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I blew the smoke out in more of a huff and flicked away the cigarette. It went further than I thought and landed on a pile of dry leaves.

"Fuck!" I said and rushed over to it and stomped out the fire I almost started. I picked the cigarette out and scraped it against the wall and dropped it into the ashtray "Should have put it there in the first place you idiot"

"There is one way of getting out of a party,"

I turned to look at Hoseok "What do you want?"

"I came to say sorry," He said rubbing the back of his neck, "Mum told me I was being a fucking asshole and childish"

I crossed my arms "You are an asshole but saying sorry won't change that"

"Harley, I am sorry," He said walking over to me "I guess seeing you just shocked me. I mean look at you? I wanted to fuck you over the damn buffet table"

I bit back a smile "You'll have to try harder than that"

Hoseok smiled slightly and shook his head "You left the school without saying anything. You ignored my messages and calls. I was angry, ok? I thought you wanted to be with me but then I hear nothing from you. So, I thought you left me for someone else"

I sighed "It wasn't like we were together anyway before I left. We argued. Do you even remember that?"

"I do," Hoseok bit into his lip.

"You punched Jungkook," I said, "For no reason"

"No reason?" Hoseok frowned "He smacked your ass!"

"No, Jimin smacked my ass and Jungkook just happened to be standing there," I said and then I suddenly remembered Jimin smacking Yoongi's ass and started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing," I lied "Now isn't the time to talk about that. You need to say sorry to Jungkook"

"Why? It was just a punch,"

"Are you trying to make me like you again or?"

Hoseok sighed "Fine. I'll say sorry to him but right now, I want to talk to you. Harley, I'm sorry. For being a dick head and for letting myself get angry at you ignoring me. You must have had a reason"

I sighed "I...I was having a hard time adjusting to having a home. One where I'm looked after and loved. I had a slight issue with my thoughts and I tried to...you know. Again"

Hoseok's eyes softened and he pulled me into a hug "Baby, I'm so sorry"

"It's alright," I muttered and looked up at him "Shit happens. I dealt with it and I'm still here"

Hoseok smiled down at me and put his hand on my cheek "Good. Because if you were I would bring you back to life just to kill you myself"

"Was that a chat up line? Because that fucking sucked,"

"Did you want a chat up line?" He smirked "I have a good one,"

"I've heard them all. Hit me,"

"Alright," He said, "Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm bad at poems and you have nice tits"

I burst into laughter, so much that tears rolled down my face "Oh my god! I haven't heard the one before"

Hoseok grinned down at me "I guess I pulled"

"I guess you did," I said quietly.

"So, Harley," Hoseok said, kissing me gently "I have a better excuse on how to get out of this party"

I smirked against his lips "I'm sure you do"

Hoseok's fingers were linked with mine by the side of my head as he rolled his hips into me. I couldn't help but moan into our kiss and my body felt like it was about to go up in flames. He pulled away from the kiss and moved his lips to the base of my neck, nipping the skin before sucking on it.

I bit into my lip as he thrust harder and I squeezed my eyes shut. I could hear him breathing heavily in my ear and he pulled his hands away from mine and holding himself up with his forearms. 

He kissed me again, his tongue finding mine in seconds. From the way he kissed me, it made me feel dizzy and everything I had ever gone through disappeared with just a damn kiss. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled slightly, making him groan. His thrusts became almost sloppy and I knew he was close.

A sudden orgasm shot through me and I almost cried out. I arched my back and felt my nails scratched at his back. My breath caught in my throat and Hoseok buried his face into my neck as he shook on me, obviously reaching his high.

"Shit," He mumbled, and dropped his full weight onto me "I fucking missed you"

I didn't open my eyes and I was trying to catch my breath "You mean you missed fucking me"

"That too," He said, biting my neck.


He chuckled and I gasped as he pulled out to lay beside me. He licked his lips and glanced over at me. He pulled me into a hug and kissed me. The kiss didn't last long but Hoseok pulled me into a hug, running his fingers through my hair.

"I have a feeling your friends are looking for you," He said quietly, "I just hope they don't find us"

"You know they will," I said, wanting to go to sleep "We should go and join the party"

"Mmm," Hoseok hummed "Did you bring makeup?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because your lipstick smudged,"

"Fuck," I said climbing out of bed "Hoseok, where the fuck did you put my underwear?"

"Somewhere over there," Hoseok grinned "Shit. You're making me hard again"

I sent him the middle finger and pulled on my knickers and stepped into my dress. I looked in the mirror and sighed. The clips had to go. I pulled them out and dropped them onto the bed and fluffed my hair up until it looked a little bit presentable.

"Good thing I didn't get my hair cut," I muttered, "It covers the hickeys"

Hoseok walked over in just his trousers and he slid his arms around my waist. He kissed my shoulder gently "Good thing they won't find the other ones. No walking around your house in shorts"

I blushed "Good thing it's too cold for that then"

"Harley," Hoseok said turning me in his arms. He ran his hands up to my face and kissed me softly "I love you"

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