Kitsune!Choromatsu x Child!Reader Part 2

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Request by FWPlacencia623

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Seasons passed by fast, but for you it felt like an eternity. You never forget the promise you made to the kitsune man whenever you looked at the clear green ball. Keeping it as a secret from everyone, you finally reached your birthday and are now officially 20 years old. In Japan means this, you are a adult. Instead of waiting for the sun to rise, you run out of your home and to the forest as fast as you could. The summer festival is tonight again, so all the stalls standing in their place and waiting for the night to roll in.

You run the way up you did when you were a child. Just like last time, blue flames showing you the road you need to take. You almost trip over your own feet, but you are able to hold the balance by running. 'I can see you again! I can finally see you again!' With the thought of seeing Choromatsu after such a long time finally again, you were so exited the whole week till your birthday. You couldn't sleep and only thought about what you can talk about with him.

In the age of a little child, you already knew what falling in love means.

When you reach finally the place where you found Choromatsu, you pant desperately for air. Taking a big breath of oxygen in your lungs, you yell out: "CHOROMATSU!!!" The green ball starts to glow slightly, but you don't notice it. You fall down onto you knees and forward.

You hum confused when an arm catch you, before you could meet the soft grass under you. An familiar voice laughs softly from the side next to you. "Did you wanted to see me that badly, (y/n)-chan?" You look to the side and your eyes widen when you see white fox ears with a green tip. "It's been a long time. Do you have time for me, (y/n)-chan?" Choromatsu ask with an soft smile on his lips. Tears welling up in your eyes and a smile in pure joy makes his way up your lips. "Choromatsu~!" "Uah!" Out of nowhere, you suddenly jump at Choromatsu and hug him tightly. He of course didn't thought you would react like that, so Choromatsu lost his balance and fell down to the ground.

Choromatsu put his arms around you quickly, in order to protect you. It was out of instinct. You smile really happy while hugging Choromatsu as tight as you can. The kitsune boy smiles slightly and pets your back head softly. "I missed you too, (y/n)-chan."

~Time skip~
After you calmed a bit down, you sat on the ground and Choromatsu up. You both talked about what happened to you in the years you didn't saw each other. Even if Choromatsu knew most of the things they happened to you. What you didn't know is, that Choromatsu gave you a seal when he kissed your forehead. By that, Choromatsu was always able to find you wherever you where and could see what you did when he found you. ... Sounds like he was stalking you.

Anyways. The sun starts to get down slowly and the summer festival started a hour ago. You dragged Choromatsu with you down. He didn't wanted at first, but when you said it is your birthday and you still want to spend more time with him, Choromatsu gave in. He hide his fox ears and tail with his magical power, so no one knows he is actually an youkai.

Now, you two hold hands while walking slowly down the stalls. "I can see you know everyday, right, Choro?" You ask with an curious smile. Choromatsu laughs softly by the cute face you give him. "Of course, (y/n)-chan." "Yesss~." You smile even more happier if this is possible. Choromatsu smiles softly by the view and taps your shoulder. "Ye-mpf?!" When you turned your head to the side, you flinched when you feel suddenly a soft pair of lips on your own. You pull a bit shocked quickly away and stare at Choromatsu perplexed, not understanding why he kissed you. But your face already turned crimson.

"You might don't know it, but I have a special power, (y/n)-chan. I can hear the voices of humans hearts and yours is screaming the whole time how much you love me." Choromatsu explains with a triangle smile and closed eyes. Your face turns now blood red and you look embarrassed down to the ground. Choromatsu chuckles and licks your cheek shyly. You flinch from the new feeling, but it doesn't really looked like you hate it.

You hum softly when Choromatsu stops, only to nuzzle his face in your neck. "I'm really glad you found me, (y/n)-chan. Thank you for helping me and for finding me." You giggle when the warm breath from Choromatsu hits your skin. "You don't need to thank me, Choro. I'm also very happy that I found you." You hug Choromatsu now tightly, with an joyful smile resting on your lips. Choromatsu smiles warmly and hugs you back, still not taking his face away from your neck. He wants to make sure to leave his scent on you, so no one comes to the idea of taking you away from you.

It was an instinct of Choromatsu's animal side who called out for help.

That it reached only you meant for Choromatsu... are his soulmate.

Osomatsu-san x reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now