Your biggest fans

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Requested by FWPlacencia623

This is your idol outfit

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It happened all seven months ago. Choromatsu were able to get his brothers to a concert from Nyaa-chan, but it was for free this time. So no wonder the boys agreed to it. But before Nyaa-chan stepped into the spotlight, her cousin was walking onto stage and introduced herself as a new idol. Her name is Inu-chan and she wore a really cute outfit. It was painted with the colors from the sextuplets. The moment Inu-chan started to sing, the brothers had the feeling she shoot an arrow through their hearts.

After that, the sextuplets were Inu-chan's biggest fan. There wasn't a concert where the sextuplets didn't stood in the first row. They started to work, only to buy merchandise from her. Even if they got hurt by their actually work, they didn't cared for it. As long as they can see Inu-chan, the brothers don't need anything else.

Today was another concert from Inu-chan. After the sextuplets found out that Totoko is her best friend, the boys begged her to meet you just one time behind the stage. They begged so long until Totoko gave in and this day is today. The sextuplets never felt so nervous in their whole life. They put on the black t-shirt with your logo on it, wearing their usually pants and shoes. In their special idol bag, they put all the glow sticks and towels inside, along with their water bottle. The Matsuno brothers having their autograph notebook with them, so they can ask for one.

"You better not embarasse me. (Y/n)-chan only agreed, because I asked her. And if any of you virgins dare to touch her, I'll kill you." The sextuplets nodding their heads quickly, not wanting to let Totoko change her mind. When she stops by a door, the brothers getting even more nervous than before. They are so close to meet their favorite idol.

Totoko knocks on the door and when a soft voice yells "Yes!?", she opens the door. "(Y/n)-chan, I'm here with this idiots." Totoko walks over to you and the sextuplets can't breathe anymore. You wear a white t-shirt, light blue shorts and white socks. Your (hair/color) hair is for some reason a bit wet. "Hello, Totoko-chan~." You say with an dreamy smile on your lips and hug your female friend. Totoko hugs you back with a smile.

The sextuplets getting jealous, but they tense up when your (e/c) eyes meet their own eyes. You hum, let go of Totoko and make your way over to the sextuplets. You stop in front of the six and smile suddenly so happy. "You are the guys who always stand in the first row by all of my concerts~!" "Y-You know us?!" The brothers asking shocked, with a red face. You nod your head with a hum. "How can I forget six same faces?"

Totoko needs to leave, because she has a concert now as well. So that makes only you and the Matsuno brothers. "I want to thank for all of your support. I saw you six by my first concert, even if you didn't stood in the first row. I guess you were by all of my concerts I ever made, huh?" You laugh softly and the brothers blushing more. If that is even possible. "So? What can I do for you?" You ask with a soft smile.

"C-Could you please give me your autograph?!" The six bowing down and holding out their notebooks. You look surprised down, but giggle from their acting. Even if they just yelled at you, it didn't seem like it was upsetting you. Taking carefully the notebook from Karamatsu, you walk over to the table in the room and the sextuplets following you quickly.

"Um, I-Inu-" "Call me (y/n), okay...?" "T-Todomatsu!" You laugh softly and take his notebook now, giving him as well an autograph. "(Y-Y/n)-chan? D-Do you re-remember a-all of your fa-fans?" Todomatsu wants to slap himself for stuttering like this. Normally he acts more calm around girls, but you are his favorite idol. Maybe it makes a huge difference for him? "Well, I remember a few fans when I see them, because they always shake my hands or I see them in one of my concerts. But you six ... I don't know why, but whenever I see you, it makes me happy."

The brothers holding back their cheers and keeping it deep inside. Their favorite idol, who is the reason for them to work, remembers them and it makes her happy to see them. For the sextuplets is this the best day in their whole life.

After you gave the sextuplets an autograph, they needed to leave, because your manager wanted something from you. The brothers didn't mind at all and left with a really love sick look on their face. Your manager sighs while you look down on an old photo from the time when you were a kid. "I should scold you for letting fans just enter your room, but as long as they don't post it online I think it's fine." You giggle softly, place the photo down and stand up. "It's a bit sad that they can't remember me, but I'm glad to see the Matsuno brothers doing very well in life."

Meanwhile, the sextuplets standing outside and staring with an crimson face down at the autograph. "I hope to talk with you six again. So just call me or text me whenever you have time. I can't wait to see you again." By this text, stands your phone number and your autograph.

"You will never forget your first love, now will you?" You ask your manager with a giggle. The photo you have is one where you were crying in the age of 5 and the six same faces boys in the same age tried to cheer you up with a bright smile on their face and a dog plushie.

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