«176» Strawberry

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« You can bring beer, just take it away when you leave, you are not leaving any alcohol in my house. » Yoongi was on the phone with his best friend Jin, it was morning time now so Yoongi was in the kitchen looking for things to make breakfast as he was on this call. Jimin was sitting at the table but he could hear Yoongi on the phone and he couldn't help but smile when he heard what he said.

« Yes, I just don't want alcohol near my Jimin, it's just a sore subject. » Yoongi set down the pancake mix pressing the phone in between his cheek and his shoulder trying to open the bag. Again Jimin heard this and his heart melted because Yoongi felt so passionate about not having alcohol in the house because it was a sore subject and Jimin constantly avoided any alcohol knowing it was a huge part of his past. So hearing Yoongi explain that to Jin was really touching.

« Yeah, yeah I'll see you tonight. » Yoongi ended the phone call and set his phone down on the counter.

After he ended the call he fully opened the bag of pancake mix and when he turned around to grab a bowl Jimin got up from the dining chair and walked into the kitchen with a smile. Yoongi jumped a little when he grabbed a bowl, he felt arms go around his waist but he quickly knew they were Jimin's arms.

« You're so sweet, knowing I won't want alcohol in our house. » Jimin mumbled against his husband's shoulder pressing his hands against the older's waist.

« Yeah well I hate drinking and I don't want you to get involved in that again. » Yoongi turned around and pressed his back against the counter, Jimin's hands were still on his waist but he had a soft look at him.

« I guess you can say I was an alcoholic... I really never thought about that being the possibility but yeah I won't want to keep alcohol here. » Jimin looks down avoiding eye contact with Yoongi who was brushing his fingers against the younger's hair.

« He will leave with the beer, don't worry, so do you want to help me with breakfast? » Jimin nods quickly and walks to the side so that Yoongi could turn back around and start to cook their breakfast.

They made strawberry pancakes with real fruit on top, Jimin was feeling really good on this day so he helped stir the batter and place them in the pan. Yoongi then made some bacon and eggs while Jimin had the task of cooking the pancakes. They severed them with fresh fruit, maple syrup, and a glass of ice water. They then sat down to just talk about what was going to be going on later that day.

« I can't believe we are all coming together to hang out. Even my mom, I feel like having my mom hang out with my friends should be embarrassing but I don't know how I feel. » It was a known thing to be embarrassed when your mom tries to join your friend group but he hasn't seen his mom in ages so he didn't mind and he didn't really understand this embarrassing thing.

« Well it's good that you can have your mom around, as you get older it's less weird to invite your mom out for events and things but she's a wonderful person. » Yoongi poured the syrup over his pancakes as Jimin just watched him and listened to what he had to say.

« I guess you're right, oh do you have everyone's gifts? We should have wrapped them or done something cute. » Yoongi noticed the way Jimin played with the fruit on his pancake but chose to ignore it as he looked around to try and remember where he put everyone's gifts.

« They're in the bedroom, I'll grab them when everyone gets here. » He then takes a bite out of his pancakes looking up at Jimin smiling once they made eye contact.

« Why are you smiling like that? » Jimin questioned eating one of the small pieces of strawberry that were on his plate.

« I just love you, I can't get enough of you. » He was always so cheesy and Jimin knew that but he kind of let it slide because he loved hearing Yoongi express how much he loves him so he could deal with the cheesiness.

« Stop.. umm what are we going to do before they get here? I mean we have this planned for tonight and we still have all day. » The younger pointed out, he felt like they had to do something today however Yoongi wasn't really planning on doing anything for the day.

« Well I thought we would eat breakfast, get ready, lay in bed maybe and just enjoy each other's company. I know we have lazy days every week but you're here and that's all I need. » The older then took a few more bites of his food looking to see what Jimin had to say to that but he just saw a pink blush over his husband's cheeks.

« That actually sounds really nice. » That's when Jimin takes his first bite out of the pancake which makes Yoongi feel more at ease and the two continue eating.

They ate, showered together and laid in bed right up until the doorbell rang signaling that the first guests had arrived for their night of fun.

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