«90» Ready, for real

526 29 11

Yoongi tried to rush home as fast as he could once he left work, he did make sure to get some green tea  and a cup of hot soup for Jimin, he didn't know if soup would make Jimin feel better about this situation but it's the best he could do for him. Once he got home he carried the bag and tea in one hand as he opened the front door, it was how he expected it to be when he got home. The lights were off and it was really quiet but when he walked up the stairs into the apartment he saw to the left down the small hallway the light was on in their bedroom so that means Jimin was awake unless he fell asleep with the lights on.

He didn't want to call out to him because he didn't know for sure if Jimin was asleep so he just went into the kitchen, to set the food down on the counter. He opened the bag and got the two cups of soup out of the bag and set it down along with the two spoons. He sighed as he rolled his shoulders back, rolling his neck trying to relax his muscles before he goes to check up on Jimin. He let out a sigh as he stretched his arms up above his head looking down the hallway before looking at Jimin.

The door to their room was closed however he could see the light coming threw the bottom of the door. He slowly opened the door trying not to scare Jimin just in case he was awake and when the door opened all the way he saw Jimin sitting on the bed with his back on the headboard. He had his knees up to his chest and his forehead on them but when he heard the door open he raised his head up and as soon as he saw Yoongi he had the biggest smile on his face. He quickly jumped off the bed and ran up to him and Yoongi decided to just ignore the tears running down the smaller's face and engulfed him in a tight hug.

« Hello beautiful. » Yoongi kissed the top of Jimin's head holding him close to his chest rubbing circles on his back. It seemed like he hadn't seen him in forever, the day was so long and he needed to tell Jimin about his aunt.

« It was so lonely. » Jimin tried to wipe his tears however Yoongi had already seen them so he didn't try so hard to get rid of them.

« I know, did you eat? » He didn't want to push Jimin about eating but it was important that he did so he needed to ask. He would be happy if he tried.

« y-yes, I tried so hard but only ate half of everything. I'm so sorry. » Jimin began to cry again in his arms shaking a little because he was so afraid that yoongi would get upset with him and be mad.

« Don't apologize, you tried that's all I could ask for. Now I brought you home some green tea and soup to make you feel a bit better. » He grabbed onto Jimin, wrapped his arm around Jimin's shoulder and walked the two of them out into the living room, helping him onto one of the bar stools which over looks the kitchen.

Yoongi made sure Jimin was sat correctly on the chair and brought one of the cups over to him with the spoon, then he grabbed his own cup and sat the tea right in front of Jimin.

« Here babe. » Yoongi kissed Jimin's cheek which made a small smile appear on his face as he grabbed the spoon looking down into the soup that was in front of him.

« Thanks. » Jimin responded in a small voice as he begun to eat the soup, well at first he was sipping on the broth but that was better then anything so they continued to eat their soup in silence.

After a while Yoongi was done with his soup and he looked over to see Jimin still sipping at the broth leaving Yoongi to wait which was something Yoongi didn't mind doing. 

« Hey um Yoongi? » Jimin stopped eating and set his spoon down next to the cup except he kept he gaze straight forward avoiding Yoongi who was sitting right next to him. 

« Yes. » He was curious on what Jimin wanted, he sounded off and he needed to know what was wrong with him. Maybe Jimin didn't eat anything he prepared for him at all, or maybe he was just being silly.

« I-I think I'm ready to take a shower with you. » Jimin was so embarrassed to say that out loud but he was thinking about the other night all day and he thought that being all scared and nervous was just apart of being in a relationship and he knew Yoongi wouldn't do anything to hurt him. He knew that Yoongi was gentle and loving and he would never do anything or even try anything with him.

« We don't have to if you don't want to. » This was something he didn't expect, he didn't want to rush anything with Jimin because he knew that Jimin wasn't in the right mindset to do anything.

« But I want to take the next step in this relationship and I'm afraid that if we don't take the next step you'll leave me for I don't know Dr. Su or something. » Yoongi almost choked when he heard his coworkers name.

« Are you kidding me? Dr. Su? Baby we could stay at this pace forever and I'd wouldn't complain. I love you so much and taking a shower together or having sex doesn't affect this relationship at all. I would never leave you because you weren't ready. » He gently placed his hand on Jimin's shoulder rubbing gently.

« You don't mind if I don't want to have sex? » Jimin wanted to cry because he didn't know that he would be okay with that. He always thought that after a while people who date have sex and if they don't then they break up.

« I love you, not sex. » Jimin looked down at his soup thinking about what he wanted with Yoongi because he was ready, he really thinks that he's ready to take that next step with Yoongi but he really didn't know for sure.

« I'm ready, I think I want to. » He looked over and made eye contact with Yoongi seeing his expression change.

« Are you sure? » He watches as Jimin nods, he wanted to be ready, he loved Yoongi.

Jimin leaned forward and gently kissed the older on the lips « I'm ready » He said in a whisper against Yoongi's lips. He took a deep breathe before the two kissed once again yet this kiss was longer and it felt like it meant something more then just a cute kiss. Yoongi reached his hand up to gently cup Jimin's jaw as Jimin reached forward facing the older more and grabbing at his waist. The two of them did not expect the night to end like this.

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