«150» Saying goodbye

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Jimin now felt more comfortable around Su-ji and she got him to not be embarrassed about having to go to therapy. He felt so much better as the movers started to move their stuff into their huge van. Ha-na was the one to suggest they all go out and grab some to-go breakfast so they could have their first meal in the new house together.

Once the movers were done the apartment was empty, it was so weird because Yoongi didn't even see this apartment empty because he moved in when Jin was already living there so this was the first time seeing it completely cleaned out which was weird.

« You guys go, I just want to say goodbye. » Yoongi thought he sounded stupid because he wanted to say goodbye to an apartment but he had so many memories in this house and he couldn't just leave them behind without saying a goodbye.

« Me too, we will meet you there. » Jimin came behind Yoongi, the married couple nodded and left the two alone so they could say goodbye to all the good memories they shared because they understood what they were feeling.

« I remember the first day I moved in with my friend Jin. » Yoongi recalled the old memories while looking at the empty living room. Remembering the good times he had with Jin before his life completely flipped upside down, of course for the better.

« I also remember the first day you stayed here. » He said another memory, the two memories were special for him. He got to live with his best friend for the first time and live with his significant other for the first time in the same apartment so this place held so many memories.

« You lived here for a long time Yoon, you probably had lots of good and bad memories here but you know we are going to make even better memories in the new place. » Jimin rubbed Yoongi's lower back, he knew what he was feeling because he also felt that.

When he had to say goodbye to his apartment he felt relief that he never had to go back and face his past again but at the same time he felt sad because yeah he had really bad memories at his old place but he did have some good memories. It was hard to leave a place you had so many memories in and also Jimin even had good memories in this apartment.

« In the new place I will have less breakdowns about food. » Jimin smiled up at Yoongi, he had so many breakdowns in here and he had gotten better.

« Maybe but even if you did that is nothing to be ashamed about and you are still in recovery and I'm here by your side. » Jimin was shocked a little about what he said but Yoongi just looked down at him gently caressing Jimin's cheek to let him know that he would always be there to help him no matter what he was going through.

« I know babe. » They just stared at each other for a little while, Yoongi was there for Jimin no matter what comes while they are at the new house.

« I love you. » This made Jimin smile like a child, his eyes disappeared and it made Yoongi scrunch his nose at how adorable Jimin looked.

« God I love you so much how are you so cute. » Jimin yelped when Yoongi grabbed his waist and picked him up, he instantly wrapped his legs around the older's waist as they both giggled.

« Do you want to know what my favorite memory in this apartment is? » Jimin asked as he was still in the older's arms. Yoongi hummed as a response to hear what memory he was going to say.

« Do I want to know? You've been really dirty minded recently. »

« I can't believe you think that my memory is sex, sex with you is fucking amazing but no that is definatly my second fondest memory. » Jimin giggled, Yoongi placed him back down on the ground so that they could look at each other.

« Okay but let's be honest you have become a sex monster. » He joked, making Jimin slap him gently on the chest.

« Shut up you still love me but my favorite memory is when you started to help me on my recovery journey. Sure it didn't turn out well but I appreciated you cooking and eating my meals with me and that really did help me a lot . Also you helping me get therapy, technically that's two memories but both have helped me on my journey. » Yoongi almost wanted to tear up by what was being said, Jimin however did tear up thinking about it because if Yoongi didn't help him through the recovery process then maybe he wouldn't be this far along.

« Babe you're going to make me cry but I'm your significant other so of course I have to be by your side the whole way and I will continue to help you forever and always because I love you. » They were having a little moment, Yoongi was wiping Jimin's tears from his cheeks.

« Okay umm sorry but let's go say goodbye to the rest of the house and make sure we got everything. »

« Sounds like a plan. » They both continued to walk around and remember the memories that they shared in this apartment.

It was so weird seeing it being empty but they had a good time walking into their bedroom seeing how empty it was. Yoongi remembers it being empty because it looked like that when he moved in with Jin but it was different now. Jimin also had some bad memories in the bathroom but he also had good memories in there so it was hard to walk away from that.

They didn't take long but after they went through the whole house they left hand in hand, they closed the front door for the first time. Ha-na and Su-ji were waiting for them with smiles on their face. It was over now, they no longer lived in an apartment and they felt excited but a little sad about what they were leaving behind.

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