«153» Finally normal

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Their house was coming together really well, it had been a couple days since they moved into their new house. Ha-na and Su-ji would come over some days and help get all of their stuff out of the boxes. Suj-ji and Jimin became even closer, Jimin just found it easier to talk to his new friend every time she would come over.

« So I've noticed you and Su-ji have gotten closer, are you two friends? » The two were alone in the living room, Ha-na was making dinner with the help of her wife in the kitchen so they both couldn't hear what was going on out in the living room.

« Yeah umm she just really gets me and it's easy to talk to her. » He played with his fingers not looking over to Yoongi who was looking down at his fiancé.

« Well I'm glad that you are getting comfortable with them, they are going to be our friends for a long time so I'm happy that you are getting comfortable with her. » Yoongi pulled him closer to his body and gave Jimin a small kiss on the top of his head.

« Yeah well she just understands what I'm going through, it's hard for me to make friends especially after Min-ju. She left me and I keep thinking all friends will leave me like she did and it hurts to think about. » Jimin wanted to cry thinking about his old friend, she really got him and helped him out when he was struggling. Sure they had some problems with her having a crush on Yoongi but they never fought about anything.

« Yeah, it's okay I understand. She was a wonderful person but sometimes thoughts and feelings can overwhelm you. She was a good influence on you and you guys were friends from what I saw. » Jimin wanted to stop talking about her but his therapist had told him to talk about his past that has made an impact on his life. Min-ju's death had a major impact on him so he needed to express how he feels about the event.

« I can still remember that day, I remember it like it was yesterday and I haven't told you what to think yet but sometimes I still have nightmares about it. » This made Yoongi's heart clench, he knows what it feels like to have someone in your life die or leave. He hated knowing that Jimin was hurting or that he was sad.

« The way you had to drag me away so I wouldn't see her, fuck sorry. » Jimin wiped his cheeks, he didn't notice that he was crying. This startled Yoongi and this made him sit up and gently brush his thumbs against the younger's cheeks trying to calm him down.

« Let's not talk about this okay? Let's think about the good times you two had together. » Jimin just shook his head, he sniffled, grabbed and held onto Yoongi's wrists.

« I'm sorry, I just can't make friends like her. She forced me to be friends with her and if she didn't then I would have been alone. » Jimin took a deep breath, he leaned into Yoongi's chest making his shirt a little wet from his tears.

« Dinners re- wait what's wrong? » Su-ji came into the living room to let them know that dinner was ready as Ha-na put the food on plates for all of them. She saw Jimin was crying and that startled her because it hurt to see Jimin cry like that.

« Nothing, just give us a second? » Su-ji quickly nodded her head and left the room to leave the two to just talk.

« We can talk about this later, just know Ha-na and Su-ji won't leave like that okay? They are here and Ha-na even said earlier that she was making dinner for all of us whether we like it or not, I think it will be hard to push her away. » Jimin laughs against Yoongi's chest, he leaned back so that Yoongi could wipe away the rest of the tears that were rushing down his cheeks.

« Let's just go and eat dinner. » Jimin nodded and they both stood up walking over to the dining room table where Ha-na was setting all the food down.

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