«174» Last night

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Their week was amazing, they got to travel around Italy and see everything they wanted to, they had their first time as husbands in the beginning of the week. They were just having the time of their lives together which was all they cared about. Jimin wouldn't even leave Yoongi's side the whole week that they were there on their honeymoon.

They were having such a good time that they almost didn't want to go home, Yoongi knew once they go home then he will need to go to work. Jimin also knew when they got home he would need to set up his website so he could sell his art. Of course he had the support from Yoongi and Su-ji who also had her business in art so he had the support but he couldn't help but feel really nervous.

This art job that he wanted to create for himself grew more interesting to Jimin because he did want to get a job and he wanted to help bring in money. They would definitely need to save since they did want children in the future and adoption would be really expensive so he did want to help. He also just wants to have money for himself so it doesn't feel like Yoongi is buying him everything which is great but he does want to be his own person.

This was their last night in the resort, they were ready to go home. The honeymoon was amazing however they were ready to go back to their normal lives and be back with their friends. Jimin in this moment was getting done in the bathroom, he was getting dressed into pajamas and brushing his teeth while Yoongi was laying on the bed scrolling through his phone. Yoongi was already ready for bed so he was just waiting for the younger.

They had mostly all of their things packed ready for the morning, what they weren't excited for was the plane rides back because it was a long trip to make it back home which was never fun. The ride back from your nice vacation always sucks no matter what but they had this one night to spend together before things got crazy the next day.

« Hey come here. » Jimin had just walked out of the room and went over to his suitcase to put away his night time care since he won't be needing it tomorrow morning.

Jimin made a confused face but he walked over and climbed into the bed right next to Yoogni lying under the covers next to him. He swung his arm around the older's torso humming for him to continue what he was going to say.

« I love you. » Yoongi leans down and gently kisses Jimin on the top of his head pulling him closer so that Jimin was resting his head on his chest.

« I love you too. » Jimin giggled and kissed his chest over his shirt, the warmth he was feeling was so comforting and he just closed his eyes.

« This week has been an amazing baby, I love you and I can't wait to go back and start our married lives. » Jimin still couldn't wrap his head around being Yoongi's husband. Of course he knew the wedding happened but it was still so shocking and unreal to him that this was actually happening.

« I can't believe we are married but I'm also excited. » Jimin smiles against the older's chest, Yoongi leans over and flips the lamp off since he knew Jimin was tired and the light was kind of in their faces.

« I'm going to start my online shop once we get back, I want to finally start making art and putting it on a website. » Jimin admitted, Yoongi knew that it was Jimin's dream to sell his art for a living and he was right by his husband's side so he nodded his head.

« And I will be there for you every step of the way. » Jimin smiled at this because knowing he has that support from his husband made this next step of his life even better.

« I know, you don't have a choice. » Jimin jokes, he didn't expect himself to make a joke about that however he did and Yoongi left out a huff bringing his hand up to run his fingers through the younger's hair.

« I'd help you no matter what, even if you wouldn't let me help I'd be your number one fan. » Yoongi patted the younger's head, feeling one of Jimin's legs come on top of his bringing himself even closer in the cuddle position they were in.

« I know because you are the best husband ever. » Jimin giggled and that giggle made Yoongi just completely melt. In that moment he really understood that he was super lucky being able to find Jimin.

The two continued to cuddle and talk a little before they both fell asleep. They had no regrets from this week, they did all the things that they could do in italy. They went to the tourist sights, went out to dinner most nights and they enjoyed their time. Of course they would miss it, you always want to go home after a vacation but you do miss it and that's what they were feeling at that moment.

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