«43» Blind lovers

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Some time had passed and there was an awkward silence over the whole room. It was nearing lunch time so Yoongi would have to leave for a tray for Jimin to eat. He got up brushing his hands on his pants looking over to Jimin who had his head down afraid that all of this was his fault.

« I'll go get you a tray of lunch I'll be back. » He didn't see any movement from Jimin so he just nodded and headed towards the door taking one last look at the younger before walking out of the room.

After the door shut Jimin waited a couple of minutes to make sure Yoongi was gone before bursting out into tears, gasping for air as he held his hand over his heart, grabbing the material of his shirt as he did so. 

« It's you're fault you fuck up. » He cried to himself wiping his tears knowing his eyes would be puffy and his cheeks would be teared stained by the time Yoongi came back but he didn't really care. He didn't care anymore, everything was his fault, the feelings he was feeling towards the older. 

« You're so stupid. » He mumbled into his hands, he didn't know why his heart would beat fast when the older touched him or why he was blushing when they got close. He didn't even know why he was crying when Yoongi refused to hold him when he asked, there was just so many questions that he needed to be answered. 

He looked up not being able to see beyond the tears pooling in his eyes. He slid down so he was laying down on his back pulling the blankets up to his chin feeling tears roll down his face. He didn't want Yoongi to walk into his crying so he rolled over facing away from the chair Yoongi was sitting on closing his eyes as if he was sleeping even tho Yoongi wasn't going to be there for a while. 

As for Yoongi he was busy standing in the long line for the food, he was tapping his foot against the ground praying to god he wasn't going to be seeing Dr. Su. He crossed his arms hearing the loud noises that came from the cafeteria, it was loud yet quiet. Those who were getting 'better' were talking and chatting as they stuffed their face as the others were picking at their food while locking their eyes with the tray. 

Yoongi just hated everyone, the line didn't go by fast but he eventually made it and grabbed Jimin's lunch. He began walking back to Jimin's room thinking about the younger as he walked. He hated leaving Jimin knowing he was upset it hurt his heart because all he had was tonight and tomorrow then Jimin would get back to the normal schedule. He had to fix things or else they might never get to talk again after this, he hurt Jimin and he wouldn't want to talk to someone who hurt him. 

Of course Jimin was still confused in himself, all of a sudden he was strong and in control when he asked Yoongi to use the bathroom yet now he was fragile and a sobbing mess around the older. He was confused about his feelings, did he like Yoongi romantically? Or maybe he just was upset that they wouldn't be able to have a strong friendship? For Yoongi he was starting to come to terms with the feelings he had for Jimin, he knew it was wrong but he couldn't help it his heart was speaking for him. He just wanted to hold Jimin close and tell him everything was going to be okay.

With all these feelings swarming around Yoongi's mind he finally made it to Jimin's room, he had to prop the tray against his hip in order to enter the room. He kicked the door closed behind him looking over to Jimin who was laying on his side. The older frowned walking over to the small table by Jimin's bed, setting the tray down before sitting down on the edge of the bed. It was obvious Jimin wasn't sleep and Yoongi knew that when he lightly touched the younger's arm feeling him flinch at the touch.

« You have to eat your lunch Jiminie. » The little nickname slipped out and Jimin loved the way it sounded with his voice, he could listen to his voice all day long.

« Eat something babe. » Both of them froze as soon as Yoongi let that pet name out. Yoongi thought he went over the line until he saw Jimin sit up turning his head to face Yoongi who was sitting right next to him. 

« I-It slipped out I'm sorry. » Jimin didn't care that the pet name was an accident, what he did care about was the flutter he felt in his heart, his breathe hitching, the way his hands sweat and the tears stopped falling from his eyes.

« I don't care just h-hold me. » This time Yoongi didn't refuse the demand, that and Jimin practically fell into his arms making the older wrap his arms around Jimin's waist to keep him close.

There wasn't any more talking as the two held each other close, holding on like if they let go they would fly away. Jimin kept crying on Yoongi's shoulder, he felt warm from the inside out like his heart was on fire. The two could just melt from the heat that their bodies radiated mixing together.

« Never let go. » Jimin's voice cracked and Yoongi knew he would never let go, he will never let Jimin drift away.

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