«160» one week left

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The two picked up something to eat on the way home, they were excited and nervous for what was to come but they were ready. Jimin spent these next couple weeks with Su-ji working on the colors and what he wanted for this wedding, Yoongi let him and he worked on everything else with the person who will marry them and send out the invitations to all their guests of course Ha-na was there to help him with everything.

It was a lot of work but now they only had a week left for their big day so they had to prepare a lot more. Jimin wanted to get his hair done, he wanted to change it to another color, maybe he wanted to go a light brown or maybe even blonde because he was blonde before he met Yoongi.

« You looked amazing with blonde hair, damn. » Yoongi remembers when he met Jimin, he had met Jimin when he had blonde hair and that's kind of what drew him to the younger and made him stand out amongst the other patients.

« And you looked amazing with your mint hair. » That was the hair Yoongi had when they met before he died back to his original color. It was fun but he wanted to be more professional but Jimin found it hot that he wasn't like the other doctors and he wasn't afraid to show himself and who he was.
« I won't change it back, you can't make me. » Yoongi pouted, he was currently making them some budae jjigae for them to eat for dinner, Jimin was sitting at the dining room table but he was facing yoongi so they could still talk.

« Well if I'm going to dye my hair blonde then you should do something, we only have a week. I don't know you can paint your nails if you want but you should do something for the big day. » Yoongi squinted his eyes at the painting nails part but after Jimin said it the younger wanted him to paint his nails so badly. Yoongi's large veiny hands with black nail polish or even a dark red would literally make Jimin melt right then and there.

« Why are you looking at me like that? » Jimin was looking Yoongi up and down trying to see what else the older could do before their big day, he was hoping Yoongi would agree to the nail painting but he needed more options just in case he decided to not do it.

« Just paint your nails, I don't know what else you can do. Also you're hot why wouldn't I look at you? » Jimin bit his lip and looked down at the ground as Yoongi went back to continue to cook not seeing a blush spread across Jimin's whole face.

« Maybe I can paint my nails, I'll make you a hair appointment and get my nails done as you get your hair done. » Yoongi couldn't believe he was going to get his nails done, the last time he did his nails was when he was in 8th grade. He thought he was so cool but now he feels so embarrassed because he did it himself and it looked horrible and he walked around the school like he was one of the bad boys which he so wasn't.

« Yay! I'm so excited! » Jimin jumped up and ran over to Yoongi engulfing him in a hug.
« Watch out I have the stew cooking. » He moved them both away from the stove and hugged Jimin back making sure he kept an eye on the stew that was on the stove.

« I think you will look so hot with your nails painted. » Jimin picked Yoongi's hands up and looked at his nails that were boring with no color to them whatsoever.

« Should I do light pink since that's one of the colors of our wedding? » Jimin shook his head looking down at his hands more tracing the veins with his finger. This was his favorite part of Yoongi, his hands and he wanted to make sure he added something so that he could show off those manly hands.

« No, no, something dark like a dark red color would suit you and just work with your look. » Yoongi flipped his hands over so that Jimin could touch his palms making Jimin giggle because he couldn't trace his hand veins anymore.

« Do you have a hand kink? Why are you so obsessed with my hands? » It was a valid question because Jimin never acted like this about his hands before so it was just weird and out of nowhere.

« Well your hands are so hot especially when they wrap around my- » Yoongi cut Jimin off before he was about to finish his sentence, he placed his hand over Jimin's mouth and gave him a look but the younger just melted at the touch so he quickly took his hand away revealing a smile.

« You're so weird, every month I date you, you change. » It was just Jimin was getting way more comfortable, sure they have been together a long time but it takes Jimin a long time to warm up to someone.

« This month I have a kink for your hands, get over it. » He smiled and tilted his head to the side, they still had one hand on each other but Yoongi looked back at the stew and quickly went over to take it off the heat.

« You almost made me boil it over. » He starts to stir it and reach into a cupboard to grab a couple bowls for them to eat this stew.

« Sorry, oh the rice is done perfect timing, let's eat. I'm so tired. » Jimin went over to the rice maker to open the lid grabbing a bowl that Yoongi was handing to him.

The rest of the night was fine, they ate and got ready for bed. Jimin has been reading a bit and Yoongi had brought him home some books for him to read so he's been getting ready for bed way earlier than Yoongi so he could read before they went to sleep. Yoongi was happy that he found something to do since Jimin hasn't started on his art yet since they've been spending most of their time on their wedding that's in one week so he was so happy Jimin found something to spend his free time on.

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