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It was finally Friday and I had a lay in. It wasn't much of a lay in, but a lay in all the same. I stretched and let out a loud moan at how good it felt. Hana giggled and stretched as well.

"I am so excited!" She said, "It's been so long since I have been allowed off site and I am looking forward to getting you into a dress"

I rolled my eyes "I said I'll try them on...not buy them. I prefer shorts or leggings. None of that dress shit. I sit like a man and I don't want to flash my panties to everyone"

"Can you pretend to be girly for the night?"

"No" I grinned and rolled out of bed. I had a quick shower and got ready. Hana dragged me through the dorms, pushing everyone out the way so we could meet up with my friends. No one said anything, they just muttered under their breath obviously too scared to say anything.

"What took you so long!" Taehyung complained when we reached them "Do you know how long we have been waiting?"

"We've only just got here" Jimin yawned and ruffled his hair "Let's go have some fun!"

Taehyung threw his arm around my shoulder and almost dragged me to the main gate to leave. There were teachers and guards scattered around, and it looked like they were being lectured.

"Well, well" Kang said, when we reached the front "I didn't know you scum had permission to leave my school"

I gritted my teeth "Nurse Poppy has given me permission"

"Oh really?" He narrowed his eyes at me "What makes her higher than me?"

I handed him a note "It says there that I have to go see some pharmacist about the injuries I have. And this note says I have to see my social worker and the police"

"Police?" He snatched the note from me "Why do you need to see the police?"

I gave him a shrug "That's personal, sir"

"If any of you cause trouble while you are out, the only time you will ever set foot off my school, is the back of a police van on the way to juvie"

"Actually" Hana piped up "I'm too old for juvie and there is no way that my family will let me go to prison. If that happens, I will get my-"

"Get out of my sight, scum" He hissed, and we walked away from him and through the gates.

"Freedom!" Taehyung yelled "Fuck. I want a burger. Anyone else want a burger? Wait, we could even have pizza"

"I'm happy with anything" Hana smiled "Shall I treat you all to lunch?"

"No" Jungkook said quickly "G-girls don't pay for meals. I-I will pay"

"You have money?" Jimin grinned "I don't mind if you treat us"

The first place we headed to, was a burger bar. The boys inhaled their food and the girls had a bit more class...but not much more. I didn't even care that burger grease was running down my chin, because that was the best burger I had in ages.

Taehyung had turned his snapback backwards, so he could eat properly and Jungkook pulled his hat off, complaining that he couldn't see his food properly. How the hat blocked his view just confused me, but whatever. I had to admit that Taehyung looked hot with his hat on backwards, but if I had told him that he'd try and get between my legs.

"HQ, if you keep looking at me like that, I'll have to lick you out" Taehyung winked at me.

I choked on my chips and Hana patted my back. I coughed some more and had a big gulp of my drink.

"Like I would ever let your tongue near me" I said, "Try hit on some other girl"

"But my pick-up lines are fucking amazing" He laughed "My tongue even better"

"Mine are better"

"You want to bet on that?"

"Deal" I said, "If I get more laughs, you have to buy me ice-cream"

"Fair enough" He grinned "But, if I get more laughs, you have to kiss me again"

"You two kissed!" Hana exclaimed "When was this?"

"When we were running away from the teachers" I said and picked up some more chips "I can agree to that, but it can't just happen. We have to be in the right mood to tongue wrestle. Deal?"

"Shake on it" Taehyung and I shook and he smiled at me "Ladies first"

"Lady?" Jimin said looking around "The only lady I see is Hana"

I threw a chip at him "That's rude. To think I was going to try and chat you up"

"Wait" Jungkook said, "You two can't chat up friends"

"What?" Taehyung and I said in unison.

"You need to chat up strangers, and it will be for numbers" Jungkook smirked "Or are you scared?"

"No. I'm not scared" I said, wiping my hands "Pick a guy. Any guy"

Hana sighed "This isn't a magic trick"

"That one" Jimin said, "The one with blond hair and piercings"

I smirked "The one with the 6 guys?"

"That one"

"I bet you that I get all their numbers"

Taehyung snorted "Fuck off. You'll be lucky with one number"

"Alright then sunshine" I said, "You go first. See those pretty girls in the corner? Go to them"

"Easy peasy" Taehyung jumped to his feet and wandered over to them. I could see their bright red faces from where we were sitting, and a few moments later, both girls gave him his number.

Taehyung came over to us with a smug grin.

"Your turn" Hana giggled.

"This is going to be an easy win" I said, "Wait, Taehyung what pick-up line did you use so I don't use it?"

"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put the d on u"

I snorted "And that got you a number?"

"Two numbers, fuck you very much" Taehyung smirked "Go on HQ. Show me how you can beat that. I can't wait to get my tongue in your mouth again"

I shrugged "You'll be eating that shit chat up line. I'm going to get 7 numbers. Watch me"

My friends grinned as I walked over to the group of boys. They stopped what they were doing to look up at me, small smiles on their faces.

"Let's go back to my room and do some maths" I said with a straight face "Add a bed, subtract our clothes, divide your legs and multiply"

The boys laughed loudly and nodded.

"Sounds like an idea babe" Zico said, "So, was this a bet?"

"Obviously. Now, I want all your numbers" I said, and they handed me over their numbers on napkins and I smiled wider "Shit. I owe you guys, but first thing is first, if you tell my friends that I know you before I get my ice cream, I will beat you all up. Got it?"

"Got it, babe" Jaehyo said, still wearing a smile.

"Thanks boys" I giggled and skipped back to Taehyung. I threw myself on his lap and waved the numbers in his face "I think you owe me some ice cream"

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now