«116» Jimin meets the couple

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Yoongi made the two breakfast and they laid there in bed eating and watching the anime on the screen. Jimin was so lost in the show and in Yoongi's arms that before he knew it, it was lunch time and he was stressing more and more since time was going by so fast and he felt like they just had breakfast not even an hour ago. Yoongi left to go wash their dishes from the morning and made them lunch, he allowed Jimin to continue to watch the show, he offered for him to join in making lunch but he could tell Jimin didn't want to just in the way he looked up at him.

Their whole day was pretty much eating and laying as they just binged watched anime. Jimin was loving this moment, the two never watched tv in bed and just to have Yoongi there for him to cuddle he felt so good and was just so happy. A couple hours after they ate their lunch Yoongi knew that they would probably need to get dressed so they can make a good impression on his friend and her wife when they came for dinner.

« Come on baby let's get you up and get you dressed. » He had got up to help the younger stand up but he was being so stubborn. He knew that Jimin was really nervous but he just needed to take a couple breathes and realize he will be right by his side the whole time and he didn't need to talk or do something he doesn't want to do.

« Can't I just wear this? » He was whining as Yoongi pulled at Jimin's wrist trying to get him up. Jimin threw his head back against his pillow really not wanting to get up because he didn't want to get out of the comfy warm covers that the couple were cuddling in just moments before.

« Babe come on, we need to look presentable. » He gave up on trying to pull the younger up so he just went over to the closet so he could pick out some clothes for them to wear and just let Jimin lay there as he did so.

« You can wear one of my sweatshirts okay? You don't have to wear your own clothes. » It wasn't like Jimin always wore his own clothes. Yoongi bought him clothes but Jimin liked smelling Yoongi as he wore the clothing it just calmed him and in this moment he really needed the calming scent.

Jimin agreed and sat up hanging his legs over the side of the bed so he could nod while catching the sweatshirt and jeans that he was thrown. He got up taking off his shirt while Yoongi looked for clothes for himself to wear. He didn't know Jimin was getting dressed right there in the room so when he turned around he was kind of stopped in his tracks when he saw his boyfriend slowly taking off his pants already shirtless. He could tell Jimin was tired from laying down all day and watching tv so when he got his pants down to his ankles he almost fell over trying to get it over his feet.

« Be careful. » Yoongi quickly went over to his boyfriend holding his arm helping him safely sit on the bed so he could help him pull off the sweatpants he was wearing so Jimin didn't fall and hurt himself.

« Thank you. » His voice came out so small and he just looked down seeing Yoongi on his knees on the floor right in front of him. He licked his lips when the older looked up, the two making eye contact they just stayed there for a couple seconds looking at each other.

« Finish getting dressed, I'll change in the bathroom. » Yoongi coughed standing up snapping out of his gaze, grabbing the clothes he picked out for himself and walked into the bathroom so he could make sure his hair looked nice, he also wanted to quickly wash his face and just make sure he didn't look like he slept all day.

Jimin just sat on the bed in silence, the tv had been turned off while Yoongi was picking out their clothes and he didn't want to turn it back on so he just sat there on the edge of the bed looking down at the floor trying to organize his thoughts and calm himself down. He looked up with a gasp and his eyes went wide when he heard the doorbell, he gulped because he knew it was time to meet two new people and his heart started to race a little bit. He watched Yoongi come out of the bathroom walking forward towards the door, he stayed in the bedroom as Yoongi went down to the door to let the couple in.

« Hey glad you could make it. » Ha-na just smiled and walked in hugging Yoongi right away, Yoongi didn't know that she was the hugging type but everyone is different outside of work and he didn't mind.

« Look at you, not wearing your work clothes. » She pinched at the fabric of his black long sleeve shirt walking to the side of the entrance way so her wife could follow her in. Yoongi just laughed at this and looked down at his outfit looking back up to her.

« I know and look at you, in a cute little dress. » He said in the same tone of voice she did and the two laughed. They had just met but it seemed like they were already best friends and he loved it because he never really had any friends.

« Anyway this is my wife Su-Ji. » She finally introduces her, her wife has short black hair, and a couple neck tattoos and she had a bottle of wine in her hand. She was the complete opposite of Ha-na, she just smiled holding her hand out to shake his hand.

« So where is this boyfriend of yours. » She winked at him and he looked up the stairs of the entrance way looking to see if Jimin had come out of the bedroom but it looked like he was still in their bedroom.

« He might be still in the bed room but let's go upstairs. » He gestured for the two to walk up the stairs as he closed the door locking it behind them following them up into his small apartment.

« Also I brought some wine because we're married and we want to be the mature adults we are trying to be. » Su-ji laughed, handing over the bottle to Yoongi who just smiled and thanked her, he set the bottle down on the counter so he could go get his boyfriend before they opened it.

« I'll go get Jimin so stay here and we can maybe order some food since I'm not the best cook in the world and I don't want to embarrass myself in front of people I barely know. » He left the married couple in the living room and walked down the small hallway into their shared bedroom to see if Jimin was ready to go out and meet his new friends.

« Jiminie, let's go, it's time to meet them. » Jimin still had his legs bent over the edge of the bed but he was laying on his back, arms out just looking up at the ceiling. He had heard the mumbles from their conversations and he was so scared because he knew that it was time to do what he feared the most, meeting new people.

Jimin took his boyfriend's hand when it got offered in front of him, Yoongi brushed some of his hair back so he could get a good look at his face trying to tell him that everything would turn out fine. He pecked him quickly on the lips before dragging him out of the room to go meet his friends Jimin made sure to stay and try to hide behind Yoongi.

« Jimin I want you to meet my co-worker Ha-na and her wife Su-ji and this is my boyfriend Jimin. » Yoongi motioned at each of them to show Jimin who was who and to introduce Jimin to the other couple. Jimin had his head down but looked up looking at the married couple quickly looking over to Yoongi holding his arm like he was afraid something was going to happen. Ha-na thought it was cute, she could tell he was nervous so she didn't really say anything other than wave at him.

« So how about we crack open that bottle of wine and order some food. » Everyone agreed, Yoongi got out glasses for everyone except Jimin since he didn't really know if he liked wine but Jimin didn't say anything. Yoongi told the couple they could go sit on the barstools that looked into the kitchen and they did, Jimin however stood right beside Yoongi afraid to speak to the two people he had just met.

« Baby do you want wine or something else? » He spoke quietly down to Jimin so he knew if he had to get another wine glass down or not. Jimin shook his head resting his head against Yoongi's shoulder. He didn't want any alcohol because he was afraid that if he did then he'd get back into old habits from when he lived alone, before he met Yoongi.

Jimin knew the night had just started and it had already felt like this night was going by so slow. He thought that it wasn't going to end, and this was probably going to be the most stressful night and he couldn't wait to just go to sleep and sleep the night off.

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