«64» What happened last night

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It was another long day, there was just that feeling in the air. Yoongi got a couple hours of sleep but not a lot. Jin still hasn't shown himself and it was getting a little frustrating since he didn't know whether he was still paying his share or not. He ate two small blueberry waffles which were still a little cold in the middle due to him being a little late. He managed to get to the clinic only a couple minutes late, it was still vital check but it was later than usual.

He regretted coming late as soon as he walked into the staff room. There stood leaning against the lockers was Dr. Su, she was scrolling and typing on her phone like a teenage girl texting her boyfriend. He even laughed a little before she even noticed another presence in the room. He laughed because she was trying too hard, he hair was in a low pony, he had winged eye liner which wasn't even and some pink gloss on her thin wrinkled lips. 

Yoon tried to avoid her as best he could but of course she had to be leaning right next to his locker. He just took a deep breathe and embraced death. He fast walked over to the locker quickly unlocking the lock and swinging it open. He was being loud but he hoped the locker door was enough to hid himself away from her.

« Ah Yoongi didn't think I'd see you today. » She shoved her phone in her pocket, he hated that she kept her phone on her all day and never got caught. Everyone else got their asses handed to them if they got caught. Yet she was there like a little fucking princess getting whatever she wanted, Yoongi still thinks she fucks Dr. Lee so she wouldn't get in trouble.

« I woke up later, I forgot to set an alarm. » He tried to keep the conversation friendly so she would understand where she stood, so she wouldn't get the wrong idea.

« I thought after what happened last night then you wouldn't show. » She smirked making Yoongi freeze, what was she talking about? He stayed silent as he took his jacket off hanging it on the hook of his locker trying to act dumb.

« What do you mean? What happened last night? » He knitted his eyebrows trying to seem innocent, also trying to seem like he had no clue what she was on about. Half of it was true, he had no clue what she was on about.

« Nothing you wanna confess? » Now he knew she was just fucking around, she wanted him to confess something so she could have black mail. Dr. Su wasn't hard to read. He also knew that if he did confess she would go get him fired within the next 3 minutes.

« What? You want me to confess to breaking a rule? Want me to say something to get me fired? Come on you know better then that, you also know that in the end Dr. Lee will always pick me. I'm the best staff member he has, how does that make you feel? Worthless? And look you can't even get me to like you back, so why don't you back off and go fuck some other dude you don't care about. » This left Dr. Su stunned as Yoongi slammed his locker door shut sending one last glare towards the doctor before walking out of the staff room to start his shift.

Dr. Su just stood there, the smirk she once displayed on her face was long gone as she stared at the door to the staff room. She was stunned but not surprised.


Once Jimin sat down for breakfast he saw Yoongi who looked a little better then the days before but still bad. He was worried since he always sees Yoongi come into work around the time he's waiting for vital check. He was happy that he came but he would much rather have Yoongi getting the good night sleep he's suppose to have.

The younger frowns at his boyfriend who returns a forced smile. Jimin could tell the smile was forced, he had to force a smile so often that he could spot one from a mile away.

He knew what would make the older happy, he looked down at his plate of food then looking up at Yoongi to make sure he was watching. He smiled before picking up his fork and stabbing a blueberry into his plastic prongs, quickly shoving it in his mouth, chewing with his eyes closed. Hoping Yoongi was still watching.

Yoongi's heart beat quickly when he saw Jimin eat not one but all the blueberry's on his plate. He never saw the younger eat that much in such short amount of time, but he wasn't complaining. He gasped when he saw that the younger wasn't done yet, he stayed there gawking as he saw Jimin eat almost all the food on his plate.

Jimin ate almost everything, he felt sick right after but he did it to make Yoongi happy. It also seemed liked it worked since right when they made eye contact the older was smiling wide. All Jimin wanted was the make his boyfriend happy and he just did that. Now he just needs him to stay happy.

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