«34» Feeling different

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Yoongi didn't really think about what happened between him and Jimin in the bathroom, he just went home fought with his roommate then stormed off to his room without dinner again. He got dressed in his pink silk pajama suit then brushed out his hair while thinking about the blonde. He had no idea that Jimin had been in his room sobbing on the floor just from seeing the older and Dr. Su sneak off into the staff room. He was blind to that fact and the only thing he really worried about was the fact that Jimin found out he wasn't eating. 

It wasn't like he meant to stop eating, he didn't find himself fat it was just the soul fact that he didn't have time. Yes he did eat when his roommate Jin cooked but if it wasn't for him than he would have starved to death. He didn't have time, he was either working during the day or writing his essay at night or during the weekends. Some weekends were even harder since he sometimes had to go to his uni for actual classes.

He sighed when he fell onto his bed wrapping himself in the fluffy white blankets he had covering his bed, letting his head sink into all his fluffy white pillows. He felt his cheeks burn as the thought of Jimin never left his mind. He felt like crying not because he liked Jimin but because he couldn't get him out of his mind. He hated that he let one of the patients at the clinic get in his mind, how he let Jimin get in his head.

« Fuck you Jimin. » He couldn't stand the burning of his cheeks so he let go, felt the tears roll down his face. Feeling the world around him fall,  he loved his job and now he couldn't enjoy his job with Jimin around. Nor could he enjoy anything with the younger in his mind, he makes his life harder.

« You make my heart do things. » He admitted while gripping onto his blanket tight squeezing his eyes close. 


As for Jimin he made it into his bed after getting dressed in a plain black t-shirt and just his boxers. It was still free time but he decided to just turn off his lights early and climb into the not so comfy bed trying to cover himself with the light grey fleece.  His mind was fuzzy and spinning, his hands were shaking he couldn't even see straight. 

« Fuck you Yoongi. » He sighed tears still coming to his eyes with every breath, his eyelashes clump together with the new tears. 

« You make my heart do things. » He whimpered wanting to ask his new friend Min-Ju why he was feeling these sorts of ways but he knew after her outburst it wasn't the best idea. There was a small part of him that knew he loved the older but he's had a boyfriend only once before and he never felt this feeling before.

What he was feeling was love, he never fell in love with anyone of his boyfriends in the past. He never allowed himself to fall in love that's why in his past relationships he never allowed himself to open up to the other person. Once he found himself opening up or even saying the words 'I love you' he would freak out and end the relationships. Jimin blames Yoongi for these feelings, he blames him for making his heart pound. 

He thought when he woke up he would feel better but that was far from the truth. He woke up with a pinging headache the cold air in the room made him bring the fleece up to his nose. He hated getting up in the morning and with these new feelings arising it wasn't making it any easier. He flung his legs over the side of his bed where his bare feet hit the cold tile making him shiver. 

As for Min-Ju she was really blind to everything that had happened. She had no idea what was going on with Jimin and she just thought he wasn't feeling well. She came to the conclusion that he might not be feeling well because when she came out for vital check he was sitting with his head on the table and his eyes closed. She felt bad for him, he looked so pale and his eyes were bloodshot along with dark circles under his eyes. 

She worried about him, she rubbed his back like she has done before yet the only difference was he didn't even notice she was right there. 

« You okay bub? » She bent down to whisper into his ear so he could hear her yet he didn't move at all at her words.

She frowned as she pulled away continuing to rub his back with the palm of her warm hand. She wasn't the only one who noticed Jimin's strange behavior, Yoongi who had just gotten there for his shift noticed.

He just got there yet looked over to see Min-Ju's worried face, if it wasn't for her worried face then he wouldn't think anything was wrong. He couldn't do anything about it all he could do was go into the staff room to get ready for his shift. No matter where he went he couldn't stop thinking about the younger and how he was acting different.

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