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I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed at the state of me. Kang's fat fingers had left bruises and every time I swallowed, it felt like I had razors in my throat. My rib cage was creaking and my face was numb.

Hana had given me a scarf to cover the strangulation marks but I shrugged it off. The man was done and I was free from his beatings. I had hoped anyway. But Poppy told me that with the evidence she got, Kang was going away for a long time.

I ran my fingers down the bruises on my cheek and tried to remember a day where I didn't have bruises scattered all over my face. I scoffed. Even as a baby I probably had bruises on me. I wondered if people would look at me weirdly because I didn't have any.

I threw myself back on my bed and stared at the ceiling. There was no point in me going anywhere cause classes were on hold until the police did there thing and for once, I wasn't worried about them. To be honest, I was glad I had Heejun on my side because all the other cops walking around didn't like me.

There was a knock on the door and I sighed. If I pretended I wasn't here then they would go away. But the knocking didn't stop.

"Go away" I croaked "I'm sleeping"

"Open up the door you troll"

I dragged my feet over to the door and opened it to Hoebag grinning down at me. He stepped into the room and jumped onto my bed.

"Why is your bed more comfortable than mine? What the fuck" He said, "Can we swap beds or can I take Hana's place as a roommate?"

"No thanks. I'd rather Hana"

"Come on babe. You'd love me as a roommate. I'd walk around in my boxers for you" Hoebag winked at me "Are you coming to join me in bed or what?"

"No thanks"

"Aww," He said, "Is Pingu scared?"

"Who the fuck are you calling Pingu?"  I said and I stomped my way over to him. I jumped on him and grabbed the pillow trying to smother him, but he just laughed "I told people that so they didn't laugh at your dream!"

"Don't pinch! Bad Pingu" He said tapping my ass "Shall I spank you harder?"

"How about I shove my fist down your throat?"

"Kinky, but not my first choice in-ow! Hands off the nips!"

I sighed "What do you want Hoebag? I'm not in a good mood right now"

"For starters, I'd like to see you do a striptease. Then for mains, I'd like to lay you down and lick you till you scream" He said "And dessert I'd like to fuck you until you can't walk straight for a week"

"Oh really?" I said folding my arms. I tried to ignore the fact that I was straddling him so I just cleared my throat as I felt him twitch beneath me "And what if I don't want any of that?"

Hoebag smirked "You do. It's obvious you want me as much as I want you"

I tutted "Why are you here and tell me the truth"

"I wanted my three-course meal, but I can see I won't be getting that just yet," He said "But I did come to see if you were ok

"I'm fine"

"Really? We've not seen you today and you skipped breakfast and lunch. You haven't opened your door to your friends and even Hana told us to leave you alone"

I shrugged "I'm ok"

"Really? Then look me in the eyes and tell me that you're ok"

"Hoebag, I'm ok. What more do you want me to say? I'm in pain and I'm fed up of being asked the same questions over and over again" I said, "What more could I possibly tell them about my shitty life, that will help put Kang behind bars for longer"

"I don't think they are asking questions just about Kang," Hoebag said, "Harley, you can talk to me"

"What's the point?" I asked quietly "It won't make me feel any better"

He rolled his eyes and dragged me down onto his chest. He wrapped his arms around me hugging me tightly, and he gently ran his fingers through my hair.

"You need to trust me," He said quietly "I'm here for you. I told you something that I never thought I would. It will all work out in the end"

"I don't know," I said, resting the side of my head on his chest "My foster parents were called and they have to come here tomorrow. I know that everything is going to get worse but Heejun said they need to be here. I don't want to see them. They blame me for Jaeho being arrested and they even said they wished Hyungwon killed me"


I nodded "They have hated me since the day they fostered me. I was just a paycheck to them and now I'm the reason their son is being trialled for murder"

Hoebag sighed "It isn't your fault that Jaeho slit that bastards throat. Hyungwon had it coming but he couldn't wait to get his hands on you. All he had to do was wait till the end of the week and I would have done something to him. Maybe not kill him with my own hands but-"

"I thought you hated your dad's job. I thought you wanted nothing to do with it" I said sitting up.

He nodded and put his hands on my cheeks, pulling me closer to him "But I would do anything to keep you safe and to put a smile on your face"

I pouted slightly "I'm not going to be the reason for you to follow in your dad's footsteps"

"If it means keeping you out of trouble, then I don't give a fuck"

"Bleugh," I said, "Who are you and what have you done to Hoebag?"

He laughed and brought me down for a quick kiss "I like you, Harley, so you'll just have to deal with it. So, what do you say? You up for causing trouble by my side?"

A/N: sup my hoes.

I have updated this a lot recently because I finished work early yesterday so I had time to concentrate on my story. And I updated this morning because I didn't start work till later. But, I'm also ill. So I was sent home today and I've lost my voice.

I'm a whispering machine right now, so I'll be updating this story, and my others (don't forget to love them as well).

Keep the comments rolling and don't forget to vote.

Much love hoes. Stay weird <3

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