I trusted you...? (Karamatsu x Cheating?Reader)

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Karamatsu is your boyfriend now for almost three years. He threated you always like a princess, did much things for you that even hurt him, helped you when you've got stress with your work and he always told you the truth. You always did the same to him. Being there for him if he needs comfort, saying how cool he is whenever he shows you his perfect fashion and trying to give him as much as love back he gives you.

That's why Karamatsu can't understand the scene he sees on the picture.

You sit with another man, who looks a bit younger, in a small restaurant and smile with him really happy. You eve held his hands while looking with such sparkling eyes at him, that it breaks Karamatsu's heart to see you this happy with another man. Todomatsu made the photo and send his brother the picture over. Karamatsu sits by the table in the living room while his grip tightens around his smartphone. "This can't ... be real. Todomatsu must make a mistake. My (y/n) ... would n-never..." Tears dripping down from Karamatsu's eyes, but he tries not to believe this. He tries it really hard.

But the next picture is shatters Karamatsu's heart.

The other picture (must be from another time) shows you with the man entering a love hotel. Still with this bright smile and sparkling eyes of yours, while the man looks all flustered. Now, Karamatsu can't hold back the tears. "Oh, hey Ka-?!" He throws his phone into the corner from his room and lays his head down onto the table. Sobbing into his folded arms. Osomatsu hums and walks over to Karamatsu with a concern look on his face. "Karamatsu? Something wrong?"

"Osomatsu ... (y/n) is cheating on me." "Eh?"

You came over to the Matsuno residence, because Karamatsu texted you it's an emergency. Honestly, you told him that you don't have time today, but if Karamatsu write something like that to you, you can't stay by the person you spend time with. You knock a bit panicked on the door, panting slightly for air. Running over to the house wasn't really a good idea.

The front door gets open, but before you could see the look in Choromatsu's face you push him aside and quickly rush inside. Taking off your shoes and running over to the living room. "Karamatsu, are you-uah!" You trip over your own feet and hit the hard floor. You groan in pain, but are surprised that Karamatsu isn't coming over to help you. Maybe he is sick?

You push yourself up and when you look in the living room, you are confused that the others sending you such weird looks. Like they hate you for some reason. "Um ... something wrong?" You ask confused and stand up. "You really ask that?" Osomatsu ask pissed. You only are more confused, but your worries taking over again. "Ah! K-Karamatsu? Are you okay? Are you sick? What's the emergency?" You step inside the room and reach a hand out to Karamatsu, since his back is facing you.

"?!" You flinch when Jyushimatsu slaps your hand away before you could even touch Karamatsu. "Um ... g-guys?" Ichimatsu stands up and grabs you by your collar, making you a little scared from their sudden, weird acting. "Why did you cheat on Karamatsu?!" Ichimatsu yells angry in your face.

But only question marks are visible over your head. "Eh? Cheating? I don't cheat on Ka-" "Then explain this!" Todomatsu holds now his phone near your face, but you need to get a bit with your head away or else you wouldn't see the picture. You hum when you see the man you just met today. "Oh, I didn't know you were in the restaurant, Todomatsu. Why didn't you said hi?" You ask with a confused smile.

"Explain!!" Ichimatsu yells in your face again. "Ah, well, I were with Jason in the restaurant because-?!" You flinch when Karamatsu suddenly slams his hands down onto the table. "Just leave, (y/n)." Karamatsu says in a really calm voice. You stare at him with widen eyes, but you remember something. "Ah! Jason said it's my fault for not telling you. I'm-" "Leave!" Karamatsu yells angry. " ... If you let me explain Karama-"

Ichimatsu gets pushed gently away, only for you to earn a slap from Osomatsu onto your cheek. Your head turned to the side, making you blink a few times. You turn your head back and look at Osomatsu now with a blanked expression. "If you ever near Karamatsu or one of my family again, I'll not let it stay like this. Now leave." Osomatsu push you by your shoulder back, making you stumble back. You hold your balance and let out a sigh when you turn around. "Men are so weird. No wonder I've never understand Jason and his weird behavior." You mumble with a pout to yourself and leave the room.

~The next day~
You sit on the bench with the man called Jason by the Matsuno residence. Since Karamatsu was blogging you on his phone and you weren't able to talk with him, you decided to wait in front of his house. One day he needs to come out anyways. "It's all your fault, (y/n)." Jason sighs unwell. "I don't really get how it's my fault?" You say confused. "You've never introduced me, you idiot." You laugh dumbfounded and look to the side.

The door gets open, but you two are meet with a glare from Osomatsu. "What do you want here? Didn't I said-" You stand up and interrupt Osomatsu. "I know. So beat me up as much as you want until I can talk with Karamatsu." You smile like it's nothing. "Wait wait wait wait wait! Hold on (y/n)! You've never said anything about-" "Or else you wouldn't be here now, Jason. Besides, Osomatsu said he'll punch me and not you. So? How about?" Osomatsu looks a bit unwell at you. Even if you cheated on his brother, Osomatsu doesn't want to punch a girl. So he looks over to Jason, causing him to hide behind you quickly.

"It's okay, Osomatsu." Karamatsu steps out of the house, but looks down to the ground. Osomatsu wanted to take Karamatsu out to cheer him a bit up, but you weren't planned. "?!" You suddenly grab Jason by his shoulders and push him forward with an excited smile. "There! Jason is my cousin!" Now Osomatsu looks surprised at you, while Karamatsu looks at you at least now. "A-Ah, y-yeah. I'm (y/n)'s cousin from-?!" You push Jason aside and walk quickly over to Karamatsu. Stopping in front of him and smiling happily. "Jason is even too ugly, Karamatsu. You're much cooler and handsome than him~! And if I lie, I should fall death to the ground now!"

It's for a few moments silence, while Jason looks really pissed at you. Karamatsu's lips quivering and ... "Pfft!" Karamatsu starts to laugh slightly and hugs you now tightly. "You're really my one and only Karamatsu girl, my sweetheart." You smile nervously with a blush on your cheeks, before hugging Karamatsu really happy back. "But why did you two walked into a love hotel?" Osomatsu ask now confused. "Don't you dare to say this." Jason glares at you. You stare at him with an deadpan expression, before smirking evilly.

"Jason's here with his girlfriend and is still a virgin~. So I showed him a few places where he could-" "I'm going to kill you!" "Uah!" You quickly jump up and put your legs around Karamatsu's hips, hugging him closer. "Come here!" "No no no no no no no no!! Karamatsu help meeee!!" Jason tries to pull you away, but Karamatsu has still his arms around you so it's hard to pull you away.

"Hold on a second. ... Karamatsu and you had sex, (y/n)-chan?"

This day Karamatsu were staying at your place.

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