Harley, please!" He said, trying to hold my hands "Don't get angry with-"

"Bye Hoseok," I said, holding back my tears and I rushed out the room. But by the time I reached the staircase, I broke down in tears and almost ran to another room. When I got there, I could hardly see through my tears but I banged on the door as hard as I could.

The door opened "Harley! What's wrong?"

"He's a fucking liar" I cried, and I stepped into Jungkook's arms "He's just like everyone else. A fucking liar"

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