«105» Jealous Jimin

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 Yoongi once again had to leave for work the next morning, Jimin woke up when he heard the front door close meaning it was probably early in the morning since Yoongi goes to work really early. He got up and took a shower, he always had to get up early to do vital checks back at the hospital however he never had to get up early after that but today he decided to give it a try. He knew if he wanted to start a new day he probably should get up and start his day off like how healthy people do.

He took a shower, brushed his teeth and got dressed in some of the clothes that Yoongi bought him the other day. He put on some blue ripped jeans and a maroon short sleeve shirt. It was simple but he didn't like the other things that he had tried on. He went into the kitchen and the first thing that he grabbed was a glass of ice water to wake himself up ever more since it was a little past 6 in the morning. As he was drinking his water he looked at the folder that was on the kitchen counter knowing he would have to make this meal by himself which hopefully wasn't too bad. He knew he would eventually have to make his own meals but he wasn't sure about doing it by himself.

He set the glass down and opened up the folder, he sighed reading what he would have to eat which actually was something easy so he didn't have to cook anything. It was a serving of cereal, a banana and a glass of milk. He decided to skip the glass of milk since he didn't really like milk on it's own so he stuck with his ice water which was just as good since he barely even drinks water and he didn't want to get dehydrated.

He got his meal ready on his own, he portioned everything out and was ready to eat. He sat on the couch with the bowl in his lap, he also had a smaller bowl that he had cut up a banana in. He actually liked the cereal, it was pretty bland but it didn't have a lot of sugar in it so it didn't make him feel gross inside. The banana was also good but he didn't really have a problem with fruit so he knew it would be easy to get down. He finished the whole thing without thinking too much about it. He cleaned up so he could wait for lunch, which was also really good for him. He wanted to get better so bad and now he was willing to push himself.

Things were going so well today so he was so excited to tell Yoongi when he went home.

That's exactly what he did as soon as Yoongi got home Jimin jumped off the bar stool he was sat on and ran up to Yoongi as soon as he made it up the stairs into the apartment. The older smiled when Jimin jumped on him into a hug.

« Hey baby how was your day? » Yoongi set his stuff down on the ground so that he could hold onto Jimin in their hug. He was surprised that Jimin was in a good mood but he was in no way complaining because he loves when his boyfriend is happy.

« It was really good! Guess what? I ate breakfast and lunch! » Yoongi was so happy, he really needed to hear that Jimin had a good day because his day wasn't too great. There were some problems at work and he was so happy he could just leave and come home to Jimin and he was just happy his day was better.

« How was your day Yoonie? You never tell me about work, I know you never talk about it because of how I feel about the hospital but I want to know how your day was. » Jimin talked in pout and Yoongi couldn't help but find it cute but he was right, he never talks about his day at work because he was scared to bring up memories Jimin had back.

« Today was rough, two patients got into a fight and you know Dr. Su has gone from asking me out to calling me horrible things because after you left everyone pretty much found out I was gay and she hasn't been so nice to me but I don't really care about her because she is still sleeping with Dr. Lee so who's the real winner? » Dr. Su was an honest mess, she has always been a mess but she has gotten a lot meaner towards him but she has gotten lazy at hiding her and Dr. Lee's relationship and the patients are even suspecting things so eyes were off of Yoongi quickly and the talks about him and Jimin stopped pretty much before it started.

« I never liked her, she was always so mean to you and me and I hate the fact that she always tried to get with you. » He always hated that doctor and she shouldn't even be a doctor if she was being mean to the patients but knowing her relationship going on with Dr. Lee they both knew she probably wouldn't get fired.

« My little jealous Jimin. » He kissed the top of Jimin's head, he was getting a little embarrassed because he never really got jealous, only when Dr. Su got close to him and really when anyone went up to Yoongi back in the hospital.

« I can't help but want you all to myself. » Yoongi smiled at him, Jimin was so cute he would never leave him for anyone no matter what.

« I love you. » Yoongi picked Jimin up and let him wrap his legs around his waist, they both held eye contact, both smiling.

« I love you even more! » Jimin leaned down to kiss the older lips, it was only supposed to be a small kiss but it lasted longer than they both were expecting.

Yoongi bit Jimin's lower lip making the younger's breath hitch in his throat, he wasn't expecting that but he loved it. He couldn't forget about that night they had a couple of nights ago, Yoongi's hands holding his butt doesn't really help those thoughts that are coming back.

« Let's go watch tv or do something before dinner. » Yoongi moved away from the kiss, Jimin just pouted, shaking his head he knew what he wanted to do instead that was even better.

« Or we could do something else? » He slowly brought her hands from his chest around his neck trying to get Yoongi more into the mood. Yoongi didn't know why Jimin wanted to do it again, of course he loved that night but he was so scared of hurting Jimin.

« Come on we can watch whatever you want. » Jimin shook his head leaning his head down to kiss Yoongi's neck, he licked and bit at his skin. He felt the groan Yoongi admitted from his throat knowing that he was doing something and was going to get what he wanted.

« I was good today, can this be my reward? » He rested his forehead against Yoongi's, grinding his hips up trying to get him to agree and maybe turn him on a little.

« Why do you do this to me? First you're afraid or worried or sometimes even scared then you go to being the confident boy I met back in the hospital. » Yoongi didn't mean this in a mean way but it's true, he switches from how he acted back then to how he acts now which is softer and happier and it was always hard to see how he was feeling and what he was thinking.

« I enjoyed it, you were really soft with me and it cured my fears of having sex. I don't feel scared about it because when it's with you then I have nothing to worry about it. » He caught Yoongi's lips in another kiss put Yoongi quickly pulled back so he could speak.

« Same rules as last time okay? If you want to stop or if I'm hurting you tell me no matter what and I'll stop okay? » Jimin nodded his head and Yoongi carried him towards their bedroom.

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