«167» Surprise guest

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As Jimin turned around he froze in his tracks, the door to the room they were in opened revealing someone he wasn't expecting to see in front of him today.

« J-Jae? » Jimin's mouth widened as a male a little younger than Jimin stood in the doorway. He was so shocked that he just stood where he was standing not knowing what to say or do.

« Mom said my brother was getting married, I just had to come and see if it wasn't just her lying. » Jae, Jimin's brother walked further into the room walking closer to his brother. Su-ji was confused at first but then when the boy mentioned that Jimin was his brother she smiled and turned around so they could maybe talk as she got everything ready for the wedding.

« Jae, oh my god. » Jimin still just stood there, he hadn't seen his brother in such a long time he felt like he let him down but there he was standing right there in front of him not seeming to be mad or upset or anything.

« Mom told me that you invited her to your wedding and I just had to come see if it were true. She told me you were better so I wanted to meet my brother without all the family shit that happened. » When they were both younger he never got to get to know Jimin, his mom just told him that his brother Jimin was sick and that he needed help. He remembers their dad wouldn't let them in the same room and he was the one to move them away from Jimin before he got better and he was just too young to understand what Jimin was going through.

« I just can't believe it, I never thought I'd see you again and yet here you are standing right in front of me. » Jimin never thought he would be able to see his mom again yet there his brother was standing right there. He thought his brother was ashamed of him, he thought his brother hated him and yet it was his dad who broke their family and Jimin just felt so happy.

« I never thought I'd see you again either but mom invited me as her plus one and here I am. » They were both just standing there awkwardly looking at each other, they didn't know what to do now. Jimin was starting to tear up because he never thought that his family would come back for him. He didn't even have hope of calling his mom but his brother also came just to see him.

« Don't cry, this is your day to be beautiful. » Jae smiled and walked over to his brother opening his arms and pulling him into a hug. Jimin completely melted and just couldn't handle all these feelings of first getting married and then seeing his brother knowing he will have to see his mother later on. He was just too sensitive for all of this.

« Sorry I just thought you hated me. » Jimin mumbled against his brother's shoulder, what they didn't notice was that Su-ji had left the room. She decided to just go grab some coffee or something so the two boys could bond, she knew how they were feeling and knew they needed privacy. Jimin gripped his brother's dress shirt feeling so many emotions now gush out of him. in this hug.

« I never hated you. I was just so young when you first got sick, I'm so sorry for not knowing but mom was mad, dad left and she didn't know how to help you. I was too young to realize that you were hurting and sick, I just didn't know why you couldn't just be normal. I'm so sorry for having those thoughts. » Jimin's brother Jae felt so much guilt piled on him as he got older, he was afraid to mention Jimin to his mother, afraid she would have a breakdown. She would always mention how she was upset with Jimin but she cared for him because he is her son at the end of the day

He was afraid to ask where his brother was or how he was doing because their mom sat in the living room all day waiting to hear a call saying that her son died. They both felt so much guilt but Jae knew if he stayed in Jimin's life then maybe he could have helped him but he was so thankful to the man Jimin was marrying because he managed to save him when Jae couldn't.

« It's okay, you guys weren't prepared to help me and honestly I was a brat up until I met Yoongi, my future husband. I don't blame you guys for leaving but I thank you for coming back. » They had pulled away from the hug and Jimin couldn't stop the tears that were falling from his eyes. Jae even had a hard time keeping his feelings in check because this was a big moment for him and never knew that he would be able to see his older brother again.

« Well we're prepared now, we are going to be here for you through anything okay? I don't want to disappear from your life again. » Jae wanted to make sure Jimin knew that his family well at least his mom and himself were there for him. They were going to be there to protect him alongside Yoongi making sure he doesn't fall again and go back to the old habits.

« Thank you, I still can't believe you are standing in front of me. » Jimin smiled wiping some of the tears that were falling down his cheeks.

« I know, hey also I'm going to college over here so I will definitely be standing in front of you a lot more often. » Jae nudged his shoulder with a smile, he was now wanting to be in his brother's life like a normal family. This was what Jae wanted, he wanted to be able to see Jimin again and he got that wish.

« I'll leave you to get ready, we can catch up with mom later. I don't want you to cry anymore and get puffy eyes okay? You're my brother and you will always be, remember that. » The two hugged one last time before Jae left to go find his mom, Jimin had to sit down. The room was now quiet and it took him a couple minutes to calm down.

That was an emotional moment and he had to get married in a couple hours, this was just insane and he was so happy that he had his family. Of course his father wouldn't be a part of it seeing how he was the one to push everyone apart but all he really cared about was his mom and brother. 

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