«114» Make up and make out

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 « This was what you meant by sexy? » Jimin held his hands out and looked down, Yoongi handed him some clothes then went to make dinner, Jimin came out to find Yoongi and ask how his outfit was sexy.

« Of course this is sexy, tight boxers and one of my oversized shirts? Hot. » He walked over to Jimin placing his hands on Jimin's wasit looking his body up and down. The outfit wasn't form fitting like you would expect a sexy outfit to be however this was hot to Yoongi. Having Jimin wear his clothes just made him happy and Jimin wears his clothes a lot but just seeing him drowning in the material made him smile.

« You're weird. » He walked over to the counter, jumping on and swinging his legs as he just watched Yoongi get out some ingredients. He liked watching Yoongi cook, it was weird that he found it so hot but he did.

« Get down and go wait out in the living room or go read your book, I'll come get you when I'm ready. » Jimin sighed, getting off the counter and walking over to Yoongi where he wrapped his arms around Yoongi's waist kissing his shoulder. He wanted to stay and be around the food that was being made but Yoongi wanted it to be a surprise.

« Fine but I want you to know that I'm more comfortable around food and you don't have to baby me but I do want to catch up on my book so have fun out here alone. » He gave the younger a kiss on the cheek before walking back away from the kitchen going back into their room.

Yoongi carried on in the kitchen in silence, this was going to be the night where they stop worrying and try to become like every other couple. He has some candles hidden away in a closet, his roommate used them when he brought home boys like every other day. He walked into a romantic dinner between him and these boys his roommate brought home.

As some noodles were boiling in the pot he went out into the living room, he moved the coffee table out of the way and brought out a couple big blankets from the closet in the hall. He also stole some pillows from his old roommate's room and placed a cute little area for the couple to sit. He brought his laptop over so that when he ate they could watch a movie or something. He fluffed all the blankets and pillows going back to check on the food before going back to the closest to try and find the candles, he found quite a lot of them actually and he got excited and thanked his old roommate for being the romantic type.

He started the candles on the coffee table that was moved against the wall, he put some in the kitchen where they usually eat their meals and on the bookshelf by the tv. He turned off the light so the only light that covered the room was from the candles. He went back into the kitchen, the teddy bear and the chocolates that he got for Jimin were sitting there on the counter next to everything he had got out for dinner.

He made simple japchae with rice for the side, he remembered he had a small table that he could place in front of the blankets so they wouldn't have to hold their plates as they ate. He made sure to get everything ready, he had the plates all set the candles all ready to go. The only thing he would need to do is get Jimin and have a good night.

He was going to knock on the door and walk Jimin all the way down and into the living room however he was still in his work clothes so he wanted to get comfortable before they ate. Jimin continued to read on the bed as Yoongi went over to the closet to get something. Jimin noticed as he just watched as the shiny purple button up fell down his back, he bit his lip but said nothing and just watched as his black dress pants fell slowly down his legs.

« Wow, have you been working out? » Jimin hadn't noticed this before but it seemed like he was working out, his back had more muscles to them he looked fit and it was a really good look for him.

« Uh well no I guess I've just been eating more. » Ever since Jimin started this recovery journey he has been eating the same meals as Jimin and it just so happened that it was more than what he would normally eat so he gained some weight. Jimin didn't know that so he assumed he had just been working out but he was either with Jimin or at work so he didn't know where he was finding the time.

« Hmm are you going to put on something sexy for me? » He got up walking over to Yoongi who was facing the closet trying to find something to put on. He felt cold hands run down his back before a wet hot mouth was placed on the wing of his shoulder.

« Wanna pick out my outfit? » The hot wet touches moved from his shoulder up to his neck humming against his skin as he moved the older a little to the side to look for an outfit.

« Let's see here, oh this! And.... this shirt. » He searched through the different articles of clothing and turned around, smirking holding light blue tight boxer briefs and a loose white t-shirt that exposes the older's collarbones. Yoongi knew exactly what the outfit was and he just grabbed the clothes picking Jimin up and placing him on the bed making him sit down.

He let Jimin just sit there and watch as he took off his boxers, he saw Jimin gulp as his eyes traveled down which Yoongi noticed.

« Sexy time comes after dinner. » He laughs making the younger look up with his eyes wide watching as Yoongi brought the white shirt over his torso. Jimin watched as Yoongi then began to pull the boxers up his legs, when he got them fully on he pulled Jimin up to a standing position keeping him close to him.

« You're no fun. » Their fingers interlaced as they walked out of the bedroom leaving them to walk down the dark hallway into the living room which was covered in candles.

« Woah. » Jimin was at a loss for words, he really was. The candles lit up the room and it was so breathtaking, it was amazing to see the candles light up the room the way they were.

Yoongi walked Jimin over to the pile of blankets and pillows, helping him down so he could sit right in front of one of the plates. He then sat right next to him bringing Jimin in his arms trying to make him feel comfortable since this meal was off of the meal plan.

« Looks good. » Jimin smiled it did look good and he was happy that his heart wasn't racing like it usually does, Yoongi set his laptop up and loaded up something on netflix so that they could watch something while they ate.

As the show they were watching ended and they finished up their food they went into a full blown make out. Jimin was straddling Yoongi feeling hot wet kisses moving from his neck up to just under his ear things got intense. Jimin didn't want to feel weird after eating all the food he did so he distrated himself with Yoongi. Things got hot and heavy right there in the living room before they both fell asleep on the floors covering in all the blankets and in each other's arms.

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