«61» Cuddle night

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Jimin was confused, it was lunch time by now and Yoongi was no where to be seen. He wasn't standing in his original post or standing anywhere else. He was worried the older went home sick since he wasn't looking so good earlier that day.

A small part of him relaxed when he saw Dr. Lee's office door open out walking the tall doctor with his hair tossed back and slicked. His dark purple tight dress shirt tucked into his pants, the sleeves rolled up to his forearms. Yes the doctor was fairly attractive for a 48 year old male but what caught his eye was Yoongi. The shorter of the two with his hands shoved into his pockets. He looked dead as he followed Dr. Lee out of the small office.

He had a small fry stabbed on the end of his fork, he was about to put the fry into his mouth but he wanted to know what that was about. Why they were talking and what they were talking about.

Yoongi just sighed walking back to where he was suppose to be standing. All seemed to be okay again until the younger noticed another staff member walk up to his boyfriend, it was Dr. Su. Instantly Jimin sighed while rolling his eyes, angrily throwing his plastic fork down on the tray. Yoongi saw Jimin do that and he frowned watching the younger looking down at his plate of food completely defeated.

He wanted to go over and talk to his boy but he was quickly stopped by a hand gripping his arm. He closed his eyes for a second taking a step back, opening them once again and looking to the side to see Dr. Su someone who he hasn't seen in a while.

« what do you want. » He snapped yanking his arm away from her grip. She frowned at the action but Yoongi couldn't care less.

« woah I just wanted to see how you were. » She laughs shaking her head at him. She leaned she side against the wall biting her lip as he glanced at Yoongi's side profile.

« I'm fine, now leave. » He was not in the mood to talk to Dr. Su and he wanted her gone. He didn't want Jimin thinking anything irrational and he really didn't like the doctor seeing as she had a huge crush on him.

« Dr. Lee wants you to know that I'll be taking over group therapy for a couple weeks. » this made the younger's heart sink. He wanted to be able to see Jimin as much as possible but now he won't be able to be close to him during the day but he couldn't let Dr. Su see him upset.

« that just means I'll have a longer break. » He tried to think of the positives but he just couldn't because he would rather be with Jimin then get a longer break.

« You seemed a little stressed hun, maybe we can relax together after work. » he didn't have to look over to know she is smirking at him. He knew what she meant by relax and that wasn't laying around watching movies. Besides he would much rather 'relax' with Jimin.

« No, now start acting more professional. » He stuffed his hands in his pockets begging in his head for her to leave him alone but he knew that was too good to be true.

« You're no fun. » she rolled her eyes finally deciding to leave him alone. This let Yoongi finally breath out a sigh glancing right back over to his lover.

Yoongi just smiled when him and Jimin made eye contact. 'You okay?' The younger mouthed over to Yoongi, seeing how blood shot his eyes were, and the dark the bags under his eyes. 'I'm okay' he reassured nodding his head and smiling over to the younger who took a small bite out of a fry.

Just seeing the younger eat made Yoongi feel at ease. Knowing Jimin was getting the nutrition he needed but it would make him even happier if he would eat more but he knew it was a step up.

Another day went by ever so slow. The clocks seemed to tic in a endless cycle but at last it was the end of the day.

All the patients went back to their room as the staff members went to the staff room to grab their stuff. Well all the staff members except for Yoongi who decided against trying to go into the crowed room and instead went straight to Jimin's room.

He didn't knock and instead walked right in, to his surprise Jimin had already gotten dressed in a long black shirt with matching boxers. The older smirked as Jimin turned around to see who cam into his room, smiling right as he made eye contact with his lover.

« dressed already? But the day just ended. » Yoongi teases as he walked further into the room.

« I hate wearing normal clothes. » Jimin giggles as he ran up to Yoongi squeezing him in a tight hug, arms around his waist as Yoongi wrapped his arms around the younger's neck.

« Ready to cuddle my baby boy? » Jimin blushed at the nickname but quickly nodded and released himself from the hug to go get under the covers of his bed scooting over to the side to leave enough room for Yoongi.

« Awe my cutie. » He sighed with content as he walked over to the bed, sitting down and bringing to covers over his legs.

He extended his arm out and had Jimin cuddle up to his side, letting Jimin's head rest on his chest letting the younger listen to his heart beat.

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