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What the fuck?

"Harley" Taehyung groaned quietly "Don't move!"

"S-sorry" I whispered "I'm just so uncomfortable"

"Shit" Taehyung said and rested his head on my shoulder "Too late"

My eyes went as wide as they possibly go as I felt his dick harden against me. I had to get out of here and as I reached for the door, I heard the guards enter the room before. I began to panic. If we were caught, we were going to be in so much trouble and my body could only take so much of a beating. Punching someone in class was one thing but being found pressed against a boy would cause so much shit.

I knew my face was burning and my heart was in my throat. Shit. I was such a hoe. I was going to avoid every boy in this school because ever since Hoebag kissed me, I had wanted more than just one damn kiss. Taehyung was my friend and I could hop on him for something like that. No matter how much I wanted it...or he wanted it. Ah fuck.

Chae Harley you are such a thirsty hoe! I'd definitely do it.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to breathe as quietly as I could. I could feel Taehyung's breathing falter and I bit into my lip. I closed my eyes and told myself to think about something else. Anything else. It didn't fucking matter.

Joon and Jiyoung. They'd put me off anything. Joon and Jiyoung. Joon and Jiyoung.

"Harley" Taehyung whispered so quietly that I almost missed it "I'm sorry"

I shook my head and patted his chest "It's alright"

"Shit" He breathed in my ear, and it sent chills down my spine, making me push my chest further into him. Way to go Harley. Turn him on even more.

"When we catch whoever ran from us, you are going straight to Mr Kang!" A guard shouted, making me jump slightly "We will find you!"

Someone was walking back and forth in the room. I felt my fingers grip Taehyung's shirt tighter and I tried not to panic. Please just leave the room. Don't catch us.

The guard rattled the door handle and before I could make a noise, Taehyung slammed his lips against mine. It didn't take me long to kiss back and that was when I realised something about myself.

I was a proper hoe.

Taehyung's tongue brushed against mine and his hand slid to my lower back, pulling me closer to him. I didn't fight him as the kiss deepened and I almost didn't hear the guards leaving the room.

But did I stop kissing him?

No. I didn't.

Because I was a hoe.

My hands ran up his chest, and my fingers curled into his hair. Taehyung was a great kisser and I didn't even realise his tongue was pierced until this kiss. I had never noticed it, but made my body burnt thinking about what a pierced tongue could do to a girl.

Taehyung's hand slid down to my ass and gripped it tightly. A small moan escaped his mouth and he pulled away from the kiss. We stood there panting slightly, and I licked my lips.

"Erm" He said quietly "I, uh...I'm sorry?"

I found myself grinning "Yeah. Me too"

Taehyung cleared his throat but didn't move his hand from my ass "You have a great ass"

I stifled a laugh "Thanks?"

"D-do you, uh, want to erm...maybe we should meet the others" Taehyung said, putting his head on my shoulder "Cause if we don't go, I am going to fuck you in this damn closet"

By the time we reached the others, my heart wasn't beating so crazy. I was sure that I was red cheeked because Taehyung was as well.

"Shit" Jimin said, "Where the hell did you two go?"

"I had to think of a plan" Taehyung said sitting down. I sat beside him "We ran into a dead end and had to hide. When we were coming here, we had to hide again because they were still looking for us"

"Did they see your faces?" Jungkook asked.

"No" I said, and I folded my arms.

"Why are you so red in the face?" Jimin asked, and my cheeks burnt even more "I see"

"Don't grin at me like that" I said, throwing a stone at him.

"I'm not grinning" Jimin said...grinning "Jungkook, am I grinning?"

Jungkook shook his head and grinned.

"Fuck off" I said, and I looked at Hana "Are you feeling any better?"

Hana nodded "Yes. Jimin and Jungkook cheered me up"

"Did you want to talk about it?" I asked, not expecting a proper answer from her. But she sighed and nodded "Who is Maya?"

Hana looked down at her feet "Someone Yoongi fucked"

"Bastard" Jungkook muttered.

"You know I though that he was finally starting to like me more than just a fuck buddy. I guess I was wrong because after I told him I wanted more, he jumped into bed with that bitch" Hana sighed "Is there something wrong with me?"

"Definitely not" Jungkook said quickly "He should be grateful to be around you. Yoongi doesn't deserve you. You're too good for him"

Me and the boys turned to look at him. He was red in the face and was looking at Hana with pure love.

"But I can't help but love him" Hana said starting to cry "I gave everything to him, but he still throws me away when a better girl comes along. He knows I love him, a-and he still messed me around!"

Jungkook sat beside her and hugged her. Hana turned into him and cried into his chest. I scratched my head and turned to the other two.

"Can we beat him up?" I asked.

"Yoongi would beat us first" Taehyung said, "We've seen him take on 5 people and still win. I think he walked away with a few bruises"

"I thought that Yoongi loved Hana" Jimin said quietly, "He beat up any boy that went near her"

I looked back at Hana and sighed "Hana, what do you want to do?"

"Get drunk" She sniffed and wiped her eyes "Next weekend we can leave the complex. But, if we get caught fighting then we are in trouble and could get sent to juvie"

"We can leave?" I asked, almost squealing "Holy shit. Why didn't I know about this?"

"Because Kang will try and stop you" Taehyung said, "But I'm sure we can get you out without being seen"

I looked up at Taehyung, and we both went red in the face. I cleared my throat and stared at Hana "Let's get fucked up then"

I just hoped I didn't end up fucking someone. Because I had become a hoe.

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