Demon or Human?

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A/N: Picture is here to find on pixiv

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You were like Totoko a childhood friend from the Matsuno sextuplets. They always wanted Totoko as their girlfriend, because she was always cute. While you were just an ordinary girl. Even if you just wanted to play with them in your kid days they left you in a flash when Totoko was there. You got used to it and accept the fact that you will always be the third wheel.

Today you were going to hang out with the brothers and even took a day off from work. But the brothers realize they had a date with Totoko today. Only carrying her bags from shopping, but at least she called it a date. Means they forget you and you ended up standing for two hours alone in Akatsuka park.

You walked home with a sad sigh and now you eat by Chibita dinner. "So this idjits forget about you,
(y/n)-chan?" Chibita ask a bit worried. You hum and drink your beer. "It's not like I'm not used to it, Chibita. You can say it's already normal that they don't want to spend time with me anymore. So it's okay." You smile sadly and close your eyes. Or else a few tears will leave them.

Chibita looks worried at you. He already heard from you a few times that the sextuplets forget about you when it comes to Totoko. "But if I be honest I miss to spend time with them." You sigh sadly and sniff. But before Chibita can say something he get's interrupted. "Chibita~! Feed us some oden~!" Osomatsu yells loud from far away. You stand up and let the money on the table. "Thanks for the oden, Chibita. It was just like always very delicious."

You step over the bench and walk away. Hands inside your pockets. "Ah! (y/n)-chan!? Wait a sec!" But you only jog the few stairs up and make yourself back home. The sextuplets don't follow you since you don't really look like you want to have a conversation with them.

While you walk slowly home you look down to the ground with a blurry vision. A few tears falling down to the ground. 'This stupid NEETs! I only took for them a day off from work and in the end I just spend my time all alone! Haaah ... can't change it anyways now. The next time I'll not take a day off for them. ... Who am I kidding here? I have a crush on these idiots since 5th grade. So I guess I still-'

"Watch out!!" You hum and look to the direction where the voice came from. The last thing you see is bright light before everything turns black.

"Look what you did you idiot!" "Me?! Is it my fault this human just walked in front of my bike?!" "I think we should do something before her soul disappears." "Perfect idea, buraza! I'll carry this lady on my bike!" "Juicy already have her."




You open your eyes slowly. "Ah! Hey guys! She's waking up!" An unfamiliar voice rings in your ears. You groan a bit and get up slowly. When you see six same faces over your head you scream in fear and quickly sat up. Causing the six men to get back from you quickly before you hit one of them with your head. "Uah!" You wanted to put your one hand to the side, but it only touched emptiness.

What makes you fall down onto a hard ground. You hiss in pain and press your hands on your head. The place were it hurts the most. "She's really unlucky for a human." Someone chuckled. You sit up and open your eyes again.

But you stop to breathe for a moment. Because you see six same faces who looking a bit alike the Matsuno brothers. But these six looking much different, from your friends. Not only because they have horns on their heads, different eye colors and hairstyles and different clothes.

"Are you okay?" The one who looks like Jyushimatsu ask smiling. But his voice sounded worried. You stare at him with widen eyes. Not saying a single word or moving from your spot.

"Oooi~! Are you listing~?" The one who looks like Osomatsu waves his one hand in front of your face. You snap out of your trance and look now at him. "Oso...matsu?" You ask quiet. Not really believing this is your friend you know since kindergarten.

"Osomatsu? Who's that? My name is Orson." "Eh?" You stare at Orson now speechless. "I may know why you mistake us, my lady~!" "Oi!" The one who looks like Karamatsu pushed Orson aside to kneel in front of you.

"We may look a bit like your friends you know, but we are the six princes of hell! We have different names as well and-" "Stop it, Karla! Can't you see the human is terrified?!" The one who looks like Choromatsu interrupts Karla.

Now he notice your shaking in pure fear. "Jeez, look what you did." "Uah!" The one who looks like Todomatsu is pushing Karla aside and smiles gently at you. "Don't be afraid. We aren't-" But you interrupt him. "Am I dead?!" You ask panicked. "Eh?"

You quickly stand up and look around the area really panicked. It looks like a room from a castle, but the walls are made out of black stones. On the ground lays a big, dark red carpet, on it stands a black couch you were laying on before and a few more things standing in the room.

"Don't freak-" "Why?! I wanted to do so much things before I died! I wanted to play the new game who will be out in a year and now ... why?! What did I do to deserve death and to end up in hell?! At least let virgins in heaven! Aaaaaah!! I didn't finished the ga-mpfh?!" But someone puts a hand on your mouth to shut you up.

"Calm down. Your screaming hurts in my ears." The one who looks like Ichimatsu said a bit annoyed. You nod your head and he takes his hand away. "Let me explain everything." The one who looks like Choromatsu says calm and steps in front of you.

"Orson, this idiot, didn't watched out when we drove with his motorcycle around. He hit you, but since you're a human and we're from hell it didn't hurt your body. We took you with us down to hell before you soul could fade away. You have to know that we can take the soul from your humans in every way we want. So let me explain it short to you. If you leave our castle now and go back to human world you'll die." "Eh?"

"Oi! What do you mean with idiot, Charlie?!" Orson yells now angry. You stare at Charlie speechless before tears welling up in your eyes. "A-Ah! D-Don't cry now! Please!" "Y-You can stay with us, human! S-So don't cry, okay?!" You sit down in a corner from the room, hugging your legs close to your chest. A dark aura is now around you. 'I stuck with demons in hell. Why?'

"Listen human~!" "Hieh!" You squeak when hands going suddenly under your shirt. They tickling softly up and down your sides, making you shiver from this feeling. "Let's talk for a moment~."

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