B-Day?! (Osomatsu x Carefree!Reader)

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Osomatsu sits around at home. He reads a manga he lend from you while the others doing their own stuff as well. That's when Todomatsu remembers something. "Osomatsu-niisan, did you go out with (y/n)-chan yesterday?" Osomatsu hums and thinks about yesterday. "No, she said she's busy. Why?" "Yesterday was her birthday."

Osomatsu stares at Todomatsu with an deadpan expression. Now he got the attention from the others. "Did ... you even congratulate her?" Choromatsu ask with a quirked brow. Again, Osomatsu keeps quiet and stares now at Choromatsu. "So you forgot!" Jyushimatsu said out loud.

Osomatsu close his eyes, shut the manga and stands up from his place. He takes a big breath in and ... "YOU ALL KNEW IT?!? AND YOU DIDN'T TOLD YOUR ONII-CHAN ABOUT IT?!?" "You see, buraza, we thought you know the birthday from your girlfriend." Karamatsu explains calm. "It wouldn't be a wonder if (y/n)-chan wants to broke up with you now." Ichimatsu said bored. "Eh?!"

"Okay, calm down. ... In the worst scenario she breaks up with you under tears about the phone." Todomatsu said with an innocent smile. "U-Under tears?!" "Don't worry, Osomatsu-niisan. If (y/n)-chan breaks up with you one of us will help her to stop crying." Choromatsu smiles innocently as well. "You know, you really make your Onii-chan cry if you keep saying this!"

The others are surprised to see already small tears in Osomatsu's eyes. They didn't thought this teasing can go too far. But suddenly the voice Osomatsu fears right now calls out: "Oso!? Guys!? Are you home!?" Osomatsu's face went pale and he hides behind the couch. Causing the others to flinch from his sudden movement. "Someone! Look outside of the window and tell me if (y/n)-chan looks angry!" Osomatsu said panicked behind the couch. "Do it yourself!"

"Ah, Jyushimatsu is gone." "Eh?" Now the four noticing that Jyushimatsu is missing. That's when they hear this: "Hello (y/n)-chan!" The five exchanging a glance before rushing over to the window. Karamatsu slides it quiet open so the brothers can hear the conversation.

"Oh, hey Jyushimatsu. Is Oso home?" You ask with a smile. Jyushimatsu stares at you with his open mouth smile. He isn't sure if he should say or no. " ... Looks like not. But if you see him can you tell him I have today a day off from work~. I totally forgot to tell him, ehehe~." You laugh dreamy while scratching your back head. "Hai!" Jyushimatsu hugs you and you hug him back. Waving goodbye you leave with your usual carefree smile.

~And then...~
The others told Osomatsu he should apologize if he don't want to lose you. So Osomatsu called you over the home telephone and now you two stand in front of the aquarium. You stare at Osomatsu with sparkling eyes while he feels more nervous about this. "W-What?"

"It's just ... I never saw you wearing such cute clothes Oso~. How comes~?" You ask dreamy. Osomatsu payed the tickets for you and walks with you inside. "Y-You know ... f-for forgetting something, ahahaha..." Osomatsu looks with his eyes nervous away from you while a blush grows on his face. You hum before grabbing Osomatsu's hand. Causing him to tense up.

"I don't know what you mean, but let's go~! I wanna find a fish who looks like you~!" You say carefree and just pull Osomatsu with you. He smiles a bit nervous before chuckling. "Where do you think you can find one, (y/n)-chan?" "I don't know~. But finding a cute fish should be easy~." You aren't helping Osomatsu's blushing face.

~Time skip~
You sit with Osomatsu on a bench while watching fishes in the biggest tank this aquarium has. It gives light for the whole room where people can walk around. While you sit there together you two hold hands while you lean against Osomatsu's arm. "So?" You ask suddenly so calm.

"W-What?" You pull away before looking up to Osomatsu. "Why'd you go with me to the aquarium, silly." You laugh softly. Osomatsu's cheeks turning slightly red seeing you so happy. Honestly, he don't want to lose you just because he forgot your birthday. But he needs to say it or else you would mentioned one day out of nowhere, just to break up with him.

"I..." Osomatsu squeeze your hand a bit tighter, what makes you stop to laugh. Osomatsu gulps, shut his eyes tightly and said: "I'm sorry that I forgot y-your birthday, yesterday. I'm really sorry, (y/n)-chan." Osomatsu didn't wanted to scream, because people don't need to know about it.

" ... Oh~! So that's why my parents gave me a cake yesterday~!" "Eh?" Osomatsu stares now at you really shocked. Did you seriously forgot your own birthday? "Maaan~! What a relieve~! And I thought they want to tell me my dog died or something like this~!" You laugh dreamy while scratchign your back head.

You really forgot.

"But..." Osomatsu hums when you suddenly stop and look at him with a soft smile. You close your eyes and say: "Thank you for going on a date with me, Oso. Even if I forgot my own birthday as well, I'm happy you wanted to apologize. But even if you would forget my birthday, I would never be mad at you. I would tell you the next day about it."

On Osomatsu's face is now a huge blush. "?!" Osomatsu hugs you tightly and gives you a gently kiss. Even if he smashed his lips down on yours. When Osomatsu pulls away he said really happy: "You're the best girlfriend ever (y/n)-chan~! How did a NEET like me even deserve you~?"

When Osomatsu looks at your face he is surprised to see it turned crimson. "Ehhh~? Why are you blushing now (y/n)-chan~?" Osomatsu ask with a teasing smirk and leans down again for another kiss. But you say something Osomatsu wasn't prepared for. "B-Because ... when you kissed me ... the light from the tank were shining in your eyes and made you look ... too handsome for me to even believe ... I got such an kind and handsome boyfriend."

Something in Osomatsu's head explode.

Osomatsu-san x reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now