Karamatsu x Emotionless!Reader

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I don't know why, but my boyfriend wanted me to meet his family. I don't even know why he's my boyfriend. It just happens.

When I was one day on my way to eat something he suddenly talked to me on a bridge. I didn't wanted to be rude so I just listend to him while he talked. He stole me three hours of my life. When he finally was done and I could leave he just asked me if I want to meet up with him the next day again.

Since my parents taught me not to be rude I just said yes. He looked really happy while I was relieved to finally go home. The next day we meet on the bridge again, but he took me with him to a few places he likes. I just followed him and listen to his stories.

I never was the talking type so I always have a little notebook and a pencil with me. He surprised me when he said he's fine if I don't want to talk. Forcing a woman to something is horrible anyways. His words.

We meet almost every day when I didn't needed to work from home. Four months ago he asked me to be his girlfriend. I didn't really understand why he love me (or what this feeling is anyways) but I said yes in the end. I never saw Karamatsu so happy before.

Yesterday he asked me: "My dearest Karamatsu girl, why don't you come to tomorrow to my home and meet my wonderful family?" At first I wanted to say no, but when I saw his pleading look I needed to say yes.

So right now, I stand in front of the door from Karamatsu's home. 'Karamatsu-san told me I only need to knock. But I'm not really sure if he can hear it?' I knock on the front door and wait.


Ten minutes later and I still stand in front of the door. 'Like I thought.' I look for a doorbell, but I can't see one. Looks like I need to knock. A soft sigh escape my lips and I punch three times against the door. After waiting again the door finally opens.

"Hello?" Someone who looks like Karamatsu (but with a small difference) is opening the door. He wears a green hoodie with a tree print on it. I hold up the notebook. Before I left my apartment I wrote a few things already down to make sure the important things standing on it.

"Hello, I'm (l/n) (y/n). Karamatsu-san's girlfriend. Pleasure to meet you." I bow down a bit before holding the notebook down again. "Eh? ... EEEEEHHHHH?!?!" The man suddenly yells so shocked. I stare up to him with half closed eyes bored and wait what will happen next.

"?!" The man gets pushed behind and Karamatsu stands now in front of me. "My Karamatsu girl! You finally arri-" "I already was here ten minutes ago." Karamatsu stares at my notebook before he bows down. "I'm truly sorry my love! Tell me what I should do in return to forgive me for this!"

I sigh lightly and write something down again. I poke with my index finger Karamatsu's shoulder after I'm done. He looks up again. "It's okay. Seeing you now is enough for me." I just wrote this down because Karamatsu said often a line this way.

~And then...~
After Karamatsu's parents saw me they were asking much things. Mostly when we will marry and when we start a family. Karamatsu was blushing pretty much while I just stood next to him. Now I'm with him on the second floor while his brothers staring at me really close. I even think they sniffed at me one time.

"So you're really Karamatsu's girlfriend?" Osomatsu ask confused and touch my hand. I nod my head. "I can't believe Painfulmatsu will really get a girlfriend." Todomatsu said with a pale face, but I can see he's pretty angry. I just ignore it.

"And he isn't paying you?" Choromatsu ask serious. I shake my head no. Ichimatsu poke my cheek, but pulls his hand quickly back. "She's real." 'If I wasn't real you wouldn't even see me.' "How did you two meet?!" Jyushimatsu ask excited.

"Heh. We met on the bridge were I always looked out for my Karamatsu boys and girls. But when I saw such a beauty I didn't needed to look out for another Karamatsu girl. I knew we two were destined for each other after the moment we spoke with each other!" Karamatsu said a bit too dramatically.

Osomatsu suddenly hiss in pain. "My rips! My rips broke!" 'How can your ribs broke without getting even punched or anything?' "E-Eh?!" Karamatsu looks suddenly so shocked. "I can't understand how (l/n)-san can handle your painfu-" "Achoo!"

Now the attention lays by me. I fake sneezed a little kitty and sniff. I grab my notebook and flip to the second page of my notebook. "I'm sorry." "Non non, my sweetheart~. No need to apologize~." Karamatsu said in his cool voice and kneels in front of me.

I look with my eyes away from him bored. 'Somehow ... I don't want to hear from Karamatsu-san's brothers this.' But when I notice the others they look confused at me. I stand up from the ground when I see that they actually get irritated from my acting. "Hm~? What's wrong, my love~?" I write something down on my notebook.

"I'm sorry, but I need to leave. It's probably the way I act." With that I turn to the door and walk away. "W-Wait! Th-They just don't know-" But I slide the door shut behind me. 'Weird. Somehow my heart hurts. ... Should I go to an doctor? Isn't this unhealthy?'

When I put my shoes on I hear footsteps behind me. So I look behind me when I get up. "Oh? You already leaving (y/n)?" Mrs. Matsuno ask surprised. I nod my head, but show her my emotionless face. Not smiling or anything that would even come near any emotion.

"Oh, well then I wish you a good way home. But before you left, I want to tell you something." Mrs. Matsuno comes the few meters over to me and whispers me something in the ear. "You know, since Karamatsu has you he looks more happier then ever. I'm glad he found such a lovely girl like you."

~Time skip~
I stand by the bridge where I met Karamatsu. It's midnight, but I couldn't sleep at all. So I called Karamatsu over face time. When he read the text I wrote he said we will meet up in twenty minutes. So here I stand now.

"(Y/n)!!" When I hear Karamatsu's voice I look in the direction. Karamatsu stops next to me, but looks worried. "Did something hap-" "Just ... lis...ten." Karamatsu's eyes widen, but he stays quiet. I guess he's more surprised that I talked to him the first time.

I take a shaky breath in and say broken: "I...I ca...n't say it ... like I sh...ould ... but I lo...ve you Ka...Karama...KARAMATSU!!" I didn't wanted to yell at the end, but my voice was too much cracking. I look down to the ground now. Somehow I can't look into Karamatsu's face.

" ... (Y/n)-chan are you ... blushing?" "?!" I flinch when suddenly cold fingertips touching my cheeks. But without a warning Karamatsu hugs me really tight. I just stand there, not sure what to do next. "Oh I love you too my sunshine! So much you couldn't even image it!" Karamatsu yells so happy.

And before I even knew it ... a small smile formed onto my lips.

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