I can't love you (Osomatsu x Male!Reader)

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You could say Osomatsu doesn't really have friends. He often was spending his time alone outside with things he like to do.

Until Osomatsu bumped into you by horse race. Both of you lost how it turned out and you told him about your bad luck. That you never won anything before. So Osomatsu bought with you a ticket together and you two won three times.

After splitting you two talked a bit more with each other. You were eating by Chibita together and heard Osomatsu whining around that he wants a girlfriend. You brought him home after he was too drunk to even walk.

From this day on you two always meet up when you have free time. Osomatsu sometimes showed at your place up and played video games from you. Since you didn't minded him at all Osomatsu was hanging out with you petty often.

Let's say after three months you told him that you prefer the same gender and that you see more in Osomatsu as a friend. He didn't had any clue what to say so he just stared at you shocked. You suddenly chuckled a bit sad and said with a small smile and closed eyes: "That's exactly what I expected."

You turned away from Osomatsu and said: "Don't worry, buddy. I'll not bother you anymore." With that you left Osomatsu without saying more. You didn't even looked at him.

Osomatsu lays on the floor while staring up at the ceiling. Still, he can't believe his best friend loves the same gender. And he's the love interest. Completely new for this virgin boy.

'(Y/n) loves me? He was just joking, right? ... But he's not answering my test messages. I think he blocked my number. ... Come to think of it (y/n) never said a word that he want's a girlfriend. Neither did he talked with me about women bodies. ... Was I just blind to not notice anything?'

"Osomatsu-niisan!" "Uwa!" Osomatsu quickly sits up while pressing one hand at his ear. "The hell?! Why did you screamed in my ear, Todomatsu?!" Osomatsu yells angry.

"Because you didn't reacted when I spoke to you." Todomatsu huffs and walk over to his smartphone. He needed to load energy on it. " ... Can I ask you something, Todomatsu?" Osomatsu ask calm and looks down at his legs.

Todomatsu hums and said: "I'm not interested." "Oi!" Todomatsu sighs and turns to his brother back. "Make it short. I need to leave in a few minutes." Osomatsu opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. He isn't sure if Todomatsu or any of his brothers could help him with this.

" ... If you just want to steal my time I-" "N-No wait! I-I just um ... need to think of how to put this in." Osomatsu cross his legs and arms while humming. Todomatsu is surprised to see his oldest brother so lost. So he sits down in front of him and waits.

Osomatsu takes a breath in and ask: "What would you do if one of your friends is confessing to you that he loves you?" "...Eh?" Todomatsu stares now at Osomatsu speechless. "Did ... (y/n) told you that he loves you?" Osomatsu nod slowly his head while looking unwell to the side.

Todomatsu hums and said: "I'm surprised you didn't know this." "Eh?! You know that (y/n) is gay?!" Osomatsu ask rather shocked. "Hm? Well, yeah. I mean, it was obvious when we talked about women. (Y/n) was always the one who avoided to talk about this theme."

Osomatsu found out that all of his brothers know that you are gay. He's really not the smartest boy.

~And then...~
After thinking of any situation that could happen Osomatsu decided to say at least something to you. So he made his way over to your apartment. He know that you don't need to work on Wednesdays.

Now, Osomatsu stands in front of your front door. He takes a breath in before pressing the doorbell. After a few seconds passed by you open the door. Looking really surprised at Osomatsu. "Oh, Osomatsu. I'm surprised to see you." You chuckle and lean against the door frame. Hands inside your sweatpants pockets.

Osomatsu looks at you up and down, before he said: "I don't see the same in you, (y/n). I'm sorry." Osomatsu bows down with his upper body making you even more surprised. You start to blush while ruffling your hair with one hand flustered.

"I-It's okay, Osomatsu. Y-You don't n-need to reject me a-again. I-I um ... I knew y-you um ... y-you didn't know th-that um ... th-that I'm gay. S-So um ..." Osomatsu looks surprised up to you. He never saw you so nervous, neither saw Osomatsu your blushing face.

'...Cute.' "B-But um ... i-if you d-don't ha-have a pr-problem w-with that ... st-still wanna be f-friends?" You look embarrassed away while hoping that it doesn't sound too weird. " ... Sure. I don't mind hanging still out with you (y/n). But if you touch me-"

Before Osomatsu can say more you quickly interrupt him. "I-I would never!" Osomatsu looks now at you with an poker face. "You know, that really hurt right now." "Eh?!"

Now you start to stutter words out while trying to fix this problem without making it awkward. While you wave your hands panicked around and trying to explain yourself Osomatsu stares at you. On his lips creeps up a small smile.

'(Y/n)'s pretty weird.' Osomatsu hit you with his fist not too hard against your chest. Making you flinch and shut up quickly. "Let's go to pachinko. I have a good feeling today that I'll win~." You stare at Osomatsu, but blush again.

With a weak smile you shut your front door and lock it. "Let me guess, I have to give you my money, huh?" You ask chuckling and put your hands back into your pockets. "You would be the best friend on the whole world (y/n)~!" Osomatsu coos happy.

You roll your eyes and say with a smile and closed eyes: "I can't believe I fall for such a child." "Eh?!" Osomatsu looks now at you shocked. "Say this again!" Osomatsu yells now angry. You smirk evilly and look at Osomatsu. "You're a child, buddy~."

Osomatsu's cheeks turning a light red before he grabs your wallet out of your pocket. Making you gasp in shock and a bit blushing. "Thanks for the money~!" "Ah! Oi! Don't take my whole money Osomatsu! I need the rest for todays dinner!" Osomatsu runs away while you quickly chase after him.

One thing is for sure for Osomatsu's little brothers. He changed much after he met you and still will.

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