«112» Everyone is leaving

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Yoongi made it home, he picked up a couple things from the store so that the two had food they could make for their meals. He put all of the stuff he got away in the kitchen once he got home, the whole apartment seemed quiet however so he just assumed Jimin was back in the bedroom or taking a shower so he just put the stuff away before going to look for him.

Jimin heard him come home but he just sat on the bed with his back against the headboard reading his book. He didn't want to get up, he was comfortable and so involved in his book so he stayed put. He finally looked up when he heard the bedroom door open, he was so into his book he almost didn't want to look up. He smiled and set down the book on the bed before standing up to go give him a hug.

« Hey Yoonie, how was work? » Jimin placed his head on Yoongi's chest as the older rocked back and forth with Jimin in his arms squishing him.

« It was pretty good, I met someone today. » Jimin pulled back looking up at Yoongi staying close in his arms.

« Oh really? Are you sick of me already? » Jimin pouted, he knew he was joking but he knew the older melted when he saw his pout. Yoongi shook his head, kissing the top of the younger's head with a giggle.

« No Minnie, I met a new friend. » He smiled, he was so happy that he met Ha-na and he knew her and Jimin would be good friends. He always wanted friends so that he could invite people to their wedding. Sure he could invite his parents and cousins but how many would show up and it wasn't like Jimin's parents would come.

« A friend? Never had one of those before. » He joked, giggling, rising up on his toes to brush his nose up against Yoongi's.

« Oh so Min-Ju had no meaning to you? » Jimin tried to get the thoughts of her out of his head, he didn't like how everything just ended and right after she died things seemed to go down hill really fast.

« She's dead, she is no longer my friend. » He gulped, he felt sick because now she was brought up again and he didn't want to go through that again, he kept her art locked away so he wouldn't be reminded every day that the one person he liked left him without telling him why.

« I'm sorry. » Yoongi didn't know what to say, he didn't know that this still affected Jimin but he didn't realize that he didn't know how to handle death. He never had someone he loved die and leave him without a proper goodbye.

« I can't change the fact that she left me with no notice, so what about this new friend. » Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, he was acting like his old self, the guy he met back in the hospital. The mean little fireball, that was why he was drawn in to him in the first place but now it was too much to handle.

« Oh um I-I wanted to invite her over for dinner maybe on Saturday. » He wanted to change the subject quickly because he didn't want Jimin to hurt from the past, hurt from a girl who left him because she hated herself. No matter what Jimin would say it wouldn't change what she thought.

« Oh yeah sure whatever. » He shrugged walking past Yoongi out of the room and down the hall towards the living room.

« Baby come on I want you to meet her. She seems nice and is the only one I work with who likes me. » He needed to drop this whole Min-Ju subject and get back on what he wanted to talk about, he wanted Jimin to meet his new friend.

« I'm not good around new people and you know that. » Jimin turned around to face Yoongi, he didn't want to meet anyone new he hated it and didn't want to do that just yet.

« Come on, you're doing really well in recovery and maybe it's good to start having friends, making a future, baby this is part of it a part of our future. » Jimin knew that they would need to have friends but he never really had friends other then Min-Ju she was the only one who forced him to be her friend and he was happy for that, he had someone to talk to even if it was for just a little while.

« Fine dinner on Saturday but you have to promise me not to force me into conversation. » He narrowed his eyes to look up at Yoongi, he was still nervous and had anxiety and being around people he didn't know made him panic. He couldn't keep his cold past self forever he would eventually break.

« Of course I might also have to invite her wife but again I won't force yourself into anything. » Jimin huffed out a laugh when he heard what Yoongi had said.

« Wow look at you making gay friends, alright fine invite both of them like we have the room. » Jimin reached up kissing Yoongi quickly on the lips before walking into the kitchen to grab some water. They barely had enough room for the two of them so he didn't know how this would work.

« Didn't I tell you, when everyone found out that I was dating you no one liked me and now I work with someone who gets what it's like to be different. » Jimin didn't know that when he went to work no one talked to him, and no one seemed to come near him almost like they were going to catch a disease from him.

« I feel bad for that, you don't deserve to be treated like that because you saved me, I know the people in there and none of them are decent people. » Jimin didn't think about what his sexuality was before he met Yoongi, he didn't care and no one bullied him for it so he didn't feel what Yoongi was feeling or even going through and he hated that he didn't understand.

« There's something different about Ha-na, she's sweet and I know she will always be like that so no, not everyone is bad not anymore and hopefully I can show you that there are people out there who won't leave when things get too hard for them. » He needed to teach Jimin that there were others out there who won't just leave when things get too hard.

« I get it, Min-Ju left because things for her were too tough and she didn't talk to me the way she should have so it's hard for me to believe that people won't leave. It's like people lie, what makes this girl you met any different she'll still leave without telling you, no goodbye just a little note that is made for you to find. » Jimin reached up to grab a cup of water, filling it with ice while waiting for Yoongi to respond.

« I won't leave, there are people who will leave in your life but you have to move on and not have that stop you from meeting others, just try for me please? Please meet my new friend Ha-na and her wife, I promise they will be different and show you that people are different. » He grabbed the cup out of the younger's hand and set it down on the counter so that Jimin could listen to what he had to say.

« I will, because I love you but it won't stop me from thinking everyone in my life will leave without telling me, you can't change how I feel and I'm barely okay with dating you. » It was like the younger shot Yoongi with an arrow to the heart, he didn't want to hear Jimin say that to his face.

« Barley okay with dating me? I told you I would never leave you and if you believe I will, why don't you just go, you can leave and be alone for the rest of your life break up with me. »

« I didn't mean it like that. »

« What did you mean then? »

« Min-Ju died, she killed herself and never expressed her dark thoughts and if you are having dark thoughts tell me so I can help, I don't want to see you go when I could have helped. » This was when Yoongi found out that he wasn't talking about leaving as in walking away he meant as in dying without saying a word about it.

« Baby, baby no I won't go but I can't promise I can tell you everything not when you're recovering and weak. » He didn't want to drop more problems on the younger because then he would feel responsible for his feelings even though it has nothing to do with that.

« So you do have dark thoughts. » He clenched his jaw because he didn't want his boyfriend to suffer like he has.

« I'm not saying that. » Jimin shook his head, biting his lip before reaching over to grab his glass, filling it with water.

« Just invite over your friend. » He took a sip before walking back to the room so he could read his book and not talk about everyone leaving the people they said to care about.

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