Jiang shi!Osomatsu x Chinese!Reader

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"Urgh!" I kick the last guy down and sigh. Since they wanted to rape me I fought back and made them pass out. That's why I'm now calling the police. I sigh quietly when I hang up, but before I want to leave the old house I hear a thud sound from above. I hum confused and since I'm a really curious girl I turn around and jog the stairs up who're leading to the first floor.

I look inside all rooms, but don't see anything besides a few furniture. But when I stop by the last one I'm surprised to see a lock on it. 'Couldn't hurt to take a look at it.' I shrug. I lift my one foot up and kick it down. Causing the lock to break.

I open the door slowly. The dark room gets some light when I open the door. But what I can see in the small room is really a surprise. A little jiang shi stands near the wall. A chain is on his left foot, locked together at the wall.

I stare at the little jiang shi boy while he stars back at me. Showing no emotion. I walk slowly over to him. "Hey little one. Are you okay?" I ask in a soft voice. I get down on my knees and sit down.

The little jiang shi stares up to me. Still holding his arms down. I look at the seal on his forehead. When I read the task and the name my eyes widen. 'Poor boy. ... Can I change the task?' I hum and sit down on my butt now. Crossing my arms over my chest. "Maybeee ... it will work?"

I look around and to my luck a pencil lays near the little jiang shi. I smile happy and grab it. "Okay little boy! Do not fear, I will help you! You don't need to kill all the people you loved before you died! I'll change into something I bet you will really love!" I say happy smiling.

I reach my hands out. "?!" But suddenly he bites me down into my left arm. I whine in pain, but are able to grab the piece of paper now. I change the characters on the paper. When I'm done the little jiang shi let go off my arm. I smile a bit weakly. Since jiang shi drinking qi (life energy) instead of blood I feel a bit dizzy now.

I laugh a little and say: "So you trust me, huh? Hehe, that's ... somehow really sweet." The little jiang shi stares up to me and I think his lifeless eyes turned a bit red. Along with a little life in it again.

My warm blood runs down my arm, but that's nothing. "Okay. I think the police will be here in a few minutes. So let me free you and we escape from here, okay?" The jiang shi stretch now his arms a bit up, so I take this as a yes.

I stand up a bit stumbling and stomp down on the chain. Causing it to break. I let out a shaky sigh. "Huh?" I look down. The little jiang shi grabbed something from my red Chinese dress. He stares up to me and stretch his arms out.

I smile softly and pick him up. "You're really cute, ya know?" I giggle and hug him a bit closer at my chest. The little jiang shi put his head down onto my chest. When I hear the sirens from the police I quickly jump out of the window. Breaking the glass before while protecting the little jiang shi. And with that I run off.

~And then...~
"I'm back~!" I yell happy. "(Y/N)!!" My five childhood friends running quickly out of the living room. "Where were-What it this?!" Choromatsu ask shocked. He points at the little jiang shi, who has the name Oso, in my arms. "Look what I found in the house from this sick old perverts~! Isn't he cute~?" I ask really happy. Oso looks a bit over his shoulder, over to the five brothers.

"Is this ... a kid?" Ichimatsu ask confused and squinting his eyes. Looking closer at Oso. Karamatsu looks closer too but he quickly pulls Ichimatsu away. "Oi! Why did-" "Is this a real jiang shi?!" Karamatsu ask shocked. Causing the others to look at Oso now wide eyed. I hum happily.

"This is a zombie! (Y/n), quick! Throw him away before he eats you!" Todomatsu said really panicked. But hides behind Jyushimatsu. I pout and ask: "Why should I throw Oso away, Todomatsu? Besides, jiang shi don't eat human flesh. They eat qi."

Osomatsu-san x reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now