«120» Thinking about the future

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When Yoongi had to go to work Ha-na kept apologizing to him as soon as she saw him. He kept trying to tell her that it was okay that she didn't know what was going on fully with him so she shouldn't feel bad for trying to help. He made sure to get Jimin back on his normal routine, the normal 3 meals and making sure to take him out on a walk after dinner Jimin was no longer upset at her and knew that she was trying to help and he couldn't blame her for anything.

Yoongi wasn't mad at Ha-na not at all and he even wanted to hang out with her and her wife again however maybe next time they will go out to a bar or something so Jimin doesn't have to go. He was always thinking about Jimin and how he was feeling so if Jimin didn't want him to go out to a bar then he wouldn't. So he will need to talk about Jimin to see what they should do but for now all he could think about was his graduation because that was coming up quickly.

He only has a couple weeks left before he can officially graduate and become a doctor, making him able to do one-on-one therapy sessions and actually do meaningful things in the hospital that he hasn't done before. With his graduation coming up he really had to think about proposing more and more, he would need to buy a ring that he has been saving for and making sure to go out and look at houses for the couple to live in after they start their engaged life.

Right when he moved out of his parents house he was only 17 because his parents really didn't support him but he couldn't get a place on his own so he went to go live with Jin in his apartment. For years he lived there and helped Jin pay the rent, Jin even helped him get into college and pay for things that he couldn't and he really appreciated him before shit hit the fan. He does miss his friend, he misses him so much and he does hate himself for making Jin feel horrible. All Jin wanted was to have Yoongi as a friend but he was way too much into school and work that he never had any time to spend time with him.

Of course he will try to call Jin and make things right because Jin was at one point his best friend and when he does marry Jimin he wants Jin and his boyfriend to come because that would mean the world to him just mending the relationship would mean the world to him.

There was so much stress on Yoongi right now so he needs his friend back, when the two would talk and when they were best friends Jin would sit Yoongi down and just talk. Jin would make Yoongi feel so much better and his stress would just leave, every time he had a presentation or when he had a job interview Jin was there to talk him through it and he hates how their relationship ended and he really regretted how he treated him.

Yoongi pretty much spent his whole work day thinking about Jin and wanting to make things right but then also thinking about how his life is going to change a lot after a couple of weeks. So after his shift he went to go grab his stuff but before he left he waited for Ha-na, he did want to make sure that they made some time to go out get some coffee and talk. He wanted to get more opinions on rings and proposing because Ha-na did propose to her wife so he knew that she would have some really good advice.

When she walked into the room she smiled over to him, he was standing in front of her locker so that they could talk.

« Hey, how was work? » He asked, he moved out of the way so she could open her locker and grab her stuff.

« It was fine, how was it for you? » When she grabbed out all of her stuff she closed her locker and just stood facing Yoongi to hear what he had to say because it was obvious that he was here to talk to her.

« I've just been thinking a lot, I need to mend a relationship with my ex friend and you know I'm graduating in a couple weeks and I need to propose to Jimin get a house. There's just so much to do. » She could tell that he was over thinking a little and needed to maybe take a couple breaths. She had to stop herself from jumping into work mode on him and talk to him like he was her patient but she was going to try and help him because he was stressed and he did need to cool down and she was ready to help.

« So much to think about, I also wanted to ask you something. » He speaks again, she could tell that he was letting anxiety get the best of him but she understood, there was a lot going on in his life and she was there to help him to the best of her ability.

« Yeah of course what do you need? »

« Um so I want to talk to you more about picking a ring and proposing, I want to hear what you have to say about those topics and so we should maybe go get coffee sometime this week and talk? » He was afraid that she would say no but he really needed someone to talk to. He was so nervous about proposing and finding a ring that was perfect for him which he needed help with and if Jin was still in his life then he would ask him for advice but he wasn't here.

« Oh yeah oh my god of course, I would love to help you pick out a ring. Also I want to apologize more about Jimin because I feel horrible.. »

« You keep apologizing but it's okay, just don't ask certain questions about the past, he's really sensitive and has some stuff going on that he doesn't want people to know. » He didn't want her to feel bad about what she said to Jimin because she didn't say anything bad she just mentioned him having social anxiety and Jimin isn't mad.

« Yeah of course I now know but I wish you told you before so that I would know what not to say, I knew he had anxiety so I was already trying to not pick him out and start asking him stuff but I had no idea about what he was going through. » She didn't want to make him feel like she was blaming him because she wasn't; she just wished she was told what not to say first so she wouldn't say the wrong thing and the night would have gone a lot smoother.

« I totally agree I really should have told you before I just didn't know that you would ask about how we met because he was going through a lot when we met and he doesn't like reliving that. » If he could go back in time he would have told Ha-na the questions she should not have asked and maybe things would have turned out differently that night.

« Well I know now so I'll be careful around him but yes we should go get coffee maybe this weekend or after work sometime. » She was really excited because it has been a long time since she picked out a ring and planned a wedding, and she really loved helping with proposing and weddings. It was obvious that if she wasn't a doctor and wasn't in the mental health field then she'd probably be a wedding planner.

« How about this saturday? Jimin has something to do for a couple hours so maybe we can do it when I drop him off? » It was the perfect time because Jimin was going to be with a therapist and he would be able to sneak away without having to tell him where he was going. He needed this to be a surprise, yes Jimin did know that they were going to eventually get married but to have him not know and to surprise him would be really good.

« Yeah I'll sneak away from my wife for a little bit and we can talk. » The two agreed to meet on saturday, they then said their goodbyes and left to go home to their significant others.

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