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Kang was the talk of the school and he still hadn't reappeared after shitting himself next to Hoebag.

"I have a joke for you" Jin said, and everyone groaned "What's with those noises?"

"Please don't say a joke" Yoongi muttered "They fucking suck"

"I was going to tell you a poop joke but it's really crappy" Jin pouted.

I think I was the only one to laugh and Jin's face lit up. I had no idea why they were sitting with us, but after Kang shat himself, Hoebag and his friends decided to sit with us. Hana was stuck next to Yoongi, but he made no effort to talk to her. Jungkook was just scowling at his food obviously not wanting Yoongi anywhere near her.

"Harley!" Namjoon said "Don't laugh. You'll encourage him"

"I like dad jokes...I especially like the guy who is telling them" I wiggled my eyebrows up and down making Namjoon smile slightly.

"When bears poop in the woods is the smell un-bear-able"

Again, I laughed. What was wrong with me? These jokes were so shitty...ok. I was pretty funny myself.

"What's brown and sounds like a bell?" I asked, wiping tears from my eyes "Dung"

Boom. I was laughing again but Jin laughed with me.

"Jesus" Taehyung said, "If I had known you liked shitty- don't laugh even more!"

"I'm sorry!" I said, taking a deep breath.

"HQ, I wouldn't have become friends with you if I knew you liked rubbish dad jokes"

I smiled and shrugged "My brother used...anyway, I think we can officially say that 'Get Kang Back' is starting off well"

"Agree" Jimin said, "Sweetheart, how are we going to pull that off again?"

I shrugged "Keep doing it until he stops bringing in coffee to class"

"We can still do it, even when he isn't in class" Jungkook muttered "He eats lunch with those teachers in the corner. Someone can cause a scene and someone else can slip something into his drink"

"That's the most I've heard you talk" Hoebag said and I smacked his arm "What was that for?"

"I don't know" I said.

Hoebag slipped his arm around my shoulders "Baby, if you wanted my attention, all you had to do was-ow! Don't pinch"

"Then take your hand away from me" I said, and he moved his arm away, shaking his hand slightly. Before I could say anything else, the siren sounded and we all jumped.

"What siren is that for?" Hana asked, covering her ears.

"Newcomers" Hoebag said getting to his feet "Let's go and see who it is"

Hoebag grabbed hold of me and yanked me to my feet. I let out a sigh as he dragged me through the canteen, followed by my friends and his friends. Taehyung just winked at me and I stuck my tongue out at him. The plan to get Hoebag to help us was working and Taehyung was loving every second of it. I didn't because Hoebag thought he had a chance.

He did, but I wasn't going to admit that. Hoebag would have to work hard to get into my trousers.

Hoebag led the way into the room I first went into and he made me sit beside him, arm around my shoulder. I just folded my arms and ignored his finger running up and down the top of my arm. I didn't want to admit that it felt great and gave me shivers. I glanced at Hoebag who was watching me.

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now