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A few drinks later, I was more relaxed and didn't care that people were staring at me. I kinda understood why they were. For once, I had no bruises or cuts scattered over my body and I was in a dress. I think some of the boys appreciated that I had boobs cause when I was in my normal clothes, my tops were baggy and only showed the shape of them.

"I can't believe they managed to get you into a dress," Hana said, "You look amazing and who did your makeup? I need to ask them for pointers"

I smiled at Hana and she crossed her legs, her dress falling to reveal the whole leg. I noticed a few guys smack each other and pointed at her. But someone stood in front of her and I looked up at Yoongi, who was glaring at the boys checking Hana out.

"Babe, can you cover your legs?" Yoongi asked, "I don't like others checking you out and I'm trying to stay out of a fight"

Hana rolled her eyes "It's just a leg. If boys get a boner over a leg then they need to get out more"

"Babe," Yoongi whinged, "Please"

Hana tutted and put her hands on her legs "Better?"

"Why do I love you?" Yoongi asked walking away, "Don't blame me if I punch some fucker in the face then"

"You two are cute," I said, "Makes me want to be sick"

Hana laughed "Don't be silly. How has it been living with Taehyung and his family?"

"It's been fun," I said, "I didn't think I would fit in straight away but Yoojung and Lina are just like Taehyung and there hasn't been a dull day. Well, that's a lie. I felt...low again but I went straight to Lina. She helped me through it"

"That's really good," Hana smiled.

"What about you? Where are you living?"

Hana blushed "I moved in with Yoongi"

"No fucking way!" I said, with a big grin "What about his parents?"

"Yeah, about that," Hana said, "We don't live with his parents. We have our own place"

"Shit. How could you afford that?"

"Again...we didn't buy it,"  Hana bit into her lip "Ah, shit. I have lipstick on. Did I ruin it? No? Good. Ok. The thing is Hoseok kinda brought the house for us"

I frowned "He brought you a fucking house?"

Hana nodded "Even though he has nothing to do with his parents, they still give him money. He said to us that he wants us to be together and wants me out of the school. I've lived there since I was 15 and it was about time I felt safe enough leaving. So, he brought us a house"

"Holy shit," I said, "That's mental"

"I know," Hana sighed, "Harley, can I ask you something?"

"Go for it but I already know where it's going,"

Hana smiled "Do you love him? Hoseok I mean"

I sighed and looked around the room "If I'm honest, I don't know what being in love feels like but I'm sure I do. I love Taehyung, I love Jimin and Jungkook and I love you. But when I see Hoseok there's just something about him that makes me feel stupid"

"That's love for you," Hana elbowed me "He should be here tonight but I think he is bringing his parents. Apparently, they are huge supporters of this charity"

"But they are in the mafia!"

"I know but they aren't as bad as you think. Ok, so they made him date Ami to keep the friendship between my parents and his but-"

"I did want to ask you about that," I said, "How do his parents know yours? Oh my god. You are in the mafia as well"

Hana laughed, "No. I'm not. Hoseok's mum was best friends with mine. We grew up together. That's how I met Yoongi. Yoongi always stuck by me when things got hard. He used to visit me when I was in the hospital and when I was made to go to that school, a few weeks later he was sent there"

"That's love,"

"At first it wasn't but it is now," Hana blushed, "Anyway! Hoseok is going to be here and I want you to talk to him. It's about time you both sorted your shit out and admit that you both love each other"

I rolled my eyes and stood up "I'm going to get a drink and speak to the boys. Are you coming?"

"Nah," Hana said standing up "I'm going to get Yoongi to dance with me"

Hana pulled me into a hug and I hugged her back.

"Hana," I said, "Thank you for being my friend"

"You are stuck with me for the rest of your life," Hana grinned, "Go talk with your friends. I need to find Yoongi. I know he's hiding from me. He knows I want to dance"

We went our separate ways and I headed over to the bar. I ignored the comments a few people said to me and my friends smiled when I reached them.

"Don't stand next to me," Jimin said moving Jungkook next to me "You make me look short. It was bad enough when Hana stood next to me in heels"

I laughed "You aren't short Jimin"

"Yes, he is," Taehyung and Jungkook said together.

"Sweetheart, you can replace these fuckers as friends anytime," Jimin said punching them both in the arm "Why can't you pick on someone else's height for once?"

"Because they aren't small like you," Jungkook said.

"Just cause I'm shorter than you doesn't mean I can't kick your fucking ass!"

"Could you even reach it?" Taehyung asked, "I mean, the height difference and all"

"Maybe we should start calling you a bitch midget," Jungkook said.

"I hate you right now," Jimin said, "I'm not fucking short!"

"Shorter than me," Jungkook shrugged, "And less hot. You're short and not as hot"

"I will-"

"You have to speak up," Jungkook said, "I can't hear you from down there"

"Holy shit, Hana just got her tits out!" I said, pointing behind Jungkook.

"Where?!" Jungkook said spinning around with excitement in his eyes "Where is Hana and...you fucking bitch!"

I laughed with Jimin "That serves you right! Don't be so mean to Jimin. He isn't that short and he is hot. And cute. Hard to say which one is more dominant though, so I will go with cute"

"Thanks," Jimin said smirking.

"But then in his suit? Hotter"

"Sweetheart, you-"

"Fuck. What are you?!" I said, "Who the fuck is hot and cute at the same damn time? Are you an alien or a robot? Were you sent from another galaxy to put other men to shame with how-"

"Are you drunk?"

I put my arm around his waist "Why? Do you want me drunk?"

"Shit," Jimin laughed, "I missed you"

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