🍋Am I allowed to love you: Part 2

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Requested by remachanoffical

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~At high school time~
You failed a test in math. Now you sit behind the little house from the rooftop where the door is. You press your back against the wall while hugging your knees close to your chest.

'I can't fail the next test in math or else ... I need to write another one! Kaa-san will get so mad that even Tou-san will hide! I don't want-' "(YYY/nnn)-chaaan~!" When hands going suddenly under your blazer you squeak and stand quickly up.

Osomatsu chuckles and has a good look under your skirt now. Sadly you wear shorts. "O-O-O-Osoma-matsu-kun?!" You ask with a huge blush panicked. Osomatsu hums and looks with a carefree smile up to you.

You quickly step away and sit down by the edge from the wall. "W-W-What i-i-is it?!" You squeak embarrassed out. "Well, I heard from Karamatsu that you failed your math test~. So here I am~." Osomatsu coos happy. He crawls over to you what turns your face into a red tomato. With your lewd thoughts and Osomatsu's naughty face he's making your head is playing a scene.

You quickly pull your legs up to your chest and hide your face on your knees. Osomatsu flops down next to you and leans his back against your arm. Since you huddled yourself like this together Osomatsu thinks you are about to cry. So he does the one thing only he knows about you.

Telling you bad puns.

"Wanna hear a skeleton joke?" You flinch and hold your breath in. "Nevermind, I don't have the guts to tell one." You let out a small 'pfft' before pressing your hands quickly onto your mouth. "What happens if a skeleton sees someone hot?" You shrug your shoulders.

Osomatsu smirks and leans in to your ear while saying: "He gets a boner~." You start to giggle, but still try to hold back. Osomatsu gets another idea. He takes your phone out of the pocket from your blazer and hold it up to you two.

You look with small tears in your eyes up to the phone. "But first, let me take a Skelfie~." That was it. You start to laugh while Osomatsu chuckles. For him it's easy to make you smile while other people having a really hard time. '(Y/n)-chan is really cute when she laughs about this~.'

~Back to your timeline~
One customer was yelling at you why you spilled the glass water on the table. It was too much for your fragile heart that you ended up crying in the break room. Your boss of course heard from your co-workers the story and immediately panicked.

He told you it was not your fault and that you can leave earlier. Yes, you and your co-workers have a strange boss. But you all like him for that really much. So now you sit behind the couch from the Matsuno household.

Matsuyo let you enter after she saw how sad you were. She talked with you a bit before she needed to leave. To not bother anyone you walked up the stairs to the room where the sextuplets sleeping. You pushed the couch a bit away from the wall and sit down like a sad potato.

Tears rolling down your face while you try to hold back the sobs and whimpers. 'He was right. I'm the worst waitress ever. I spilled a single glass of water. I didn't even carried anything beside this and still failed.' You whimper and sniff.

"(Y/n)-chan are you here?!" You flinch when you hear Osomatsu's voice in the room. Matsuyo met Osomatsu on her way and told him what happened. After he broke up with Totoko, Osomatsu is your boyfriend now for almost five months.

Osomatsu notice that the couch is standing more away from the wall like usual. So he hums and walks over to it. " ... Why do you sit behind the couch, (y/n)-chan?" Osomatsu ask laughing lightly and hops over the backrest. Sitting down next to you.

Osomatsu-san x reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now