«27» An apology

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It was an even longer day then the day before, Jimin was feeling a little stressed when he found out he wouldn't have anyone sitting next to him during dinner. Dr. Lee came to get and talk to Min-Ju and they've been gone a very long time. Such a long time that halfway threw dinner he was getting a little worried on if she was getting kicked out or not. It was a little outburst and he had no idea what happened when she locked herself in that room. He was worried he did consider Min-Ju as a friend, maybe it was hard for him in the beginning but she's a friend a very close one.

He finally got to glance up at Yoongi this time without getting yelled at for something he did. He never noticed before but Yoongi would always pout. He never knew why he was pouting but it just seemed like a habit Yoongi would do sometimes. Jimin found it cute and every time he looked over and witnessed the pout he couldn't stop the stupid little smile that would come to his lips.

He could look over at the older all day but he was cut off by a tray slamming to the table making him jump in terror. He shook off his thoughts to see Min-Ju sitting down with a huff not really making eye contact with the older male.

« Min-Ju where were you? » Jimin asked in a worried tone but getting a scoff from the girl in response.

« With Dr. Lee, thanks to you we had to have a talk and he even called my parents. » She growled at the thought of her parents, it was bad enough they forced family therapy once a month but now she had to talk to them about her anger issues.

« Listen, I'm sorry but you need to know I don't like Yoongi okay? » He lied being somehow good at it making Min-Ju shrug her shoulders as if she didn't care. She did care but knew she couldn't act out in fear her parents would actually show up again.

« No need to apology, I never really liked him anyway. » She was somewhat lying but somewhat not, she liked the idea of Yoongi but never really thought of dating him.

« Let's just move on? » He smiled seeing her nod yet not returning the smile not even looking up to meet his eyes.

Dinner was anything but normal, it was awkward they didn't say another word but Jimin stopped glancing over to Yoongi in the corner and Yoongi noticed. He actually missed the small moments where their eyes would meet and his heart would skip a beat. Yet he knew it was good for him, he couldn't even be looking at a patient or else he would have a stern talking to. He hated this but it was his job that he loved so much so he didn't mind stopping the glances no matter how hard he tried.


Yoongi chugged a cup of coffee before he left for the day feeling the hot liquid burn his throat as it went down. He felt his stomach growl as the coffee hit his stomach, the feeling of not eating really caught up to him but he refused to give in. He knew if he kept not eating he would end up being a patient instead of a staff yet he didn't believe that would happen. He thought he was stronger then all the patients but he wasn't.

Dr. Su walked in as soon as he he set the mug in the sink, he really didn't want to talk to her yet she was there. She smiled upon entered unbuttoning the top button of her top without Yoongi noticing. She fluffed the top of her shirt before walking over to the mint haired male,where she leaned her lower back against the counter crossing her arms like a way of flirting.

« So, how about drinks? » She asked like she has done everyday since the first day that Yoongi started working. She seems to not care that she's 40 and he's 23 all she wanted was a date with the handsome man not knowing he was extremely gay and in love with a patient.

« Uh no I have work to do after my shift and besides I won't and I can't date another person from staff. » It was the truth and other than that he really didn't want to involve himself with her. She was older than him by a lot so he didn't want to loose his job over some stupid drinks.

« Maybe another time. » She nervously laughed leaning forward towards Yoongi that's when he noticed the unbuttoned top of her shirt. He quickly looked away closing his eyes tightly like he would never unsee what he just saw.

« I have to go, see you later. » He sighed walking past the Dr. who soon followed him to the locker area of the staff room where he kept his stuff.

He didn't want her to follow him but he ignored her walking to his locker to grab his belongings before heading out for the night.

« Maybe you misunderstood me Mr. Min, I won't take no for an answer you see Dr. Lee and me are close I helped him fire a staff member last month so you know. » She said in a hushed voice as if someone was around to hear what she was saying. The cocky tone was enough to piss Yoongi off so much but kept himself back from yelling.

« yeah how would Dr. Lee like it if he knew a staff member was blackmailing another to get free drinks and sex. » He smirked grabbing his jacket which he slid on shoving his wallet, phone, and keys in his pocket.

« Fine, maybe later. » She smiled walking off towards the door where she left, Dr. Lee and her were cool but if he found out she was breaking a rule she would be in big trouble.

That was a lot easier than he thought, he thinks the main reason why she thinks she has all that power is because she's sleeping with Dr. Lee yet those were just rumors no one new for sure.

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