Loving the wrong person Part 2

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Requested by topaz03

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After three weeks of staying in your old home town, you return back home. At first it was shocking you to see how dusty your apartment got, so you cleaned at first everything. This is now two weeks ago, but you still didn't said a word to the sextuplets about your return. Only Chibita knows it, because you were eating by him after you return. Cleaning the whole house was too exhausting for you.

Now, you've got another day off from work. You step out of the grocery store with two full bags of food and drinks. 'Tomorrow I have to work at 5 am. Ugh, I honestly don't want to, but I need to pay the rent. So let's just-' "(Y/N)-CHAN!!!" You flinch from the sudden different voices and look over your shoulder. The sextuplets running fast into your direction, making you run now. "(Y/n)-chan wait!!" "We just want to talk with you!!" Please!!"

You don't stop. You will first stop until you reach your apartment or your face meet the asphalt. But the sextuplets having more determination than you and don't carry two bags full with food with them. "?!" A hand grabs your wrist, pulling you harshly back. By that, you let go of the bag.

"Ah!" Sadly, the milk and eggs got damaged, along with the bag.

~And then...~
"W-We're sorry, (y/n)-chan~." Osomatsu says with a sweaty smile. "L-Look! W-We've bought you new food!" Todomatsu holds the bag up, but you can't see it when the six walking behind you. The brothers looking unwell at each other before speaking up again. "S-So, w-we heard you were by your family, (y/n)-chan. H-How was it?" Choromatsu ask with a sweaty smile. But instead of an answer, you keep walking.

"Y-You know, our parents cut our nipples off because we don't work." Ichimatsu says awkwardly, but gets only meet with silence. "I-I made a homerun with Ichimatsu-niisan tied up on my baseball bat!" Jyushimatsu says cheerfully, but that doesn't really help him. You glance over to the door from your apartment. It's not that far anymore. "M-My sweetheart, did you cut your hair? It looks even more beautiful than last time we saw each other." Karamatsu say with a cool voice. " ... " But they get only meet with silence.

The six trying to keep talking to you, but you don't answer them or say a single word. When you seven reach your front door, you just stand there while staring at the doorknob down. "Um ... (y-y/n)-chan?" You sigh quietly and take out your keys. Unlocking the door and turn a bit to the side. You walk over to Todomatsu and ... take the bag out of his hand. "Ah..." You walk back to your door and the brothers turning sad around.

"Come inside or I'll regret my choice."

The six looking surprised back, but quickly running to your front door and inside. They take their shoes off and follow you to your kitchen. You place the bags down on the working plate, turn around and push yourself up. When you sit on the working plate you cross your arms over your chest, close your eyes and put your right ankle down on your left leg. "Sit down on the floor." You say with a calm, monotone voice. The brothers sitting quickly down on their knees and waiting.

You sigh and open your eyes half way. "I'm sorry for my reaction. I must have overreacted to this, but ... I really can't stand people who doesn't take their time to listen to both sides. Especially if you're friends since high school and think I would punch someone for no reason." You glare at the six grown up men, while they look unwell away from you.

"So? Wanna hear me out now?" "Yes!" You flinch from their sudden shoot, but chuckle slightly. "Okay. You see, Yowai-san was insulting you. She said you're dumb NEETs, so I punched her. I can deal with much shit and if Yowai-san talks some about me, I'm fine with that. But you guys are literally my best friends on this planet and if anyone makes fun of you six, than it's me. Beside that, it wasn't even a hard punch and we two hate each other anyways. If you wouldn't had come she might had punched me back."

The sextuplets staring at you with widen eyes, before Jyushimatsu ask: "So you love us, (y/n)-chan?" You hum and blush slightly. "Eh?" You look a little flustered to the side and say with a slight pout: "Yeah, I guess I do. But I love you as my best friends, so don't get the wrong idea here." Now, the brothers standing up. "It's the first time we see you blushing, (y/n)-chan." Todomatsu giggles cutely. The six walking closer to you, making you blush even more. Even if your cheeks are burning and just turned cherry red, it's enough for the brothers.

"E-Everyone has his first time one day, ya know?" "And you never stuttered like that, (y/n)-chan. Are you nervous~?" Osomatsu ask with a teasing smirk. "Di-Didn't ya heard me? I-I just f-friendzoned you guys." You smile a bit nervous and avoid eye contact with the brothers. "Then why're you blushing~?" Ichimatsu ask chuckling evilly. Your face starts to turn slowly red.

"Guh! You're going me on the nerves. Leave my apartment." You jump down from the working plate, but get hug from Jyushimatsu tightly. "Awww~! We should leave just when we came over~? Isn't that mean~?" Choromatsu pokes your cheek while having such a evil smirk on his lips you never saw again since high school. "At least give us some tea, Karamatsu girl~. You don't want to be rude to your guest, now don't you~?" Karamatsu say with an evil smirk as well while poking your other cheek.

Maybe it wasn't the best choice to let this six demons in your apartment.

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