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I poked my head out the toilet door to see if any of Hyungwon's friends were standing guard and I let out a sigh of relief when it was clear. Even if it was clear I couldn't trust the silence. They could be standing around the corner for all I knew and I didn't want to run into them and I didn't want to run into Hyungwon.

I edged along the wall on constant guard and as I turned the corner, Hyungwon was standing there with his friends. Shit. I backed up before they spotted me and I heard them talking about me.

"I told you to stay outside to make sure that she didn't make a runner" Hyungwon said "Why does no one listen to me. I'll go in there myself!"

Oh fuck it.

I turned and ran crashing through the first door I saw. The boys looked up from the urinal and there was a small beat of silence before they all cried out and attempted to stop pissing mid flow.

"Don't mind me!" I said and ran into one of the cubical's "If any of you tell anyone that I am in here, I will beat you half to death!"

"Got it Harley!" The boys said and I sat on the toilet lid with my feet holding the door closed. My heart was in my throat as the door opened and more boys came in. I pinched my nose and my eyes went wide as I heard a plop in the toilet beside me. I held back my laughter and the boy mumbled a sorry.

Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Oh god. It smelt so bad but I was focusing on not laughing.

"Anyone seen my girlfriend?" Hyungwon said loudly and someone scoffed "You got something to say?"

"Yeah. I do" Taehyung said and I bit into my lip "HQ isn't your girlfriend"

"Are you jealous?" Hyungwon laughed "Harley is mine and if I see you talking to her I will hurt you both...moreso her"

"You son of a-"

"If you slap her in front of us again" Jungkook said quietly "I won't hold anyone back. I will let them tear you apart"

Hyungwon chuckled "Cute. Harley has a fan club. If you see my girlfriend, tell her that I was looking for her"

I brought my knees up to my chest and hugged them. I should have gone out there and smashed his head against the sink, but I didn't want to make things worse. Well, he would have been put in hospital and my friends would have had my back, but once he got out, he would go on a rampage and I didn't want them to get hurt.

My eyes shot open when the cubicle door opened and I looked up at Jungkook. I yanked him inside and slammed the door shut, covering his mouth before he could say anything. His eyes were wide as I pinned him to the wall and I stood on the toilet again.

"See you around losers" Hyungwon said with a laugh and it gradually became quiet in the toilets.

"What a wanker" Taehyung said "Do you think we could slip pills into his drinks?"

"Sweetheart would be better in juvie than here" Jimin sighed "On another note, Jungkook, were you that desperate for a shit that you had to slam the door?"

Jungkook tried to speak under my hand and I pulled it away. He was bright red in the face and he poked his head out the door.

"M-maybe you should come in here" He said quietly.

"Kookie, no one wants to see Jungcock" Taehyung laughed "Or are you shitting blood? Cause you should really go to the hospital for that"

"Get in here!" He hissed and the boys pushed their way in.

"HQ!" Taehyung said hugging me "Why are you in the boys toilet?"


"Sorry" The boy mumbled and I snorted with laughter "I'm almost done"

"Sweetheart, why are in here?" Jimin asked, moving slightly so he wasn't pressed up against Jungkook "Can we talk outside of this toilet? There is no room"

More boys came in and we quickly stopped talking. There was a few of them and they were laughing loudly. A few were talking about work but most of them were talking about girls and boobs. I rolled my eyes.

"Do all boys talk about tits?" I whispered.

"A lot of them do" Taehyung whispered, shifting his arm so it was around my shoulders "Sorry. There's no space but oh shit. I have a great view"

I followed his eyes to my chest and slapped him in the stomach, making him grunt. Jimin and Jungkook then looked at my V-necked top and their faces went red. Jungkook slapped his hands over his eyes and Jimin looked at the floor.

"Well...what do we have here" A voice said above us. We slowly looked up to see a grinning Hoebag staring over the side of the cubicle "Can anyone join in or is friends only?"

"Shut up Hoebag" I said standing on the toilet seat and I glared at him "Why are you spying on people in the toilet?"

"Hold up" He said "Why are you in the boys toilets? I didn't have you down as a pervert"

"Same could be said for you" I smirked "Do you often look over the cubicle walls to compare dick sizes?"

Hoebag grinned "Maybe you should talk to Jungkook about that because last time he saw me naked, he looked me up and down, then gave me a thumbs up at the size of my dick"

"Shut up!" Jungkook yelped and he forced his way out the toilet. Jimin and Taehyung followed pulling me with them.

"Harley" Hoebag said grabbing my arm before I could make a run for it "Why do you let that dick get away with hitting you?"

"You do realise that his punches don't even hurt" I lied.

Hoebag just glared at me "You do realise that I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth when it comes to being punched. I'm not stupid Harley, that slap he gave you earlier hurt you"

"Why do you care?" I yanked my arm away from him "You only care because not everyone is following your rules"

"Is that what you think?"

I sighed "Whatever I think...whatever. I'm leaving. The smell in here is making me feel ill"

"Sorry" The boy mumbled "That breakfast didn't agree with me"

I barged my way through the boys and when I stepped into the hallway, I took a deep breath and shivered at how horrible the boys toilets actually smelt. I held back a gag and walked away from the toilets. I wanted to bathe in bleach before I carried on with the day but I had a horrible feeling that Hyungwon and his lackeys would catch me before I burnt the stench from my skin.

I sighed loudly and carried on walking. My face stung but that was nothing. I had felt much worse and I knew that I would feel much worse. I turned the corner and rested against the wall, staring at my feet. My life sucked and the world didn't do anything to make it better. I often wished that I was brave enough to do something about it...whether it be running away or trying to end my sad excuse for a life.

"Found you"

I didn't bother looking up at Hyungwon "Congratulations"

"Is that anyway to talk to your boyfriend?" Hyungwon asked, lifting my face with his finger "Harley, don't forget what I am capable of"

"Yes" I said, pushing his hand away "I know what you are capable of. You're psychotic. I know that"

"I am giving you one last chance" He said "Stay away from those boys or you are going to make me lose my temper"

I scoffed "Then why don't you keep your friends at a safe distance? You are aware that Wonho and I fucked, so why-ugh!"

My head slammed into the wall behind me and I cupped my nose as blood trickled from it. I looked up at Hyungwon who had taken a step away from me clenching his fists. I could see Wonho staring at me with wide eyes, but that wasn't exactly a secret. Everyone knew about that.

"If you carry on talking...I will break your jaw"

"And if you break her jaw or touch her again" I looked up to see Hoebag standing there with his friends and my friends "I will snap your neck"

A/N: sorry for the delay hoes. I've not had much inspiration recently and I've been in hospital, so I've not had the time to update.

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