🔞The kind twin Part 3

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Requested by FWPlacencia623

I'm sorry again for letting you wait so long and that it isn't really the best. Still, I hope you like it.

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You know the sextuplets since your childhood and you know they visit very often the bathhouse, but you never were in one. So your boyfriends decided to take you with them this time. But a problem stands now in your guys way.

"Eh?! The women side is closed?!" The sextuplets asking really shocked, because it's the first time this happens. The man behind the counter looks bored up from his manga and groans a bit annoyed. "Like I said, it's closed." "And the reason?!" You notice that the man is about to get really angry now, so you ask with a soft voice: "Could we know the reason, please?" "The reason is, because one of the women got their period and everything is full blood. I don't think you want to bath in bloody water." The brothers want to yell at the man again, for showing a bit more tact, but you interrupt them. "Is it possible if I go with my childhood friends to the men side?"

Now the brothers staring at you with an nosebleed.

The man just looks back down to his manga and wave it with his hand off. "Go ahead. There shouldn't be anyone beside you anyways. Now leave me alone." With that, you seven pay for it and walk inside. "(Y-Y/n)-chan?" You hum and look to the side, over to Choromatsu. "W-We just had c-could g-go another d-day. Y-You didn't ha-have to-" But you interrupt the third born brother. "I don't mind taking a bath with you guys. It's not like we all could take one bath together, but I don't think such a big bathtub exist. Oh, but if you feel uncomfortable with me, I'll go and let you take a bath."

"No no no no no no!" The brothers saying panicked. "W-We want!!" You smile softly and pull your pullover over your head. "I'm glad to hear this." The sextuplets blushing bright red and they had the feeling you just shoot an arrow straight through their hearts. When you start to remove your underwear, the six blushing a million times and quickly pressing their hands onto their crotch. "Hm? Are you taking a bath in your clothes?" You ask laughing softly. "W-We uh ... w-we'll be right there. Y-You can go inside without us, (y/n)-chan."

You hesitate at first, but walk inside the huge bath and look amazed around. 'I didn't thought it's so big inside here.' You place your towel aside and walk to the showers, to wash yourself at first off. After all, you aren't allowed to go inside the bathtub as long as your body isn't clean. You turn the warm water on and let out a sigh in bliss. The brothers seeing you taking a shower and having a nosebleed. It's their first time seeing you like this and they wish for never seeing someone else beside you like that.

Taking a few moments and enjoying the view, the sextuplets walking also to the shower area. "?!" "Let me help you to wash yourself, (y/n)-chan~!" Osomatsu says happy and hugs you from the side. You blush softly and hum when Osomatsu slide one hand down to your lady part.

"Ah!" But Osomatsu gets pulled quickly away from you. "Stop being a pervert just for one second." Choromatsu says annoyed. "You're just jealous because (y/n)-chan let me touch her." Osomatsu pouts and cross his arms over his chest. Choromatsu looks now pissed at his oldest brother. "(Y/n)-chan! Let's go take a bath!" Jyushimatsu says excited and is already soaked in water. You wash your hair quickly and nod with a smile. You guys left Osomatsu and Choromatsu behind. "Eh?!"

You five step into the water and the brothers humming in bliss, while you look suddenly so embarrassed. You cover with your arms your chest and look with an nervous blush down to the water. "Hm? Is something wrong, (y/n)-chan?" Todomatsu ask confused with an mixture of worry. "I-It's just..." You look shyly away, pressing your arms a bit more against your chest. The four looking a bit confused, but Jyushimatsu says: "You don't need to cover yourself, (y/n)-chan! We think you're beautiful no matter what!" "I-I know b-but..." Your face turns bright red and you look even more nervous than before. "But?" Ichimatsu ask with an quirked brow. "W-When I remove m-my arms..." You put your arms aside and the four having straight a huge nosebleed. "...m-my breasts always getting up and fl-floating on the water."

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