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Yoojung led me to a bench outside the hall and she sat beside me, resting her hand on mine and she had a soft smile on her face. Taehyung reminded me so much of his mum and I was glad that she spoke to me like a human. Since people knew I was in foster care, people spoke down to me and they spoke to me like they felt sorry for me. Like I should be pitied. But mostly people looked down at me and when I did something wrong, it was because my own parents didn't raise me right or that the crimes I committed was because I was a foster kid.

But Yoojung looked at me like a person. She spoke to me like a normal person and she smiled at me like I was a friend. It almost broke my heart because she was the first person to not judge me, even though I was at this school. I wanted to hug her and I wanted to cry into her neck and I wanted her to help me.

"Sweetheart" She said gently "We may have just met but you need to know that no matter what you tell me, I won't judge you. Even if you think something is silly, I won't think that because it means something to you. What is bothering you?"

I swallowed back tears and took a shaky breath "Do you ever feel that sometimes you aren't meant for this world?"

"All the time" She said, and tucked hair behind my ears "Sweetheart, the world is a nasty place and it's nastier to those who don't fit in. Harley, I can tell that you have had a troubled past but you should never let that hold you back. No matter what is going on in that pretty little head of yours, there is always something more positive in the future"

"How can you be so sure?" I asked, barely above a whisper.

She sighed and put her arm around my shoulders, looking out at the families gathered around, some laughing and some just not talking.

"My husband took his life years ago" She said "He was a policeman and he arrested kids like you but he wasn't like the other cops. He wanted to help the kids and he always did his best to make sure they kept off the streets" She sighed and looked at me "His life was similar to yours. He was a foster child. His parents were disgusting human beings and he made a promise to make something of his life. He wanted to show other foster children that you don't have to become the child people expect of foster children"

"Did it work?"

Yoojung smiled at me "Yes. He helped countless of children. Taehyung was a good boy. He studied and came home to us every night. But when his father took his life, he turned around and became the child my husband did everything to prevent. Taehyung started to smoke, fight and not come home. He covered himself in tattoos and piercings and never listened to me"

"He seems like a mummy's boy"

Yoojung laughed "Yes but that's because we had a falling out and I think it made him realise that he couldn't lose another parent. I never stopped him from being a teenager and I didn't care that he got tattoos or piercings, but what I hated was the fighting. The disrespect he showed me when he came home in the early hours of the morning, drunk off his ass and then shouting at me. Blaming me for his fathers death. Telling me that I was never a good wife to him and never showed him any love"

"That bastard"

"He was angry Harley. He was angry that he couldn't help his dad. At one point, Taehyung wanted to be a policeman just like his dad...but then depression took hold of my husband and he couldn't see any way out" She said putting her hands on my cheeks "Harley, you are a beautiful girl and from what Taehyung has told me, you are very strong and very independent"

"I wouldn't say that" I mumbled.

"Sweetheart, beneath the tough exterior, I see a little girl wanted to be loved" She said "A little girl wishing for someone to treat her with the love and respect she deserves. But unfortunately, life threw her neglectful parents and abusive foster parents"

I bit into my lip and looked away from her. Shit. Why did she have to be right? I held back my tears and clenched my fists trying not to let her words get to me.

"If that little girl gets the love she needs and deserves, I'm sure things will change for you" She said making me look at her "Harley, don't be afraid to let people in and don't be afraid if things don't go the way you want them to the first time. There are many roads in the future and many of them can be full of trials and tribulations, but never ever doubt yourself. You need to keep your head high and you need to keep moving forward"

"Fuck" I said as a few tears fell down my cheeks.

"You can't let the past keep you back, ok? Sure, the world can suck sometimes, but it doesn't hate you" She smiled "You get to decide what you want to do in life and fuck anyone who thinks you can't do it. You want to be an actress? Go for it. You want to be a teacher? Then don't stop"


"Sweetheart, the first step is always the hardest" She said, wiping the tears away from my cheeks "I believe in you Harley, so start believing in yourself. Ok?"

I nodded and tried to hold back as many tears as I could, but it was no use. Just the smile that Yoojung was giving me made me want to cry and what she had told me made me want to scream out in tears"

"And another thing" Yoojung said pulling me into a hug "Sometimes all you need is a mummy hug and things will feel better"

A/N: WOW. This is a different kinda chapter...let me know what you think and don't forget to vote.

This fic has also gone on longer than I had originally planned but thanks for keeping with it :)

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas!

Stay weird hoes <33

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