«6» Ready? yes

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I looked down at the list my aunt gave me and noticed there wasn't much I could pack, mostly everything I use was on the list of things you couldn't bring. Like I was going to pack sweatpants but they had drawstrings and that was on the list so I had to either take it out or not bring it. I was getting annoyed when I was reading down the list seeing I couldn't bring in any jewelry, how was I suppose to go without any earring or anything. I almost had everything pierced, I had eight piercings on my left side while I had 5 on my right, I also have a small silver stud on my nose along with my belly button, I got both nipples pierced as well as my tongue and my you know area. Long story short I have a lot of piercings that I wasn't willing to get rid of.

I roll my eyes as I sift threw my closet, picking out different black and white t-shirts and some jeans without the belt because of course belts weren't allowed. I shoved some of my sweatpants that didn't have the drawstring before going over to grab some pajamas which were just black flowly pants some boxers. My clothing was very plain, no patterns on my shirts or boxers they were either black or white. No other bright color could be found any where in my closet and I guess that's how it's always been.

I picked up the list again to read down it more laughing because I pretty much can't bring anything I usually use daily. I couldn't bring lotion or perfume now that was bullshit, how could they do that? I shake my head rolling the paper up into a ball before throwing the lump across my room watching it hit the wall and barley miss the trash can in the corner. I looked at the lump for a solid second before laughing because I knew I wasn't going to go pick it up.

I walked into my bathroom to grab shampoo, conditioner and body wash shoving it into my bag before zipping it shut and moving it out into the living room near the door. I tried to walk straight to the front door but I had to take a break since the bag was heavy. I drop the bag when I finally made it hearing the loud thump that followed right after. 

I threw myself on the couch when I heard my phone ding knowing that it could only be one person, my aunt. I left it alone for a bit so that I could relax but after two more notification noises I knew I couldn't leave it alone anymore. Well that and by the time I grabbed my phone she started to call men making me sigh while rolling my eyes.

  « This woman. » She wouldn't even give me enough time to even grab my phone which she always did and it frustrated me to no end.  

« Are you ever going to leave me the fuck alone? » I answer in an obviously annoyed tone of voice hearing a huff in response. I heard her scoff in disapproval.

« Mr. Park let's get professional now. » Her tone of voice made me want to vomit but I held back my outburst.

« Fine, why are you calling. » I mocked her voice knowing I was getting on her nerves but that was just the way I was. Annoying.

« Did you pack? Are you ready? I talked to your mom and she is glad you are taking this serious. » I rolled my eyes when she mentions my mom, I knew my mom only cared was because she wanted a normal child other then me.

« Yes I packed, yes I'm ready. I just want to get this over with you know? I'll end up getting kicked out again for something stupid. » It was the truth since my inpatients never ended well which annoyed everyone who was close to me.

« You need to try because after this you are done, you won't live long and trust me no one will be there for you when you die. » I was shocked when her voice got serious, damn was she really going to just leave me like that.

« I know auntie, I am going to try trust me. » I picked up my feet resting them on the coffee table in front of my while scooting some of the trash away so that I could do so.

« Anyway I was just checking in, I will be there by 7 so make sure your up and showered and ready. » I could tell she was smiling even tho no one could see her but that gave me a little comfort.

« Okay whatever goodnight. » I hung up throwing my phone back down on the floor while I leaned over so that my head hit one of the pillows and my feet moved onto the couch.

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