«69» Lost goal

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Jimin was a mix of confused and upset, mad but he could never be mad at his boyfriend. Sure he was really upset about Yoongi not showing up to his room last night but there wasn't much he could do about it. He wanted to confront him about why he didn't show up but right when Yoongi came into work he rushed into Dr. Lee's office without even a second glance.

Jimin was starting to worry, 'maybe Yoongi fell out of love' 'maybe he's going to break up with me'. Jimin had so many thoughts running through his head as he sat at one of the tables waiting to go get weighed. Yoongi was in Dr. Lee's office for a really long time and it wasn't until Jimin's name was called when he finally walked out. The two made eye contact but Jimin didn't smile, he even yanked his arm away when Yoongi reached out to grab his arm.

This action made Yoongi's heart clench, of course it hurt Jimin as well but it hurt the older twice as much. He knew Jimin was going to be a little upset that he didn't show up last night like he has been doing for a long time. He had his reason even though it wasn't a really good reason, he didn't show up just because he felt jealous. Now that he thinks about it he was really dumb, he should of went to Jimin's room to talk about it and not just ignore the whole situation. He realized his mistake but there wasn't much he could do about it now that he fucked up hard.

« So do you think you have been progressing with Dr. Sung? » The staff member running Jimin's evaluation asked. Dr. Sung was with him for meals the day before to make sure he was keeping on track with his goal, his goal to leave the clinic and go live with Yoongi however he was far from his current goal which was to gain just at least two pounds.

« Well I hope so, I really want to try this time to get better. I'm tired of this and I want to move on with my life. » Jimin responded, this was why Jimin was really sad when Yoongi didn't show up last night. It made Jimin panic because if Yoongi didn't love him anymore then there was no use in getting better. He even was thinking about telling Yoongi his plan when he came but he didn't.

Jimin wrapped his arms around his bare stomach resting them just below his ribs where his still poked out. He really needed to know if he should get better or not. The staff member nodded her head writing something down on her clipboard leaving the room in a silence, Jimin didn't really know what to do but just kept his glance down and not say anything.

« Please step on the scale please and we can see how far you have come. » The staff member looked up for only a split second to point her pen towards the scale in the corner of the room going back to write some more things on the clipboard.

Jimin took a deep breathe as he was nervous, he really wanted to get better and be with Yoongi forever but it wasn't seeming to be true.

He walked slowly up to the scale, he felt like he was going to have a panic attack, he was breathing heavy as so many thoughts flooded through his head. Thoughts of Yoongi leaving him, thoughts of never getting better and stay in the horrible clinic. Ever since Min-Ju left it's been really hard for Jimin, he can barley go into the art room without thinking of her. He walks by the cork-board to see the last picture she drew and the cause of death. It was hard for him to deal with at this current moment. 

The only thing he truly remembers in this moment was stepping on the scale and seeing that he lost one pound, straying him further from his goal, this now means he isn't close to his goal at all. That's all he really remembers because then he went into a panic attack. He stepped off the scale, fear in his eyes as he was breathing extremely heavy. He didn't even feel the staff member's hands reach for his arms to steady him. He couldn't even hear the staff member ask if he was okay. He looked up at her yet he saw her lips move however it sounded like she was under water. 

He was so scared, the staff member had no idea what to really do, there was only one staff member here who had personally studied panic attacks and knew how to handle them, he also handled them extremely well and helped Jimin out of one when he was knew to the clinic. That person went by the name of Min Yoongi the one person Jimin didn't really want to see.

Yet he didn't know that he was sitting on the cold floor of the vital check room, he just knew he had a blanket around himself to stop him from shaking while the staff member paged Yoongi to quickly get to where Jimin was. She had no idea what to do, she kept yelling at Jimin to see if he was okay but her yelling wasn't helping at all and made Jimin panic even more. She truly wasn't good at this, she was making Jimin's state worse. He was about to pass out from hyperventilating but soon the door swung open. He gently closed his eyes as so many things were going on around him. His panic attack worsened so he just wanted to try and calm himself down at this point since the staff member trying to help him wasn't working.

Soon the staff member checking on Jimin had left, it was now just Yoongi and Jimin in the room and it wasn't awkward because Yoongi was just thinking about his job to help all the patients and Jimin was too far gone to figure out what was happening not what happened the night before.

« Babe, it's me. I'm here for you, I have you baby. » Yoongi's soft voice came through the thick cloud that was taking over Jimin's mind. The older wrapped the blanket tighter around Jimin's small shaking body trying to warm him up a little bit.

Somehow the sound of Yoongi's voice helped, he knew he was going to be alright.

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