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The silence in my room was comforting and I was hidden under my duvet, the room dark just like how I was feeling.

I just couldn't believe that Jaeho could be that type of person. He was polite and always treated me like his real sister. He tried he hardest to bring me back to the right path. But he lied to me. He told me that he hated gangs and he had no respect for those who committed petty crimes because it would always escalate to hardcore crimes.

I sighed and squeezed my eyes shut wanting to forget about what I had discovered. But it was hard. The one guy I looked up to and thought would be able to save me from this world, was just as bad. Maybe even worse. I was so confused and it made me feel sick.

I heard the door click open and I didn't bother looking to see who it was, but they climbed into bed with me. I pretended I was asleep and even then the lump didn't both moving. They shifted around until they got comfortable and when they sighed, I rolled my eyes.

"If I had jumped in to help you" Hoebag said, quietly "Then you would have been worse off"

"I'm over it" I mumbled "I won't rely on you anymore"

"Hyungwon is fucked up" Hoebag said "I've never met someone so fucked up in the head and I've known loads of people. My dad...never mind. Harley, I'm sorry"

I sighed and pulled the cover away from my face "Thanks for apologising, but I still don't need your help. I trusted you to help but you didn't"

"Harley, you have to trust me again"

"I can't" I said, "Once that trust is broken, it's hard to fix it"

Hoebag rubbed his face "He was going to do much worse than just beat you up"

"What? Like stab me?" I scoffed "It wouldn't have been the first time. I don't really want to see you right now or anyone else. I'm not in the fucking mood and-"

"Hana told me about your foster brother"

"How the fuck does she know?" I snapped "I only-"

"Jungkook panicked when you ran away and went to her" He said "When she found out, she ran away to look for you but I told her to stay with Jungkook. I wanted to talk to you anyway"

"You've talk to me. Now you can-"

"I like you" He said and I looked at him with wide eyes "Yeah, I know. Who the fuck could like you? But I do...and I've tried not to but you're like a pain in the ass that refuses to leave"

"What about your girlfriend?"

Hoebag sighed "I...I don't know. I mean, I don't like her as much as I used too and then you came along and just proved a fucking point"

"Ugh" I said "This is turning into a shitty romance movie"

Hoebag laughed "Yeah well, you are the main girl...Taehyung likes you too"


"Are you that fucking blind?" He lifted his eyebrows "Are you stupid? Look, I know you two are fucking. It's pretty fucking obvious"

"What's it to you anyway?" I asked "What I do has nothing to do with you. I don't like you"

"Do you really mean that?" He asked and I didn't answer "Didn't think so. Look, next time you need help I will jump in even if that means sticking by your side until Hyungwon leaves or gets himself killed"

"Whatever" I said looking away from him "I still don't trust you"

"Don't have to. Just rely on me when you need too" Hoebag sat himself up "I have to get back to my parents and maybe you should go and see Hana"

"I'll talk to her later"

"Her parents haven't turned up"


"Shit. She didn't tell you" He quickly jumped up from the bed "See you around!"

"Wait!" I said scrambling out of the bed. I tripped on the cover and landed on my knees. I let out a yelp of pain and I grabbed hold of Hoebag's ankle before he could run away. He let out a yell of surprise as he crashed to the floor.

"Harley!" He hissed in pain "That fucking hurt!"

"Good" I said fighting him so he would stay on the floor. I managed to be the dominant for all of 2 seconds before he flipped me onto my back, pinning my wrists to the floor "Well. If you don't mind being dominant for a while, please carry on"

Hoebag went red "You're a bitch"

"Like that is news to me" I said "What has happened between Hana and her parents? She never speaks about them and when someone talks about parents, she goes quiet or runs away"

Hoebag shrugged "Not my place to say. Now, stay really still for me"


He smirked "Cause those lips look fucking tasty"


Hoebag quickly claimed my lips before I had the chance to kick him off, and his tongue flicked at my lips wanting access. I could only refuse for so long...cause I was a hoe and he was a great kisser. I kissed back with just as much need and as one of his hands began to wander, my eyes shot open and I punched him in the side of the head.

"Ow!" He grunted and fell to the side "Why did you punch me? Fuck! That fucking hurt like a bitch!"

I slowly got to my feet and bit into my bottom lip. Why did I punch him? Shit.

"I'm leaving" I said and rushed out of my room, leaving him calling after me. I ran as quickly as my body would allow me, and by the time I reached the hall with all the parents, my body was screaming out in pain. I scanned the room and found my friends, and I limped over to them, feeling everyone watching me.

"Harley!" Jungkook said pulling me into a hug "Are you ok? Where did you go? Did you want-"

"Leave her alone" Jimin said "Shit. Let her breathe"

"HQ, where did you run off to?" Taehyung asked putting his hand on my head "Are you ok?"

"Let the girl breathe!" Yoojung said, pushing him away "She doesn't need a man right now. She needs a mum. Now, sweetie, shall we go and get some fresh air?"

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now