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I felt so uncomfortable that I wanted to shoot myself in the head, just so I could get out of this damn party. Even Taehyung looked uncomfortable in his suit but he hadn't noticed me yet. I was hiding around the corner trying to figure out a way to escape the party.

"Do we have to go to this?" Taehyung asked.

"No," Lina said, "Everyone has to go. Your friends are going to be there so what's the problem?"

"The last time I wore a suit was to dad's funeral"

Lina sighed "You can't think about that right now. This party is in memory of him and you know it. The kids at that school that graduated will be there. Heejun will be there and he was very fond of our dad"

Taehyung sighed "Whatever. Where is HQ? I think she's taking her time on purpose"

I took a deep breath and stepped into the room "I'm trying to think of ways to escape"

"Holy shit," Lina grinned "You look stunning!"

Taehyung looked me up and down and sent me two thumbs up "Beautiful"

"Can't I wear trousers?" I said, shuffling on my feet. I hadn't put heels on so I could do that and I didn't want to put them on "And a pair of trainers?"

"No," Taehyung said, "If I have to wear a suit then you have to wear heels and that dress. Hoseok is going to dribble when he sees you"

"All the boys are going to dribble," Lina laughed, "Mum is good at makeup and hair. Harley, you honestly look stunning. Who would have thought you'd look like that? Under the bad girl attitude, you can really be classy"

I scoffed "That's because I've not talked too much and I'm uncomfortable"

"Stand next to Taehyung and Lina," Yoojung said walking into the room "I want to take a picture of my beautiful children"

We all groaned but did as we were told. Taehyung stood in the middle linking his arms with ours. I managed a smile and Yoojung gushed at us. She handed the camera over to us and I smiled without having to force it.

I didn't look too bad. Actually, I looked hot. The red went well with my complexion and the halter neck made my boobs look great. It was only a small plunge, but shit did they look good. I was thankful for Yoojung for picking a dress that went down to my ankles but not too happy it had a slit up the side revealing my leg. It stopped midthigh and I knew my legs were great, but still. I wasn't used to wearing a dress or skirt. I was always in shorts or trousers.

Lina kicked a pair of black heels over to me and I sighed, sliding my feet into them. Taehyung messed around with his tie and Yoojung sorted it out for him. Lina redid my hair, pinning it so it rested over one shoulder. She smiled at me and tapped my cheeks gently.

"Come one," Yoojung said, pulling her heels on "The car is here and we can't be late...which we already are. Taehyung, if you weren't such a tart we would be there already"

"You can't put a time on beauty," Taehyung said, "And I had to make myself hotter"

I rolled my eyes "Shut up and let's just go. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave"

"I can't do it!" I said as Taehyung tried to pull me out of the car "I've changed my mind. I can't let anyone see me in a dress! They will just laugh"

"I highly doubt that," Taehyung said wrapping his arms around my waist and he lifted me from the car "You look great HQ and there is no way I'm going in there without you. Mum and Lina are in there, and probably being bombarded with questions as to where the fuck we are!"

I groaned "Tae, I can't do it. I haven't seen any of them since we left the school"

"So? They'd be happy to see you,"

I sighed "I am so going to regret walking in there in a dress"

Taehyung laughed "HQ, there was a dress code. I've been to these charity balls before and once you drink something, you'll be fine"

"I hate you so much right now," I said and Taehyung let me go "So fucking much"

"I love you too HQ. Come on. If we stay out here any longer mum is going to think that we hijacked the car and drove off"

I sighed and Taehyung linked his arm with mine. He sent me a small smile and walked with me to the doors. My heart was in my throat and my hands were clammy. I would rather face Kang than show myself in a dress. People were going to laugh. I knew they were. 

"Harley," Taehyung said, "It will be alright. You look great"

"That's not the problem," I said, "No one has seen me like this before. In a dress, wearing makeup and my hair done. They will laugh at me"

"Then beat them up," Taehyung said with a shrug, "But if anyone laughs at you then Hoseok will beat them up for you"

"I don't think he is going to want to talk to me," I said quietly, "I haven't spoken to him in a month. He probably hates me"

"I don't think he does," Taehyung said, "Even if he does, then like it matters. You're probably doing better without him. Now, are you going to stop distracting me and walk in with me?"

I laughed and nodded "Yeah but not because I want to or anything"

"You're lucky to be seen with me HQ," Taehyung grinned, and he pushed the door open and led me through the hotel to where the charity ball was "Please don't pass out on me"

"I won't," I muttered, "Let's just walk in and go straight to the bar. If we can't get to the bar, we find Yoojung and Lina. Deal?"

"Deal," Taehyung said pushing the door open "Wow. That's a lot of people"

I felt the colour drain from my face as I saw people turn to look at us "Nope. Can't do it. See you later"

"I don't think so," Taehyung grabbed my hand and yanked me forward through the crowd. I kept my head down and we stopped "Hey guys!"

I looked up at who he said hi too, and their eyes went wide as they spotted me. My stomach rolled on me and I thought I was going to be sick. Taehyung elbowed me in the side and I cleared my throat.

"H-hey guys," I said, "How's...how's it going?"

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now