Mafia!Matsuno brothers x kidnapped sister!Reader

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A/N: Art belongs not to me. Just like the characters.

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You sigh lightly while you lean against a wall. Your hands are tied up behind your back along with your feet. Warm blood is running down your face and drips down onto your lap. 'Well, I warned them. If they don't listen to someone who knows this idiots better than anyone I can't help them anymore.'

When you was in the way to the car where one of your older brothers were waiting two guys covered your mouth with an wet cloth who let you pass out. When you woke up again a gang who hates your brothers smirked down at you.

At first they wanted to rape you, but the gang leader changed his mind after you insult him. Well you just said if they don't let you go now your brothers will kill them.

After the leader was done with beating you up you got thrown into a room with no windows or anything else inside. The door gets locked so you can't escape. Honestly you didn't wanted to leave because you know it will just end up getting beating up again.

So you wait until your brothers arriving or until you die here.

Meanwhile the sextuplets standing outside from the building. "And? Do you already know where (y/n) is, Todomatsu?" Osomatsu blows the smoke from his cigarette into the air. "Hmmm ... looks like they put (y/n) in a room far away from the front building. So looks like we can break in." Todomatsu smiles cute while locking his smartphone.

Osomatsu smiles a bit and let the cigarette go. When it hits the ground Osomatsu steps down on it and starts to walk over to the door. "Then let us take her back~."

You look unwell at the one man from the gang. He stole the key for your room, but didn't lock the door behind him. "Ya know, if one of my brothers sees this you-" "But they aren't here to rescue you~." The man smirks and unzip his pants.

'Oh man, looks like I need to do something. Even if I didn't wanted to.' You flinch when the man get down onto his knees. "?!" Without hesitating you raise your legs quickly up. Hitting the man directly under his chin with your feet. The man falls to the side and press his hands at the place where you hit him.

You quickly jump up onto your feet and hop as quick as possible away. "You little-?!" But the moment the man looked at you he saw how you struggle your hands with force out of the rope. Causing your wrist to bleed.

You open the door quickly. "You're not going anywhere!" The man stands up and stumbles quick over to the door. But the moment he want to open it he hears something breaking. "Eh?" Now the man hold the doorknob in his hand. You broke from the other side the doorknob.

You untie your feet and get up with a small sigh. 'Looks like my Nii-chan's won't come. Haaaah ... welp, can't be helped then. I just need to go home now on my own. ... Hopefully I find the way back home.'

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I'll not ask a second time. Did one of you hurt our sister?" "I don't-" But Karamatsu pulled up the trigger. Shooting the man into the head. "One of them said their leader beat (y/n) up. So I guess she didn't got raped." Choromatsu said calm.

But the rest of the members tries to flee. Because the sextuplets looking right now like people who give a fuck for these who aren't their friends or family. They would kill without thinking twice about it.

But before they can even flee they already got shoot down. "Let's get (y/n)." Osomatsu said with no emotion in his voice. The others nodding and following their oldest brother.

When they come near the room where you should be they see something laying down on the ground. At first the sextuplets thought it was you. But they sighed in relieve when they see it's the leader from the gang. Still they are pretty pissed about the fact that he beat you up.

Jyushimatsu stops before he can swing his baseball bat down. "He passed out." Now the others looking closer at the man. He have bruises in his face and blood is running out of his broken nose. Osomatsu chuckles and said: "Looks like we weren't fast enough for our sister."

But suddenly they hear someone banging against the door where you should be inside. "YOU DAMN SLUT!!! WHEN I GET YOU I WILL GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU!!! I WILL RAPE YOU UNTIL YOU AREN'T ABLE TO WALK ANYMORE!!!" Looks like this man will die under pure pain.

~Back to you~
It's already dark outside. You were able to walk to an hospital so a doctor can take care of your injuries. And they would call your brothers to tell them you are here.

You sit on one chair by the exit from the hospital while dozing slowly off. The whole day was really tiring for you and you don't have the energy to walk all the way home. Taking a taxi isn't good either, because no one should known where the Matsuno family lives.

'I think if I ask nicely Karamatsu-niisan will cook something for me. I mean I got kidnapped. Nii-chan's should be feeling pity for me now. ... Maybe I get the right to drink a beer today?'

"(y/n). Wake up." You hum and open your eyes sleepy. The sextuplets smiling softly while looking at you in aww. You stretch your arms out to Choromatsu. "Seriously? You want me to carry you to the car (y/n)? Aren't you already to old for this?" You shake your head no and start to whine a little.

Choromatsu sighs but put his arms around you. Lifting you up from the chair. The six walking out of the hospital now. Karamatsu hums when you tuck suddenly at his sleeve gently.

"Can you cook something for me Nii-chan?" You ask sleepy. Karamatsu smiles softly and takes your hand. Causing you to let go of his sleeve. "Well of course my sunshine. But rest for now. You had a hard day today." You hum and not a few seconds later soft snores coming from you.

The brothers laughing a bit from your cuteness. They get in to the car. Choromatsu lays you down next to Osomatsu and Ichimatsu so he can drive.

When they arrive their home Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu bringing you up in your room. While your four oldest taking care of garbage. Of the two man's who are still alive. They got tied up in a chair.

"I think for hurting our sister and trying to rape her we should return this the best way we could." Osomatsu smiles friendly. "Should we clean up this mess tomorrow then?" Choromatsu ask while putting his black gloves on. He doesn't want to dirt his hands.

"Heh. If they don't pass out from all the fun. But sadly I can't clean up, buraza. I need to cook our sweetheart her favourite meal." Karamatsu said with a cool smile while he put his brass knuckles on. "Tch! Don't think she likes you more now, Shittymatsu. (y/n) just asked you because Choromatsu and you are the only one who can cook." Ichimatsu click his tongue pissed while he looks for a few tools he can use.

"I think we talked enough. (y/n) is sleeping without her Onii-chan. Now let's get stared before she wakes up." Osomatsu crack his firsts before he raise one of them up.

Let's just say the cleaning up took a while. Who thought punishing two guys like these will make such a bloody mess?

Osomatsu-san x reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now