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The guards smirked as I walked back to class, and I rubbed my jaw. Kang had punched me hard and it made my eyes rattle in their sockets. I was covered in more bruises and the teachers didn't even batter an eyelid at my state. Poppy started taking pictures of the bruises I got each time I went to see Kang. She had told me that she was building up as much evidence she could to take him down.

I knew that wasn't going to happen because everyone on the outside thought the brute was doing a good job. Boy were they wrong. When I got out, I hoped that Kang walked the streets I ran around on because my friends and I would jump him. Beat the shit out of him and leave him to bleed out on the floor. Zico and Taeil wouldn't let him get away with it. We had known each other since we were young, and they were the only ones to stand up for me when I was bullied. Since then, we were like family.

When I found out that we were leaving the school for the night, I had sent them a message telling them. They told me they would meet me in the town near the school and we could have fun together again. Which also translated to get fucked and fight. I just had to avoid the fighting as much as I could because I wasn't being sent to juvie without getting Kang back first.

That bastard was going to pay for what he had done to me. Hana had told me that he had beaten her black and blue once and she had to be taken to hospital. Poppy had told her she was lucky to walk away with a few broken bones and not have internal damage. Kang was an asshole and he was going to be destroyed. I never targeted anyone before, but this bastard deserved to be taken down and I would happily get sent to juvie for doing it...if I was caught. I'd take all the blame, so my friends didn't get caught up in it. I'd make sure that Taehyung went back to his mum, Jungkook to his family and Jimin went back to his biological brother.

He had told me that his real parents were in rehab, so he was given to a foster family. His brother worked a lot and Jimin couldn't stay with him for that reason. It was total bullshit but Jimin didn't care. He said that he didn't want to cause problems for his brother and he didn't care about his foster parents.

I opened the door to the classroom and it was a decent teacher standing behind the desk. She looked at me and gasped.

"Harley!" She said, "What happened to you?"

"Jumped" I lied and dropped a note onto the table "From Kang"

"That bastard" She said under her breath and I pretended not to hear. She must be the one teaming up with Poppy "Just copy the notes from Hoseok and if you need any help, just ask me"

I nodded and headed to my seat. I winced as I sat down and Hoebag slipped his arm around the back of my chair.

"We need to talk after classes finish" He said with a smirk "If you run away, I will catch you"

"Whatever" I said, not looking at him. Why did he have to be so handsome?

"You can come to my room" He said, "Oh, and make sure you knock on the right door this time. I'd rather you not flirt with my friends. I want to keep you all to myself"

My face burnt, and I bit my tongue, not wanting to fight him in the middle of class. Jimin looked over his shoulder and stared at me with wide eyes. He whispered something to Taehyung and he turned to look at me as well, wearing a smirk.

"Fuck off" I muttered and they both laughed "I will hurt you"

"Alright sweetheart" Jimin laughed and turned to face the front.

"No problem HQ" Taehyung grinned and carried on with what he was doing.

Hoebag put his hand on my thigh and I glared at him. He was looking at his work, writing shit down and I pinched his hand.

"Touch me inappropriately again and I will shove my foot up your ass"

He chuckled and leaned into me "I'd like to see you try. Oh, and Harley? If I kiss you again, I won't be holding back. I will make you putty in my hands"

My face burnt "As if. I bet you're shit in bed"

"Shall we test that?" He whispered in my ear "I will ruin you for other guys. You'll be wishing they were me"

I'd like to see you try.

Maybe I should sleep with other guys to- no! Harley. Behave. Why did these boys make me into a hoe? Damn these hormones.

"I hope you are thinking about me fucking you" Hoebag said in my ear and I shoved him away from me. He grinned widely "I was so right"

After classes had finished, I walked with the boys to the common room. Hana had hold of the bottom of my shirt, looking at the floor. She reminded me of a child not wanting to let go of her parents. I used to do that with my parents...

A girls high pitch giggle made me look up and I scowled at what I saw. Yoongi was sitting down and a girl was running her finger up and down his chest. Hoebag and Jin were playing pool and Namjoon was writing. The view pissed me off and I heard Hana start to cry.

"Don't pay him any attention" Jungkook said, "The guy doesn't know what he lost"

Hana quickly wiped her eyes and nodded "You're right...he's lost the only person to love him. Even with his faults"

I snorted "The guy doesn't deserve your love. Did he really sleep with that girl?"

Hana nodded and looked at me "She's really pretty?"

"She's not" I said, looking over at them again "Compared to you, she's fuck ugly"

Hana laughed slightly "You don't have to lie. Maya is pretty. All the boys like her"

"Probably cause she spreads her legs with ease" I said, "Don't worry Hana. I'll beat her up for you"

"Don't worry" Hana sighed as we walked past them "Maya is just a hoe. She just wanted some dick and Yoongi was easy"

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking about?" I heard the girl say "Fucking watch what you say, bitch"

Hana clenched her fists "I'm talking about you. Can you see someone else called Maya?"

Maya got to her feet and stomped her way over to her "Don't be jealous because Yoongi found someone more interesting"

"I think you mean easy" Hana smiled "He found someone easy"

Maya slapped Hana and my eyes went wide. She then pushed Hana over, making the common room go silent.

"Oh shit" Taehyung said "She just hurt the queen"

"You fucking bitch" I said, reaching for Maya, but a hand stopped me. I looked up at Hoebag and he shook his head once "Why? Don't stop me"

"Trust me" Hoebag said and Taehyung pulled me away from him "Keep her out of this"

Yoongi shoved Maya out his way and helped Hana to her feet "Babe, are you ok?"

"Don't touch me" Hana said, pushing him.

"Babe, I can-"

"I don't want to hear your excuses" Hana said, looking at Maya who was smirking "I'd stop smirking at me if I were you"

Maya giggled "Make me"

Yoongi took a huge step away from Hana and I frowned. I looked at her and she dropped her bag onto the floor. She swept her hair into a ponytail and clicked her neck.

"I have been wanting to do this since day one" Hana said, and it was like she had no emotion in her face. It gave me chills and my mouth dropped open as Hana launched herself at Maya.

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